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8/13/2020 9:10:41 PM

D2 8,600 hours 6/27/2024 2:46:22 PM

You manifestedly haven't understood the core mechanics of Destiny, hence the attempt to explain to the contrary of your misunderstanding. You wish it to be a game it was not and are now finally happy it is cheapened partygame of handouts and who cares. Thats YOUR boredom not of veterans. Nor are all looters at all the same in terms of their handling of loot variation, power and progression. A simple false generalisation of looters. No, the game is designed for its lifecycle not at all for forever. The loot in endgame must work with the work/rewards over time. If nothing else population, platform progression, and competition progression encourage short lifecycles in all but extreme outliers. Reducing this loot lifecycle to mere seasons is simply incompatible with high levels of grind required for min-maxxing high-variation, random loot of Destiny. The investment to reward over time ratio no longer remotely squares. It never was a game of no-work, no rewards over time, fun of the chase. Never. Until you get that perspective, the perspective of min-maxxers, the perception of loot collectors, the perception of veteran hardcore players with high levels of investment you'll continue to be ignorant and dismissive of the problem and continue to believe this was a 'necessary' move and even that this particular broken ecosystem is the same as every other in its game type where it manifestedly does not remotely have the same rules, loot progression and setups.

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