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Edited by Iriza: 5/27/2020 8:13:34 PM
Sun setting gear is a good thing though. Pretty much every MMO does it. And Destiny 1 did it as well. It was Bungie's mistake to not include it in Destiny 2 from the start. Maybe you don't see it that way, but a lot of people (myself included) sees sun setting gear as ''Fixing the game.'' My main gripe with the game is new gear not being appealing, because i already have so many god rolls that I can use for any content in the game. By making that god roll gear a worse option in new content, I've now been encouraged to get new gear. I don't care about not being able to use old gear in the new content, gear in Destiny (Except Exotics) aren't so unique as for the new gear not to feel exactly the same. Like, what's the difference between a Rampage Outlaw 140 Hand Cannon and another Rampage Outlaw 140 Hand Cannon? The model? The textures? Sounds? Those things aren't that important to me. And I'd guess this goes for the majority of people. You can't please everyone, but know that this change was made for the majority of the player base. The situation is by no means a good one though. Infusion Cap on gear is something that should've been in Destiny 2 at launch. For 3 years players have enjoyed Destiny as a game that does not have gear sun setting. And now all of the sudden one of the potentially biggest, if not that at least big, reason they played the game has been removed. I felt the same way with the Last Word change recently. For 1.5 years I got to know Last Word as a ADS weapon. But then all of the sudden they change its identity completely by making it a hip fire weapon. I get that it was a hip fire weapon in Destiny 1. But let's not ignore that it wasn't that in Destiny: 2. And there were people such as myself who got to know and like Last Word for what it is. Not for what it wasn't.

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  • What do you think casual crucible quickplay is going to be like when people are still using their godroll gear? It's not going to be casual anymore. If people aren't using the best TTK weapons, then they'll get smoked by the hordes of people that will. And if bungie doesn't introduce better weapons and creates the power creep they say they wont, then people wont move on to the new stuff. They'll have to nerf those weapons and in turn nerf any new weapons that they introduce, which they said takes too much time to do. The whole sun setting concept doesnt hold up based on the entire idea they are going to do.

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  • They’re not capable of replacing a 2 year loot pool. They can’t put in a hot fix without shutting the game down let alone replacing that much content. How many new weapons were released during this season? How good were the weapons? They’re funneling players into a forced meta not choice as they like to present it. Less choice and less work on their end. I have watched several videos pointing this out. Several streamers are cutting their D2 time down and doing so drastically. It’s due to them forcing this without any real preparation to cover what they’re taking away. It’s absurd at this point that anyone who actually plays the game has confidence that they will deliver.

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  • The one problem with sunsetting is y1 NF weapons if you ask me Never even got a chance to be good

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  • They have tried and failed to “reset” this game twice by “sun setting” and failed miserably. Why on earth do you think it will be 3rd time lucky. 😂😂😂 Bungie have no idea of what direction they themselves really want the game to go in and this reset along with the others will lose players and it’s true loss... it’s heart.

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  • They didn't sunset anything though everyone hated fixed rolls so they made random rolls a thing again Armor 2.0 didn't sunset anything you can still just use all the armor

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  • Edited by The Hermit IX: 5/28/2020 6:14:05 PM
    Exactly you can use it but it was nerfed to hold a much lower stat level. So it help induce the movement toward switching to it. Getting your hands on 2.0 armor that had higher stat points was difficult and then getting higher rolled armor with proper point distribution was ridiculously hard. That’s not including how they shaped mod cost and energy types. It took a long time to get 2.0 comparable to god rolled year 2 armor. It still doesn’t drop like it should almost a year later. So they’ll nerf the shit out of things you can still use and funnel everyone into the change. I have no doubt it will be a debacle. They can’t put in quests or hot fixes without the game being shut down or bugged but they’re completely on top of replacing a 2 year loot pool.

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  • Exotics and gear is one thing but pinnacle weapons and ritual weapons are another. Which was something that wasn’t in destiny 1.

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  • Yeah but you can't deny how broken they are and it's better than constant nerds and buffs Imagine if revoker had been there from launch

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  • Edited by Dreadeye: 5/28/2020 1:59:01 PM
    Won’t deny some of the weapons at one point were overpowered. But none of if them are particularly are overpowered anymore, in both pvp and over content. Revoked is only nice because of the ammo part, but in pvp it’s not even the best archetype for sniping in a PVP, most people that snipe a lot pvp use mainly beloved god roll and some rapid fire god snipers for those easier head shots. In pvp it is peferred to have a short zoom for scope. None of the pinnacles are particularly stand out now in days in pve either, if you want max damage on boss burns. Most of them are viable, but not top of charts if compared to most regular legendaries with god rolls. They only bring unique traits, that most bring consistency over raw numbers, or unique play styles, that aren’t bad, but are viable if done right.

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  • revoker breaks the ammo economy sometimes it even gives back on bodyshhots it also has stupid bullet magnitism and is the best archetype

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  • Not really considering the gun was made before they did the big update, with the special weapon drops, pretty much dropping all over the place in pvp, when you kill someone. Bullet magnetism is arguable since you can use mods to make your accuracy even better, with certain weapon types.

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  • no bro just no.

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  • [quote]Sun setting gear is a good thing though. Pretty much every MMO does it. And Destiny 1 did it as well. It was Bungie's mistake to not include it in Destiny 2 from the start. Maybe you don't see it that way, but a lot of people (myself included) sees sun setting gear as ''Fixing the game.'' My main gripe with the game is new gear not being appealing, because i already have so many god rolls that I can use for any content in the game. By making that god roll gear a worse option in new content, I've now been encouraged to get new gear. I don't care about not being able to use old gear in the new content, gear in Destiny (Except Exotics) aren't so unique as for the new gear not to feel exactly the same. Like, what's the difference between a Rampage Outlaw 140 Hand Cannon and another Rampage Outlaw 140 Hand Cannon? The model? The textures? Sounds? Those things aren't that important to me. And I'd guess this goes for the majority of people. You can't please everyone, but know that this change was made for the majority of the player base. The situation is by no means a good one though. Infusion Cap on gear is something that should've been in Destiny 2 at launch. For 3 years players have enjoyed Destiny as a game that does not have gear sun setting. And now all of the sudden one of the potentially biggest, if not that at least big, reason they played the game has been removed. I felt the same way with the Last Word change recently. For 1.5 years I got to know Last Word as a ADS weapon. But then all of the sudden they change its identity completely by making it a hip fire weapon. I get that it was a hip fire weapon in Destiny 1. But let's not ignore that it wasn't that in Destiny: 2. And there were people such as myself who got to know and like Last Word for what it is. Not for what it wasn't.[/quote] Look at all the things MMOs have that is different from Destiny. It's a metric tonne. Cherry picking one aspect of MMOs and not the other [i][b]highly[/b][/i] labour intensive parts of MMO creation thay make up the game, it's not going to work. And to do it after 2 years of farming mind-numbing activities for rolls is horrendous. Fundamentally, Destiny 2 has [i][b]never[/b][/i] released content good enough to sustain itself without the god roll chase.

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  • [quote]Sun setting gear is a good thing though. Pretty much every MMO does it. And Destiny 1 did it as well. It was Bungie's mistake to not include it in Destiny 2 from the start. Maybe you don't see it that way, but a lot of people (myself included) sees sun setting gear as ''Fixing the game.''[/quote]No, it's not a good thing at all, D1 did it twice - the dark below they first tried it - and it was so unpopular they reverted the change. They tried it again for ttk mainly to get away from elemental primaries. Even though ttk was so good this retirement haunted it for so long by Y3 bungie had to admit they messed up and brought all the Y1 gear back. Both times it was an epic fail. There is zero reason to make a third mistake. [quote]My main gripe with the game is new gear not being appealing, because i already have so many god rolls that I can use for any content in the game. By making that god roll gear a worse option in new content, I've now been encouraged to get new gear. I don't care about not being able to use old gear in the new content, gear in Destiny (Except Exotics) aren't so unique as for the new gear not to feel exactly the same. Like, what's the difference between a Rampage Outlaw 140 Hand Cannon and another Rampage Outlaw 140 Hand Cannon? The model? The textures? Sounds? Those things aren't that important to me. And I'd guess this goes for the majority of people.[/quote]1. New gear is appealing to the majority of players when its solid - this seasons astral horizon, eye of sol, summoner, dire promise and seven seraph shotty are all proof the community grind away for new good gear despite having old gear on par to it. It's a dev issue that most gear has been part of bad archtypes with trash perk pools, not a old weapon one. 2. Retirement does not encourage new gear, the opposite in fact, why grind away for potentially months just to get a gun that's soon irrelevant, you literally mat as well wait till the final d2 expansion then play then. 3. You say gear feels the same and that a rampage/outlaw 140 cannon is the same as any other - so why on earth would you be pro-retirement when that's exactly what will happen, the latest 140 cannon will replace the stuff and there will be less diversity then ever. [quote]You can't please everyone, but know that this change was made for the majority of the player base.[/quote] No, the majority hate this change, it was done for 2 reasons - 1. To force all players to use the latest gear without having to make said gear good on it's own so they can be lazier then ever and the gear will still be used by everyone. 2. So they can bring stuff back later and make people regrind for old stuff - something they already alluded too, this gives them essentially free extensive player time for people to sink in grinding the same content for the rolls and they get praised for "listening" by bringing back old favorites. When in reality they are nothing but scum making people grind for things they grinded for years ago [quote]The situation is by no means a good one though. Infusion Cap on gear is something that should've been in Destiny 2 at launch. For 3 years players have enjoyed Destiny as a game that does not have gear sun setting. And now all of the sudden one of the potentially biggest, if not that at least big, reason they played the game has been removed. I felt the same way with the Last Word change recently. For 1.5 years I got to know Last Word as a ADS weapon. But then all of the sudden they change its identity completely by making it a hip fire weapon. I get that it was a hip fire weapon in Destiny 1. But let's not ignore that it wasn't that in Destiny: 2. And there were people such as myself who got to know and like Last Word for what it is. Not for what it wasn't.[/quote] Yeah not really, infusion of all gear should be a thing, any player should be able to run any activity with any loadout they choose. If that means × player is still using midnight coup and ikelos more power to them, it's no skin off your back.

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  • [quote][quote]Sun setting gear is a good thing though. Pretty much every MMO does it. And Destiny 1 did it as well. It was Bungie's mistake to not include it in Destiny 2 from the start. Maybe you don't see it that way, but a lot of people (myself included) sees sun setting gear as ''Fixing the game.''[/quote]No, it's not a good thing at all, D1 did it twice - the dark below they first tried it - and it was so unpopular they reverted the change. They tried it again for ttk mainly to get away from elemental primaries. Even though ttk was so good this retirement haunted it for so long by Y3 bungie had to admit they messed up and brought all the Y1 gear back. Both times it was an epic fail. There is zero reason to make a third mistake. [quote]My main gripe with the game is new gear not being appealing, because i already have so many god rolls that I can use for any content in the game. By making that god roll gear a worse option in new content, I've now been encouraged to get new gear. I don't care about not being able to use old gear in the new content, gear in Destiny (Except Exotics) aren't so unique as for the new gear not to feel exactly the same. Like, what's the difference between a Rampage Outlaw 140 Hand Cannon and another Rampage Outlaw 140 Hand Cannon? The model? The textures? Sounds? Those things aren't that important to me. And I'd guess this goes for the majority of people.[/quote]1. New gear is appealing to the majority of players when its solid - this seasons astral horizon, eye of sol, summoner, dire promise and seven seraph shotty are all proof the community grind away for new good gear despite having old gear on par to it. It's a dev issue that most gear has been part of bad archtypes with trash perk pools, not a old weapon one. 2. Retirement does not encourage new gear, the opposite in fact, why grind away for potentially months just to get a gun that's soon irrelevant, you literally mat as well wait till the final d2 expansion then play then. 3. You say gear feels the same and that a rampage/outlaw 140 cannon is the same as any other - so why on earth would you be pro-retirement when that's exactly what will happen, the latest 140 cannon will replace the stuff and there will be less diversity then ever. [quote]You can't please everyone, but know that this change was made for the majority of the player base.[/quote] No, the majority hate this change, it was done for 2 reasons - 1. To force all players to use the latest gear without having to make said gear good on it's own so they can be lazier then ever and the gear will still be used by everyone. 2. So they can bring stuff back later and make people regrind for old stuff - something they already alluded too, this gives them essentially free extensive player time for people to sink in grinding the same content for the rolls and they get praised for "listening" by bringing back old favorites. When in reality they are nothing but scum making people grind for things they grinded for years ago [quote]The situation is by no means a good one though. Infusion Cap on gear is something that should've been in Destiny 2 at launch. For 3 years players have enjoyed Destiny as a game that does not have gear sun setting. And now all of the sudden one of the potentially biggest, if not that at least big, reason they played the game has been removed. I felt the same way with the Last Word change recently. For 1.5 years I got to know Last Word as a ADS weapon. But then all of the sudden they change its identity completely by making it a hip fire weapon. I get that it was a hip fire weapon in Destiny 1. But let's not ignore that it wasn't that in Destiny: 2. And there were people such as myself who got to know and like Last Word for what it is. Not for what it wasn't.[/quote] Yeah not really, infusion of all gear should be a thing, any player should be able to run any activity with any loadout they choose. If that means × player is still using midnight coup and ikelos more power to them, it's no skin off your back.[/quote] Well said bump

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  • All of this^ a frickin million times! Have a bump.

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  • Well said

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  • Destiny 2 as an MMO though.. 🤣🤣🤣

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  • Sunsetting doesn't solve any of the issues you articulated...or any other issues with the game.

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  • With their current "competency" at full display? They can't fix anything and you believe them that their "sunsetting" will fix anything? Keep dreaming. They sunset so they can recycle content only to make it worse and to have us regrind it again and to force to buy more crap from Evercrap. (Transmog for silvers!) Also you have giant error in your post: Destiny is NOT MMO. It never was, it is not marketed as MMO and it is also the only thing saving Destiny. (MMO market is already full of dead bodies) Sunsetting will do only one thing: Kill game. It already has small fraction of players...

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