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Edited by Exileant: 8/14/2020 8:52:48 PM
You? You are a nationally ranked debater?! Yeah, RIGHT! What the heck do you debate? No-no, do not tell me, you debate against the fact that Earth is round, and that Fall-Damage is a lie! You are Nationally ranked alright.... But you forgot 'Mast', a 'u', and you need to replace your 'e' with an 'o' in that title. Now THAT was a jab. Haha! Everything I am doing flies in the face of what you are saying. From my style of writing to tactics. Oh sure I step on a few toes and that bruises egos, but the general consensus is high praise for usable information and chuckles delivered. It is not that my first respose was poorly typed, you simply leveled up your coolness factor by catching on the styling a bit better. In your head, you started reading like I intended you to, as though I was sitting across from you... Just a hair higher.... With my hands around your neck, THROTTLING the li--Mm.... Mm-mm.... Um..... What was I saying? OH! And this is why I say, you and may others like you spread "--Fake News" The reality of the situation is most people cannot deal with 110's because they hit so dang hard. It is easier to lie about them and say they are not as effective to discourage usage. The less people use them, the less they are going to encounter them. My main weapon is a 110 rate Heavy Cannon. The only way you lose with a cannon that size is if you are stupid enough to stay in an Auto Rifles stream. Even at mid range you can easily 'Peek' anyone using one to death. People lose with the slower hand cannons because they think tactics are a one size fits all glove. NO. Different weapons call for different TACTICS. My evidence of most of what I have been I was saying this is a video where I fired my Explosive Round Pistol between 2 Guardians and netted a Double.... I eventually backed into a puddle of Blight I had no idea was fired behind me, but hey, anytime you make a movie, it is rare EVERYTHING goes perfectly. At no time is it EVER sane for anyone to NOT equip a perk that can damage more than one target.... SKYBURNER is TRASH to you!?!?!?! You have LOST your mind..... At what point is a MICRO-SNIPER that can fire Homing Explosive Rounds GARBAGE!? I have gotten kills by accident with Skyburner's Oath. NOBODY decent thinks Skyburner is Trash. There are just weapons that were so hard to earn, nobody is going to NOT use one of those over the free drop that is Oath. The fact that you have even ONE of your classes that you do not care about is a tell tale and trail tail you are a newbie.... ALL CLASSES have several things neither of the other two can do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to weapons. And that is why you do not know what is wrong with your Titan. I am not going to tell you either. You changed it a tad and the sucker is still wrong. Ha! I want people to see just how credible you are by means of your builds. The fact you are not fully built is a prime example of a general Raiders slack. You fully depend on your team to get you to through. If you need a Huntress, your Raid is dead. Considering Hunter's have the HIGHEST survival rate of ANY class, and is the most team orientated by means of dropping a BOSS it is the ONE class you should give a crap about as it is the one that WILL save lives after they are lost. (Not to be confused with the War Witch's ability to STOP life loss to begin with, which is always better, UGH!) In a pinch I was able to fill the slot that was needed to keep the raid alive in Destiny Origin, the same is true now. Oh no-no-no... But here was what split me from my Squidlispooch to my coo--Uh.... You get the picture; is what you consider "Alpha Male Dominion" I consider, LOGIC. If you stand in the way of ANY weapon, you will get shot, as a result of being shot, you will die. A + B = C. Cause and effect... And you say you are PUBLISHED!? What looks good on paper is not always what works best. Those same Number geeks you are running up behind will tell you this. All bull and pixel wordplay about more pixels that at the end of the day, serve no purpose but to entertain, numb us to the pain of loss, and pitiful state the world is in aside..... It is always good to care about what is happening in other countries. Adjust that. What happens in other countries affects you. As we found out with China and the world pandemic. As we found out with Trump, who refused to shut down our country and now are spreading it like wild fire.... Last I checked, this crap affects you. Everyone was globally complacent. Not caring about anyone but ourselves is what has us in this mess now. Always care and keep your eyes open, lest when you fall on horrible times via your horrible leaders, others spoon feed you your just and well earned deserts. WEAR A MASK EVERYWHERE YOU GO!!!!!!!! I wear a gas mask.

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  • First of all, like I have previously said, it's pointless to argue about real life credentials. It is what it is, and whether you buy it or not is your business and not mine. Also not sure what that supposed jab was, your humor is very obscure I guess. I'm not sure what you're talking about when you say you have "tactics", since you have never really defended your points when I attack them and sort of just move onto other things. Unless your tactic is to look like someone who simply says things without evidence, I'm not sure you are doing so well. Also not sure what your fetish with choking and other weird roleplay is, but it's not relevant to the conversation and doesn't really help make you look like a sane person. Yet again, 110s are objectively not good. The only thing that set them apart prior to Shadowkeep was their range, which was incredibly good. However, hand cannons are now capped at around 28m, taking the biggest advantage from 110s away. Peek shooting is a tactic that is not unique to high impact hand cannons, and the fact that they take 3 shots to kill (same as a 150) objectively puts them at a disadvantage because math says the time to kill is much slower. Explosive rounds are also not unique to 110s, and 150s can do AOE damage (especially Sunshot and some other legendaries that can roll with dragonfly). The reason nobody really uses 110 is not because there's a conspiracy to stop people from trying them, it's because they factually get out-competed by other hand cannons and auto weapons in their range. You can use them, but so can you use basically anything in quickplay. Skyburner's is also bad, because it's simply not competitive. In 6v6 of course you can spray down a lane and get random kills, because it's 6v6 and it's chaotic. Anybody can use any weapon in 12 player lobbies and it would probably work (like I said before). For a while I used Skyburner's in quickplay because it is easy and a joke. Did I do well with it? Yes. Is it not a good weapon? Also yes. About my titan: I'm not sure what you're saying about me having changed something and it's "still wrong". I haven't done jack to my titan since 3 days ago, and all the stuff on there is the exact same. I think this further proves my point that maybe you are not completely sober and is saying things. I can also tell you there is absolutely nothing objectively wrong with it. The exotic works with my guns, the heavy doesn't matter to me because it's quickplay so I use whatever, and I don't mind the stats. I also highly doubt that you can tell me what's objectively wrong with it, you'd probably just say some weird thing that 0 people care about. Also raider's slack? I'm not a raid fanatic and do them once in a while. I do fine on my own and don't need some odd build or use hunter in order to survive. Obviously you have the Savior complex with the "I saved my entire team" anecdote, but that just speaks more about your team being bad than hunter being the class with the "highest survivability". Speaking of high survivability and putting bosses down, titan would be the factually superior class. Top tree void titan has high chance of survival die to the punch overshield ability, barricades shutting down lanes, and the super giving the highest non-modded non-weapon damage buff in the game. It also lets you be essentially invincible should you decide to hide in it, which obviously is a sign of superior survivability compared to classes who cannot do such things. I've never run a raid where a hunter was essential (nor any other single class for that matter), and I'm sure that's not going to change any time soon. Your next point is about the alpha male e-peen flexing comment, and I'm not going to address it. You phrased it the way you did for a reason and we both know it. Yet again, I also have no interest in addressing any real life achievement. It is what it is. Your point about number geeks: numbers dictate what happen in the game, so numbers have direct correlation to in game performance. That's why there is an emphasis on damage values in PvE and ttk values in PvP. However, you seem not to care about these so I don't think there's a point going further into the reasons why these matter. About the "don't care about what happens in the US" comment - allow me to rephrase. I don't give a damn about PARTISAN US politics, and have no interest in talking about it here. It's not only against forum rules, it's also irritating. However, I DO care about world issues. Last year I raised 17k dollars for a children's hospice, and this coming September I'm working in conjunction with the local Rotary International chapter to undertake a COVID homeless relief fundraising project to supply health and safety products to the people living on the streets (especially in the coming winter season). However, these are real life achievements and they don't matter on an online forum. Only brought it up because you imply I don't care about anything.

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  • Edited by Exileant: 9/1/2020 8:11:50 PM
    You say it is pointless to argue about real world cred. Yet you were the one who brought it up... I did not ask you what you did for a living nor did I care, you volunteered that information after I told you you did not wright your own words after you admitted to seeking help because you were in need of help understanding rather simple phrases. I still would not care but for a nagging fear that in the slim chance you are telling the truth, you may be making money off of bologna and bull, since you are actually peddling any kinetic or otherwise primary weapon that cannot deal damage to multiple targets per round is somehow BETTER than ones that can, by means of a conditional reload booster.... I have not once told you what I did beyond this game, nor do I intend to. I do not need to bring what I do outside of the game into this; what I am saying about the game is more than enough to prove my point. All anyone has to do is inspect me. For those who know what to look for, it is crystal clear who to believe. I implied you do not care about anything because you did not express yourself as well as you should have, which is why you had to come back and "Rephrase". All that said. I am happy you raised some money for the children. I am choosing to believe you are not so low as to lie about that on a forum. Keep on fundraising. I applaud your efforts. Now I am going to address your blatant lies. 1) No it is not easier in 12 Guardian matches. For one, the chaos goes both ways. Many people get between 1 and 5 kills because they wind up getting shot by more than one person at the same time. 2) Against a group is the swiftest way to get yourself killed using Sky's homing affect in Crucible because unless they are right on top of each other, you will start confusing the rounds, much like you can with Black Talon. A round will start going for one, then the other, and wind up going right between them; or start hitting one, then before killing them start going for the other. 3) ANYBODY worth 3 pennies and a sock knows Skyburner's Oath's true power comes from its secondary fire mode. This makes it 2 guns in one, and both guns are for different purposes. 4) Logic dictates, "If you are able to do well with a weapon, it is not crap..... I could add a joke there... But it would be wasted on you. If you completely missed the spelling Jab, I know for a fact you have NO idea where I was headed with that second one, Mr. Published.... I can assure you it was not an "E-Peen Flex" You missed that one and whose it was about. Joke wise it was the opposite, however as a whole, it was a "Brainpower Flex". As far as numbers go, of coarse they are important, however you are focused on the wrong ones and completely overlooking the ones that actually matter. There is a reason Techs and Engineers while devising some of the most lethal weapons in the world, would die pitifully in an actual battle. Numbers on paper leave almost untold amounts of data out. Destiny 2's as well as other game glitches should prove that to you. I am sure on paper, the BETA should have worked perfectly the very first try. And it is for that reason you are wrong about 110's. But hey if you believe it, I am not going to spill to correct you. I will gladly keep the "Why" all to myself. As far as damage values on the scoreboard go, nobody cares about the damage at all in the Crucible, it is all about the Kill. The same goes for a stage. To quote Lord Shaxx: "Your enemy can't kill if the're dead! HAha!" If you have enough damage to drop a large target by yourself in an emergency, you have enough damage potential to do your part on a boss. See? I address your points, you just gotta be quick, I say, YA GOTTA BE FAST on the uptake!!!

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