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5/29/2020 11:24:47 AM
Catalysts were a band-aid. Destiny 2 launched with a weapon system that had been designed with the purpose of LIMITING player power and making balancing the sandbox easier for PVP balance. The problem is that PVE is the core of the game, and that game is a power-fantasy game. So as one poster here put it back then, "My Guardian in Destiny 1 was a Jedi. But for Destiny 2 they've turned him into a Stormtrooper.' IOW, game got turned form a space magic game into a bad imitation of Halo. So Bungie was left scrambling to save the game. Because not only did the changes BREAK the feel of the also BROKE the end game. Fixed weapon rolls and dual primary weapons imposed a DPS ceiling on players that made end-game content TEDIOUS rather than fun....and fixed rolls destroyed any loot chase. Once you got your "First Better Devils" there was no point to any other one you got after that. So people left the game in droves....because there was nothing to do and nothing to chase. Which pushed Bungie to have to find a way to get us power while they bought time to overhaul the well as try to find some way to motivate people to play the raids. So they created exotic catalysts....and then put them as low-drop rate loot items in raids and other difficult content. I don't think Bungie ever intended to continue them past their immediate need to save the game. But the problem was that WE LIKED THEM. So Bungie has been dragged kicking-and-screaming since them to create more of them for us. They do it, but I don't think they like it. I get their point of view on it. It just makes extra work. If your going to have a catalyst (in a game with a functional weapon system and loot system) , why not just make that feature a permanent part of the weapon? Fourth Horseman (version Destiny 2) is really kind of a shitty weapon without its exotic catalyst. The reload time is annoyingly slow. So all the catalyst winds up doing is finally turning it into a weapon that feels good to use.

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  • Kelly what happened to you?!! Did the Destiny/Bungie veil finally fell from your eyes. But to show you, there is more to us then hate, I will say: you wrote a very good reply.

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  • I haven’t changed. You just started actually listening.

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  • This is the only time I have ever agreed with you. Think I just felt hell get colder.

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  • Edited by MONKEYGOTRABIES: 5/30/2020 9:27:43 AM
    As usual, we have the predictable KeelyPreen formula at work: 1) Start with a kernel of truth. 2) Spout BS spin full of logical fallacies that don't stand up to a few seconds of objective thought. 3) Blame the community. It is true as to why catalysts were created and that they were appreciated - but that's where anything logical ends. It's true that people appreciated catalysts, compared to how exotics were before their introduction, but the conclusion that players therefore love catalysts and want them to remain as opposed to something better is so far removed from a logical conclusion. People have grown up eating North Korean, sawdust-stuffed meatballs, until one day, they get hotdogs. The people are happier with the hotdogs. Conclusion: the most ideal food is hotdogs and we must provide them with hotdogs forevermore, because obviously, even if we could afford to offer fresh pork and chicken, the people seem to really love hotdogs and would be really upset without them. Does that make a DAMN bit of sense? No, as a matter of fact it's illogical AF to conclude anything other than, "people would rather eat hotdogs than meat that's filled with wood pulp." To assume they wouldn't be equally, if not more delighted with something even better is totally asinine. That's the kind of brain-dead thought required to believe your, "Bungle is stuck doing something they don't like or believe in because the players liked it," BS, which also puts any blame for having hotdogs as opposed to steak squarely on the consumer, rather than on the vendor that just barely got their shit together to sell something that legally qualifies as edible. It requires the idiotic assumption that if Bungle released more powerful exotics with a final (even more powerful perk) that was unlockable through gameplay (without the laborious RNG-laden slog to acquire catalysts) that people would be upset at catalysts disappearing...because catalysts were better than milquetoast exotics that were grossly underwhelming. Oh, wait, that's EXACTLY how exotics were in D1, and when catalysts were introduced, just about EVERYBODY said, "Yeah, this is betrer than vanilla D2, but it's BS that every exotic doesn't have a catalyst and it's BS that I have to go through another tier of RNG to have a great exotic." But, facts like that don't help your arguments which is exactly why your arguments are so bereft of facts, with you cherry-picking extremely limited points of view and select info, to populate your sentiments masquerading as sense, propagandist logic, info wasteland that is every installment of your op-ed, "Kelly's Take" (Disclaimer: "Kelly's Take" is a paid-for promotional brought to you by the publishers of this content). Lastly, Bungle being, "dragged kicking and screaming," by the players wants (OMG, you absolute, -blam!-ing HACK)...well, now you're so positively full of shit it's reached the top, leeched out, and made your hair stink and lure flies...and as usual, you're pissing down my back while telling me it's raining. Yeah, Bungle REALLY hates the idea of adding RNG to RNG on top of more RNG. They've NEVER absolutely LOVED the idea of making players grind for days, weeks, months, or even years to get what they've wanted out of the game. Oh,'s been their core philosophy around loot from day 1. Otherwise, they could have created and instituted any number of solutions to facilitate upgrading exotics more easily at any point over the last three years. Did they do that, or did they CLAIM to increase drop rates by a conveniently unspecified and unprovable amount? Yeah...checkmate. Players don't love catalysts, they just like them more than the way things were preceding them...and Bungle probably does love catalysts, because they're a way to drag out truly getting an exotic over potentially ridiculous spans of time. Player gets exotic, is underwhelmed but intrigued by what it will become with the catalyst, and plays the same shit forever hoping to get it. It's actually far more effective at keeping players on the hook than D1 (Where players moved on to D2 never having acquired Mythoclast, for example), because it gives them a little taste. Now please change your name to, "Compost."

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  • I will politely ask that you take your opinions elsewhere dont lie. You start arguments wherever you go please stop posting this garbage you post these things expecting arguments why cant a ninja ban you so you learn. I know alot of people will agree with me. I dont care about reading what you said, i can pretty much guess its one of your theories that you made up i read the replies and can pretty much confirm it. Please stop for the sake of everyones sanity just post like 2 sentences and leave it at that dont push what you think on others

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  • wait. what was he lying about?

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  • He tries putting his opinions as facts and pushes them as facts. Ill let you guess what that [spoiler]its lying [/spoiler] He does it all the time go and check his other posts their all walls of text. Heck responded to on of his posts about sunsetting (he agrees with bungie) and i asked him for proof of sunsetting and he gave me a wall of text repeating that im dont know what im talking about and how sunsetting is a thing (still not providing any information) and ended it with saying things about how sunsetting should happen. The guy ignored what i said and just went to go back to what he was saying even after i told him “give me a example”

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  • The 2 primary weapon system was great, people just complained like the -blam!- they are.

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  • They were good its just the time to kill on guns were so long that people wanted the old system back.

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  • Actually no, the TTK in PvE now is lowest it has ever been, slower than D1.

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  • I’d argue D1 did it better in regards to primaries. Damage perks existed but weren’t anywhere as wide spread as now. The reasoning being that the crit mod on primaries was higher, damage perks also weren’t as prolific and easy to use. Fatebringer was able to rein as king without a dog perk but nothing without one can rein in D2.

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  • [quote]Catalysts were a band-aid. Destiny 2 launched with a weapon system that had been designed with the purpose of LIMITING player power and making balancing the sandbox easier for PVP balance. The problem is that PVE is the core of the game, and that game is a power-fantasy game. So as one poster here put it back then, "My Guardian in Destiny 1 was a Jedi. But for Destiny 2 they've turned him into a Stormtrooper.' IOW, game got turned form a space magic game into a bad imitation of Halo. So Bungie was left scrambling to save the game. Because not only did the changes BREAK the feel of the also BROKE the end game. Fixed weapon rolls and dual primary weapons imposed a DPS ceiling on players that made end-game content TEDIOUS rather than fun....and fixed rolls destroyed any loot chase. Once you got your "First Better Devils" there was no point to any other one you got after that. So people left the game in droves....because there was nothing to do and nothing to chase. Which pushed Bungie to have to find a way to get us power while they bought time to overhaul the well as try to find some way to motivate people to play the raids. So they created exotic catalysts....and then put them as low-drop rate loot items in raids and other difficult content. I don't think Bungie ever intended to continue them past their immediate need to save the game. But the problem was that WE LIKED THEM. So Bungie has been dragged kicking-and-screaming since them to create more of them for us. They do it, but I don't think they like it. I get their point of view on it. It just makes extra work. If your going to have a catalyst (in a game with a functional weapon system and loot system) , why not just make that feature a permanent part of the weapon? Fourth Horseman (version Destiny 2) is really kind of a shitty weapon without its exotic catalyst. The reload time is annoyingly slow. So all the catalyst winds up doing is finally turning it into a weapon that feels good to use.[/quote] Catalyst did not “save the game”. Forsaken did up until this sh!tshow was released. And catalyst weren’t just from “difficult” content. Some were world drops, some came from strikes, Some from random crucible games, just a few from raids and the hardest to get (and most useless came from Comp Legend +1 win) at the time. Mida. It doesn’t make the Mida feel any different. It’s reload stat is damn near maxed out anyway. I can’t believe ppl still listen to your bulls****.

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  • Most just listen to dispute it. I think even Kelly is aware that his speeches are m@sturbatory. Their primary function is self-gratification.

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  • Most don't think past "Ooooo new shiney". Catalysts were a pretty smart solution when introduced but basically pointless filler now. I think the kids down vote you simply because its you rather than think about what you say.

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  • No we downvote him because he’s incredibly antagonistic, tries to start arguments virtually anywhere, and treats his opinions as both fact and the gospel. He’s incredibly full of himself and thinks that posting long essays of comments and using extremely drawn out explanations makes him look smart and like an intellectual or some crap. Basically think textbook narcissist.

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  • I'm used to Kellys style, I don't always agree but he often makes valid points. Gaming is a great leveller, rich, poor, education level, personal circumstances, literally the whole human spectrum so I try to see it in that regard. I try not to take it to heart and look past the emotional baggage. Maybe its age but I'm more interested in whats being said than how its expressed or by whom, its a "me" thing so you don't have to subscribe. I'm trying to reduce my own -blam!- :)

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  • No they downvote him because he pushes his opinions on anyone who disagrees and treats them like morons. He is a disrespectful person who is seeking attention by creating problems wherever he goes he posts his opinions like facts and try’s pushing them it’s annoying how a ninja hasnt taken action If you don’t believe me check his bungie activity he only ever says stupid opinions that will clearly start something and instead of being civilized he argues with EVERYONE. He is like a toddler who only wants attention im not the only one who thinks this

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 5/29/2020 10:31:06 PM
    [quote]I think the kids down vote you simply because its you rather than think about what you say.[/quote] Gotta love grudge-holders....... But you're right. They were a good solution to a **really** bad problem at the time.

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  • The main problem is that exotics either come out slightly uncooked or get a nerf only for the catalyst to come and fix the issue. There’s also the fact that a main:important weapon in people’s load outs won’t help with making orbs.

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  • Thats the impression I get, its more fluff/filler than a quality addition to the game at this point.

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