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Destiny 2

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Edited by Xescy: 4/8/2020 10:00:07 PM

Autos are too easy. Please read

Just came out of survival match trying to use a handcannon and every other person was using an auto. Ppl who ive played with before and are self admittedly worse at the game objectively. There is nothing quite as easy as an auto rifle in Destiny. Besides a shotgun (which unsurprisingly is the most used secondary weapon type, furthering my point). Autos have always been easy to use. By default they simply are the common man's weapon. You point and hold down the trigger. We are no longer in a point where autos need to be the most viable gun in the game. The people who play Destiny 2 most consistently are the ppl who have been here since d1 or have begun playing at the beginning of d2. Data pools of weapon usage tell you the statistics of what weapons are being used the most by players. The balancing team's goal since d1 has been to adjust the sandbox to 'give love' to underused or underperforming weapons and/or weapon archetypes. Vice versa they also tone down what the statistics deem to be too prevalent. They are not perfect. Nor should anyone expect them to be perfect. However, the common theme that every season/dlc/update has in common with one another is the mixed community feedback. For a while we as community knew that our 'feedback' was joke. Many content creators still have videos from early in Destiny's history explaining how it was blatantly obvious our feedback was lost, misconstrued, or simply not adhered to. What changed? The most widely accepted sandbox Destiny has had to date would have to be update 2.0 with the launch of the taken king dlc in Destiny 1. There were still 'OP' things that players would abuse. But that update didn't just knock around the sandbox to see if these changes stuck with us. There was clear and conscious changes that the team knew would make us happy. Us. The players. Happy. Forgo the analytics and statistics. They proved that they were capable and willing to make radical changes per our complaints. Thorn, last word, shot package, final round, pulse rifle changes, etc... Where is the team that looked at all of our hate for thorn and last word and everything else then decided they agreed. Im not alone when i say that this season very well may be the worst yet. You've essentially eliminated the skill gap for everyone but top percentile players and even they aren't happy because it doesn't make sense that after all their practice they are getting killed behind a corner in 0.7 seconds by someone who couldn't even compete with them a few weeks ago. That feeling isn't unique to them either. Look at your feedback!! I'd wager that the most upvoted posts on this page are people who are confused and angry as to why this was allowed to happen? Especially when releasing trials as is it now. You don't need to 'pull a miracle out of your @ss' bungie. We are giving you the outline of a season that we believe would be great for us. Our complaints aren't to demean or undermine you. It's to help you. And we know it can help you bc you've done it before. You've made an update that fixed most players grievances And improved the state of the game. And you did so while stating in multiple weekly updates how our feedback was being used. Good luck my friends. I haven't played consistently since shadowkeep and after the game I just had. I won't be playing until feedback driven changes are made.

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