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originally posted in: This Week at Bungie - 4/2/2020
4/9/2020 12:27:10 AM
My real issue with this season is the complete and utter lack of any real content. Trials has and always will be about 10 - 15% of players. While its great they got some love.. everything else was super weak. Towers was a complete failure and to bring back yet another horde public event? 3 seasons of them.. and massive amounts of feedback about them needing matchmaking as zones are empty.. you go right ahead and do it again and again and again. Just yesterday I completed all bunkers and ran all but 1 legendary lost sector on Io.. What now? What do we as players do now? Trials was never ment for everyone so I really question the choices here. Right now its do Pinnicals and then what? Grind guns you already confirmed would be shelved? You painted yourselves into a corner. Also no matter how many bounties we do.. They will never be fun! What ever happened to just playing and earning XP for killing things or completing an activity? Bounties should never be a focal point. They should be secondary if anything.

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