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8/13/2020 3:19:38 PM
Funny, I voiced the same thing on the steam forum, and I've been mostly insulted by fanboys who apparently considers that complaining about the game being unoriginal and repetitive is "whining" about the game being too hard. I truly hope people here are a bit smarter. But yeah, that's exactly the point I made. Forced pvp, repetitive objective you have to do over and over again, it's always the same, in every season, every expansion, every event. Bungie dev team is probably the most unoriginal team I've seen. They have a grinding model, and a pvp mode so empty and boring they have to force people to play it. There are tons of stuff they could do with the universe they have, I have a good number of ideas myself, but they never try. They just do the same, all the time, same model, grind grind grind, forced pvp, up your power level just to unlock new activities, and start again on the new season, the new expansion, the new event.

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