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5/28/2020 7:11:31 PM
[quote]Am I missing something?[/quote] Yes. [quote]WTF is powercreep ???[/quote] Power creep is a problem that afflicts loot games, and other games where power progression (players chasing after in-game power) is a focus of the game. Once a players reaches a certain level of power, there is no motivation to chase after anything NEW in the game...unless its more powerful than what they player already has. But you can't keep giving the player power forever. If you do, you eventually break the game. In Destiny terms, we eventually just become so powerful that nothing in the game remains a threat (we're one-shotting everything)...and the game becomes either ridiculous or boring. That tendency for loot to become more and more powerful....and players more and more powerful is "Power Creep"....and its a serious risk to the health of these kinds of games. [quote]If I have to grind for weapons I already had. What's the dang point of sunsetting?[/quote] Because thats how games like this----all successful ones----keep power creep out of the game, while prerserving your motivation to chase loot. In short, they take either your gear away (by not allowing you to level it up)...or they take its POWER away from you..... they can give it back to you in some other part of the game. ALL of these games are a dance of giving the player power with one hand, while you take it away from them with the other. That way you always have a source of power to chase...but you dont' turn the game into a hit-and-giggle affair through power creep. But you also don't strangle the game by correcting for power creep so strongly that there is no power to chase (which is where Destiny 2 is trappped right now). [quote]I'm going to be able to get the same weapons again so why not let me infuse the ones I already had?[/quote] That's not what suseting is. Think if the original Pinnacle weapons. Becuase they are the clearest example of power creep...and the problem of letting us keep weapons forever. I have Loaded Question. Great weapon. Underrated weapon. One of the NASTIEST crowd-control special weapons in the game. I've made entire ad-waves DISAPPEAR with a single shot. I feel powerful when I play with it. BUT ITS A GAME DESIGN DEAD END. I basically haven't used ANY other arc fusion rifle since I got it. Because I can just keep leveling it up and use it everywhere. [i]So HOW do you make any other arc FR relevant in a game with Loaded Question? [/i] The only way to do that is to: 1. Make a fusion rifle even more powerful (power creep). 2. NERF the weapon so that something else ---of equal power can take its place. (Which is what Bungie has been doing for the last two years). 3. Rotate the weapon out of the game by LIMITING your ability to infuse it (increase its item level). So once you progress to a certain can no longer use the weapon in the hardest content...and you have to go out and replace it. Every other loot game in existence uses Option three. Because it is the option that allows you to both manage power creep, and preserve the drive to chase after loot. Option 2 has forced Bungie to dilute the power of weapons down to a bland sameness...and break any standouts...because NOTHING ever leaves the game. So the game lurches from power-creep loot motivation problems and back again with no middle ground. What Bungie is doing is broken..and they never should have promised to let us keep gear forever in the first place. It just took them 5 years longer than it should of to realize that its not possible. [quote]I'm going to have the same damn gun at max power anyway so what's the frickin poin[/quote] You won't. Because Bungie doesn't have to give you that power back in the same place. IOW, sunseting will allow them to do what they are currently doing....but in a far more elegant way. They can shift the meta around to keep the game fresh...but without having to BREAK weapons by nerfs. In a world of Sunsetting, Bungie could have moved LMGs out of the "meta" for boss damage in the end game by simply limiting our ability to infuse them.....rather than BREAKING THEM with a 20% damage nerf. The result is Bungie gets their meta shift....but we get left with weapons that are still USABLE in other parts of the game. So I'd be able to happily use my LMGs in the strike play list and for doing boss damage in Gambit....rather than having them sit in the vault because they feel like I'm shooting a pellet gun at them.

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  • Edited by TJ_Dot: 5/29/2020 9:36:50 PM
    [quote]So HOW do you make any other arc FR relevant in a game with Loaded Question?[/quote] Buff fusion base damage Nerf Loaded's unique bonus to compensate. There's a reason Loaded is the only one cared about, cause it's not garbage with the extra 30% shot So give fusions in general (maybe just high impacts specifically) 15% extra damage or something and nerf loaded's bonus by 15%. Loaded remains unchanged, and other fusions are more viable and aren't just invalidated.

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  • While I appreciate how well thought out this is (and for the record I totally agree with you), trying to explain game mechanics and sun setting to people on this forum is a lost cause.

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  • Probably. But I'm stubborn like that.

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  • Interesting choice of using fusions amd blanket pinnacles as an example of power creep because like... fusions are borderline useless in this sandbox(save for bastion) due to nerfs to backup plan and their range, but also due to the prominence of shotguns and snipers dominating. As well as late game mechanics such as raid bosses having damage points or mechanics that make fusions impossible to use effectively in the sandbox(I'm saying this as someone who likes and still uses fusions but there is nothing a fusion can do that cant be done by snipers and shotguns) And for add clear? Frankly theres no weapon that can clear adds as effectively as a dune marchers titan or an arc web warlock But where is broadsword for that power creep? Or oxygen? Those arent on the same level of revoker, recluse etc but are getting the same treatment. And for powercreep itself? Bungie just gave everyone felwinters lie. Why do you need to grind for another shotgun when they just gave us like the best one? Frankly bungie needs to do some drastic sandbox changes before really considering retirement. But I guess we are just going to get a third year of sparebenders, just rebranded as Felpromise

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  • Missed the point completely.

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  • But in the case of borderlands 2 how come they didn't sunset weapons? Is it their sandbox, the design of the system what makes it so different?

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  • They did. Every weapon drops with a FIXED item as you progress...the weapon gets weaker, and you eventually have to got get a new one at a higher level. When you reach max level, the game relies on you starting another character, and playing through all over again. Which Destiny doesn't allow you to do. This game is set up to promote you playing the same character for the entire LIFE of the franchise. My main Guardian is basically the same character I started playing back in July of 2014 in the Destiny 1 BETA.

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  • Because borderlands 2 wasn't a live service game. Not to mention you had to regrind weapons and gear if you wanted it at a higher op level, there is no infusion there. You still had to deal with the rng, you still had to deal with regrinding gear to use it at a higher level.

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  • I guess time will tell. I'm not into having a weak and powerful version of the same damn weapon. That's stupid. When I get the more powerful one why would I keep the old one to play old content when I can free up space and use the new one. Idk , I get alot of what you are saying but some things still don't add up.

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  • [quote]I'm not into having a weak and powerful version of the same damn weapon.[/quote] The consequences of Bungie waiting five years to do something they should have done in the first year of the franchise. [quote]When I get the more powerful one why would I keep the old one to play old content when I can free up space and use the new one[/quote] That's the whole point. To get you to put away old stuff, and use the new. To chase the new stuff, rather than just keep infusing what's already in your vault. [quote]some things still don't add up.[/quote] Because Bungie made you a promise they had no hope of keeping. So they created an expectation that is not compatible with how loot games have to work.l

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