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8/14/2020 7:18:39 AM
Quitting Destiny is completely up to you, but keep in mind that not everything wrong with it is just gonna go back on some dev who might see this. These devs put in a lot of hard work and passion into creating this game but the constraints put on them only allows for so much. Naturally we would thing to give them more time to create more/better content, except then the community will be posting about getting their refunds and never returning due to another content drought. We as a community helped to push the release schedule to be so tight and once some boss at Bungie implements such a schedule devs just have to deal with it. This is coming from someone with a history of complaining about Destiny 2 and the direction it goes at times. I have looked into this stuff a lot more during COVID and have come to realize I’ve often been too harsh about these devs. I’ve taken several Destiny breaks so look man, the door won’t hit you on the way out cuz it’s propped open so you can come back one day, even if for just a day. I recommend keeping up with big updates at least to read what’s happening.

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