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8/14/2020 2:47:29 PM
I understand what you mean and where you are coming from, however this is a way for them to force you to play the content they created. I do hate playing certain game modes, like Gambit for example, or having to do another subclass. However I also understand the creator’s side of things. They implemented certain aspects of the game for a reason. They want people to try new things that they made/have reworked/ or whatever they did to it. I get that the gear is a pain to grind, but that is what D2 has become, a grinding game. Unlike D2, D1 was quite enjoyable to play. For example the quests did not force you to play a specific subclass. D1 was more of an open field, do it yourself. D2 is more restricting. So, all in all, I understand both sides, just irritates me how most comments are bashing at the creators and yet their the ones who either paid for the game or just too lazy to grind in a grindy game.

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