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8/12/2020 8:35:08 PM
You can actually get a refund? I am so pleased I never pre-ordered Beyond Light. You only have to compare year 2 content to year 3 content to realise the sheer drop in quality AND quantity (and that was before the pandemic affected their business). So, that would make this year's projections very daunting indeed. When you try to look beyond the hyped videos about next season, you don't get very much detail at all. I for one would like to know, up front, what content I would be paying for and in what season. Otherwise we are all giving Bungie a blank cheque, allowing them to arbitrarily introduce as little content as they see fit. I am not falling into the same trap as year 3 ever again!

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  • Ya psn will refund any pre-order if it’s prior to release

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  • Edited by Exileant: 8/13/2020 2:00:38 AM
    See now no.... If there were no Light Level Caps on any of the weapons and armor, you know good and well this game would still be the hottest thing ever. The updates to the story were pure gold, the fact that they actually USED Freeplay mode for something other that Patrols, amazing. What they did for the Almighty?! TEAR PUMPING!!!! I would be head first into this games new Chapter, if they would not mess with my stuff. I dealt with that once with the introduction of Destiny 2. Never again. Especially because Destiny 2 is the same dang game. It could have been a simple update to Destiny Origin. Did you know the intro stage to Destiny 2 is the same as the one in Destiny Origin?

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  • They didn’t do anything brilliant. They ripped off of fortnight, blatantly.

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  • Edited by Exileant: 8/13/2020 10:09:22 PM
    Fortnights graphics are too silly for me..... I could never get into it. If they did rip something from there, Destiny did whatever they did much better.

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  • Yeah, Fortnite is a terrible game I can’t get into either, just like Destiny.

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  • Edited by Quadrotech: 8/13/2020 2:39:43 PM
    I really don't think 'releasing the cap' on weapons and gear will reinstate this game's former glory. I mean, it already expects players to repeat activities ad nauseam, I would hate for that to be encouraged further. As for the story, I am a little divided with this. Year 1 told a great story; it was easy to follow, there was a clear objective and an obvious climax of hollywood proportions. Year 2 was a little less engaging, but I followed it. Year 3, in my view, was/is trash. I couldn't even tell you what year 3 is about, that is how confusing I have found the narrative. In fact, it got to the point where I was constantly skipping the dialogue with all the NPCs because their useless drivel was causing me fatigue. It probably doesn't help that most characters have the personality of a damp rag, and the 'star' of the show, i.e Cayde, got the chop. Now, Freeplay.....I feel I could write an essay on this but I wouldn't want to bore you to death as my response to your message has already greatly exceeded the recommended word count, so I will keep this terse and ask the following: "Does making something FREE make it a better game?" Many will undoubtedly agree with this statement, but I am little less convinced. In my experience, FREE quite often leads to lower quality. I think we should all be very cautious indeed of encouraging this kind of business model, which involves driving sales through microtransactions rather than devoting that time, money and resources to developing the much needed new content. I think we will all pay the price for it in the end. Hence the reason we are all in this forum.

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  • Edited by Exileant: 8/13/2020 10:10:56 PM
    Never stifle yourself. If you have something to say, say it. Worrying about word count is foolish. I like to read and I am adept at comprehension so feel free to go into detail when I am involved. All of my friends, not some, ALL who are complaining, are doing so about having put in the work to find their dream armor look and functionality only to now have it reduced gradually to nothing. I enjoy mountains of minions coming after me because I like destroying them. When you make a powerful character that can lay waste to hundreds of enemies at once, you want instances where you can do just that, so I think you are projecting slightly about what you are personally tired of. The repeating of events for me is a Blast because it gives me the freedom to show off all I have gained in a challenging setting that is not focused on making someone else session a drag. As far as Cayde goes, he was not the star. Comic Relief at best. Ghost is the real star. If you are looking at the 3 of their fireteam, the star is between Ikora and Zavala. Cayde was always too goofy for my taste. He was funny, but in all honesty, he either seemed like a lazy coward, or a mild annoyance. His death battle was the only thing to shine a light on his true capabilities. Even so with the infinite forest still functioning, and the fact that he is an Exo means that was not the last you will see of him. The changes they made up until this point were great. The different classes of armor allowed for a HUUUUGE array of battle tactics. Sunsetting shuts all of that down, and reduces the game to another grind-fest game. If I want to grind for the next contents level's Light Level gear, I will go back to playing D.C. Universe. The story, especially the mods that came with these new parts, most notably Rasputin (All be it short lived) was amazing. I understood where the story was leading even without reading the lore. I honestly think if they stopped all of this Sunsetting business, the game would bounce right back. The announcement alone would explode sales of the next chapter. Sadly as it stands Planetside is getting all my money.

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  • I have heard a lot of people say what you and your friends say but I don't think this will be the reason a lot of people will jump ship; Sunsetting is a superficial problem, not a fundamental one. Whilst many will be quick to air their grievances on the matter, the release of a shiny new season will always get the better of their curiosity. The game changers, always have, and always will be, content and innovation. A lack of a combination thereof will result in its decline. Destiny has somewhat lacked in both of these departments quite considerably over the last year, and even if players (like yourself) find the latest instalment "amazing" as you put it, it still falls short of many's expectations. A quick comparison between year 2 and year 3 illustrates this well. I take your point regarding Cayde, I suppose he can be a bit like Marmite. I can recall some annoying instances as well, but I grew to like him. It doesn't hurt to have light hearted characters who can provide a little colour to a game that appears, at times, magnolia.

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  • Curiosity only goes so far. They had threatened to remove the old armor before to make way for this Next G Focus altering armor. They almost lost all of the people on my side. Some of them still did not return because the threat was issued, "--and If they tried it once, they will try it again..." Having to re-grind an already Super Grindy game to depend on Random Drops for superior statistics on armor you need to survive, when there will be exotics and Raids that few will be able to get into, (thanks to how hard it is to find good, SANE, and kind people) is too much. It is like going to College for Core Classes. You do not need to waste a year to get into what you need to learn, because the job you are after is going to re-teach you just about everything you need to know to thrive which will be hard enough. Learning a new Raid is plenty. You stretch content by making better weapons 10 times harder to obtain. This comes across as a cover for shying away from new goodies. Teachers used to give Busy Work to students when they were at a loss for teaching new things. And that my friend is MAJOR. I will concede that and missing Cayde.... He did bring a lot of laughs. I also miss the Speaker, terribly I remember wanting his armor set. Like I said, I have hope that we will get them back though eventually. I also am hopeful we can befriend the Vex at some point. A looooong while ago, someone was telling me Atheon was on the verge of Defecting due to him not agreeing with how the time-lines were being used, but we killed him before he could. I am not sure how true that was according to the actual lore, however I think that would be really cool. I know Asher would be thrilled, or at the very least not have to worry as much about that hand of his doing something it has no business... Side point, I also wonder if he wanted his arm to be taken as Drifter said.... People missions all the time, that does not stop them from speaking to one another. Nothing in the Sniper Rifle's Bio that comes from Kargen screams: "I will never speak to you again." Even with MY unending curiosity, if they take away or phase out what I worked for, I WILL NOT CAAAAAAAAAARE.

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  • Ever since the original release that failed to deliver on all of Bungie’s lies, the game has gotten worse and worse.

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  • Which lies were they?

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  • Seriously? Go back and look at any of the prelaunch videos. The entire game advertised was a lie.

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  • Could you name just one lie?

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  • Seriously, dude, go educate yourself on facts. Here are two right from the beginning: “See that mountain? You can go there!” “Build your own unique legend.” They lied about a lot more than just that at prelaunch and they continued lying long after that. Remember xp throttling? Anyway I’m not I’m not writing you an essay just because you are too lazy to google some prelaunch videos and figure things out for yourself.

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  • You sound like you are a very angry person, why not lighten up a bit? It might help your case a lot more if you actually provide some evidence for making such a bold claim. I might even agree with you. Unfortunately, typing "lies in Destiny" does not yield any useful results. Care to try again?

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  • Gtf outta here with your condescension. You are damn right I am angry. Angry with Bungie for being a bunch of lying and backstabbing greedy shmucks that care more about making a psychologically addicting game than a fun one. I already told you what to search for I’ll say it again so you might catch it this time: PRE-LAUNCH VIDEOS. The ones before Destiny actually came out where they hype the game and everything coming out of their mouth is a bunch of bs. I even gave you specific examples. You can keep claiming ignorance all you want, but it just makes you seem like you are lacking brain capacity for critical thinking when I have already been more than specific enough for this conversation. The truth is out there, even at your fingertips. There is an old saying; “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” The fact of the matter is this game was nothing like how they advertised it and as the years went on it only got progressively worse and worse. I spent a lot of time and money trying to find the game they had promised and it has never yet come to fruition at some point you learn to stop throwing good money after bad product and here I am speaking my mind on the official forums in hopes some day Bungie pulls their head out of their ass and makes this game into something worth playing. If you don’t like it, don’t read my posts, but don’t come on here and pretend that just because you choose willful ignorance you are in a better spot and can come at me with the holier than thou judgment.

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  • Edited by Quadrotech: 8/14/2020 5:11:08 PM

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  • Edited by Quadrotech: 8/18/2020 1:50:34 PM

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  • This guy gets it.

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  • Edited by Quadrotech: 8/13/2020 12:19:10 PM
    Apologies, I replied to the wrong person.

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  • As long as you don't agree to the latest SLA when you're prompted in-game to accept it, you can quote this to your retailer for a full refund, regardless of when you bought D2. [quote]If any future changes to this Agreement are unacceptable to you or cause you to no longer be in compliance with this Agreement, you may terminate this Agreement and receive a refund in accordance with this Agreement.[/quote] [spoiler]I've tried it myself, got a complete refund for D2 and all of the expansions up to Forsaken (they were the only ones I bought). Silver is not refundable.[/spoiler]

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