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7/8/2020 2:40:07 PM
"Muted" guy youre a probably liberal college kid or 12, both the same, that had a problem with me not believing a guy that after 4 yrs of wasting money hes not going to waste some more. Now youre talkin to me about assuming and how thats bad some how. Whilst talkin about spelling and thats the 2nd time, i think, youve left it off with an eyes up guardian? Lmfao, youre a crazy person. There is something wrong with you, like in real life. And this is how you try to gain some semblance of an honor code. I and everyone else in your life insult you because youre trying to act smart in a video game forum, on a post about nothing. Meanwhile im just venting like every other normal person on here. Youre like the seinfeld of the far left, the fraze grow up has been said to you so much that youve chameleoned yourself into what you think is intelligence. Get help before you hurt yourself or someone else. Seriously.

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