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8/13/2020 9:10:41 PM

D2 8,600 hours 6/27/2024 2:46:22 PM

You manifestedly haven't understood the core mechanics of Destiny, hence the attempt to explain to the contrary of your misunderstanding. You wish it to be a game it was not and are now finally happy it is cheapened partygame of handouts and who cares. Thats YOUR boredom not of veterans. Nor are all looters at all the same in terms of their handling of loot variation, power and progression. A simple false generalisation of looters. No, the game is designed for its lifecycle not at all for forever. The loot in endgame must work with the work/rewards over time. If nothing else population, platform progression, and competition progression encourage short lifecycles in all but extreme outliers. Reducing this loot lifecycle to mere seasons is simply incompatible with high levels of grind required for min-maxxing high-variation, random loot of Destiny. The investment to reward over time ratio no longer remotely squares. It never was a game of no-work, no rewards over time, fun of the chase. Never. Until you get that perspective, the perspective of min-maxxers, the perception of loot collectors, the perception of veteran hardcore players with high levels of investment you'll continue to be ignorant and dismissive of the problem and continue to believe this was a 'necessary' move and even that this particular broken ecosystem is the same as every other in its game type where it manifestedly does not remotely have the same rules, loot progression and setups.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 8/13/2020 10:19:49 PM
    I understand how the game works. I have 6000 hours invested in it, and I’ve been playing it since the D1 beta. But I’ve also been playing loot games for 25 years and understand how THOSE games work. So what [i]you[/i] need to understand is that Destiny is a [i]broken[/i] game right now from a loot standpoint, and that Bungie made a promise to this community that it was [i]never[/i] going to be able to keep. The idea that you could keep your loot and endlessly level it up and keep it eternally relevant is, and always was a FOOL’S ERRAND. When they added infusion to the game five years ago, I said that they were eventually going to be forced to take gear away from us. And now...after trying every other possible alternative... Bungie has finally been forced to swallow their pride and admit failure. That they were wrong and the rest of the industry was right all along. They painted themselves into a game design corner that they can’t get out of and all other possibilities other than Sunsetting leads to this game destroying itself. Now that Bungie can stop wasting time and resources trying to Reinvent The Wheel, they can use that energy to improve the game, and build on a [i]healthy[/i] and [i]sustainable[/i] foundation. Which is why, when they announced that they were finally going forward with Sunsetting, every loot game veteran on this forum had the same reaction: [i]FINALLY!!!![/i]

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    D2 8,600 hours - 6/27/2024 2:46:22 PM

    You really don't as was the reason for the explanation. Ridiculous to the poibt of delusional. By far the majority of veterans on this forum were deeply opposed, remained opposed and/or left. The polled majority, here and on the biggest poll we have were opposed. Very few indeed remarked any jubilation and then largely for highly obvious confusions that Sunsetting will be some miracle panacea for their own Spare Rations/Mountaintop/... personal PvP problems and Sandbox issues. It provides nothing of the kind or provides merely the same offshoot benefit as not liking the picture on your wall so burning the whole house to ashes does provide. If you're switching to an appeal to authority - Ive played far more over the time Ive played, amongst the highest in the entire community, thousands of active hours PER YEAR. And Ive been DESIGNING games far FAR LONGER than that. But your shallow appeal in no way makes up for understanding. Repeating, endlessly, the same misunderstanding that Bungie made a promise it cannot keep is dull-witted and false. The calculated shift, the aforementioned player betrayal, from work for rewards over time suitable for endgame min-maxxing to handouts for instant gratification is a strategic decision, not even remotely a necessity. It serves some purposes in certain fashions whilst damaging and destroying other established game purposes where other solutions to powercreep, variations for promotional-discussion and rewards to chase were just as viable and yet also would manage to be in keeping with the precendance of how the game was fundamentally established to its contributing players. They chose that with its calculated losses. Now we have a broken game system, an exponentially reduced loot pool, a catastrophically betrayed community with remaining appeal for newlights and quickfix partygamers doing the same tired content in a smaller fishbowl. At least these will be in plenty supply, bless 'em.

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  • When you have to resort to insults in a debate you’re [i]losing.[/i]

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    D2 8,600 hours - 6/27/2024 2:46:22 PM

    No win. I stayed away from insults over substantiated, logically points (as is my mo). So when I say your 'Which is why, when they announced that they were finally going forward with Sunsetting, every loot game veteran on this forum had the same reaction: FINALLY!!!!' is delusional - it really is. Not only did 'every' loot veteran NOT have the same reaction but it was a tiny minority. Posts in opposition from veterans including myself were legion, were so numerous relatively 'neutral' observers such as Houndish spoke of having never seen the scale of such opposition. And videos from top commentator veterans, in opposition, are plentiful. So factually wrong and self delusional: the reaction from loot veterans was nothing close to either unanimity nor overwhelming support rather tending towards the opposite.

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  • LOL. Self-awareness is really not your thing, I take it. When you explicitly state that someone you consider someone to foolish, stupid or a dupe because they don't agree with your view of things? You're insulting them. When you insist that you understand something better than someone else, when you have a FRACTION of their experience with it? Well I'll let you figure out for yourself how that looks and sounds. I've been playing these kinds of games for longer than most people on this forum have been alive. I know how these games work so well that I **PREDICTED** Bungie would fail...and precisely HOW they would fail five years ago. So please. Go on. Keep telling me how I don't know what I'm talking about, despite the fact that I knew five years ago that where this game is right now was an INEVITABILITY. Should be interesting.

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  • Edited by Yamabushi999i: 8/14/2020 2:13:26 PM

    D2 8,600 hours - 6/27/2024 2:46:22 PM

    Hypocrisy. Cries about 'insults' - of which alleged 'insults' are facts of the matter, see your delusional 'every loot veteran' comment - followed by your insults. Mere hypocrite. Strawman attempt - you were not called stupid, foolish nor a dupe. What instead was stated was Repeating, endlessly, the same misunderstanding that Bungie made a promise it cannot keep is dull-witted and false." This too is factual. This cosy, convenient fantasy that there were no other options on the table is ridiculous, ludicrous, it's blinkered, lacking any credibility. There are (of course, entirely self-evidently) other options to provide other solutions to core issues behind Sunsetting. These are: powercreep, incentives, and gear variation sufficient for promotional discussion. That you endlessly repeat the same response, the same blatant (to everyone else, apparently) falsehood is what makes it dull-witted. With potential credibility anyone absolutely can (and they do) make various cases on the pros and cons of various strategic options, believing one to be to degrees 'better' in their estimation (suiting certain players....over others) to claim there is only one is a truly myopic bizarre position without any possible substantiation. I've already dismissed your non-starter appeal to (self) authority that you are clearly so keen on as an weak argument aside from being less as I mentioned. Overall you don't listen, before too long you'll be repeating the same old weak trash not even Bungie would try to pass off, let alone actually believe, that: Bungie made a promise they couldn't keep, they absolutely had no other option, that all veterans were unanimous in jubilant support, etc., etc. That is not close to even beginning understanding nor close to reality.

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  • [quote]That you endlessly repeat the same response, the same blatant (to everyone else, apparently) falsehood is what makes it dull-witted[/quote] Because the facts don't change, which is why I don't have resort to name-calling and insults to get my point across. ...and why I was able to predict five years ago that Bungie's effort to let us keep weapons relevant forever would fail..... well as precisely HOW it would fail. A point that Luke Smith corroborated almost word-for-word in one of his recent Director's Cuts. But hey, keep calling me names. Just shows you're losing the debate on the merits.

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  • Maaan... This guy utterly destroyed you, Kelly. What a wonderful read it was. 💗 You lost this one especially hard too. This was really bad, even for you. Hey Kelly. Maybe it's time that you at least consider that you're not as smart as you think you are? You're not some lily among the thorns, not some brilliant genius surrounded by idiots. Most people here are just laughing at you because you are.. laughable. You're making a fool of yourself, and it's getting kinda sad. Thanks for the laughs though. 🌹

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  • Edited by Yamabushi999i: 8/14/2020 2:24:53 PM

    D2 8,600 hours - 6/27/2024 2:46:22 PM

    Then you need to actually read, likely reread, your replies and distinguish between flat name calling 'your just a loser' and argument, at core: there are evidently far more than just one solution to all the real issues behind Sunsetting. Then that's just the starting point: which is better and for whom, is more debatable.

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  • Edited by Yamabushi999i: 8/14/2020 2:04:44 PM

    D2 8,600 hours - 6/27/2024 2:46:22 PM


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