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Edited by ultrarunna: 4/7/2020 5:18:38 AM

WORST SEASON YET - “ Not Even Debatable “

PvP From my POV this is easily the worst season. Trials is just o.k at best, big time connection issues, cheaters & laggers are really pushing me away from even playing it anymore, never mind the lack of incentive to go flawless. I have gone 2 times and I could careless if I go again, there really is no incentive to go flawless and trials is THE SEASON. PvE Far and away the most boring PvE update since the launch of Destiny 1. Sure the warminds are a cool addition, however I don’t even need to dive into this one to be frank it’s just awful all around. Bungie, Your player base pays you a shit ton of money to have FUN and play with friends and make new ones. Frequent disconnects are NOT fun, cheaters are NOT fun, long load times are NOT fun, no incentive to go flawless in NOT fun, lack of PvE content is not FUN and stretching lack of content over three months is ................well.............going to push your players away.

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  • Edited by Trafalgar_Lou: 4/6/2020 5:19:26 PM
    That’s a bit harsh dude. I’ll change your mind What about strikes? Oh wait no there all old and still no strike loot. Just a new difficulty.... Your forgetting about lost sectors aren’t you? No your right on that also there all old content I’ve done hundreds of times just with a new difficulty, that’s not new content.... HA! Crucible! You forgot about crucible!! No, no your right again. Crucible hasn’t seen a loot refresh in a year and a half. Trials content is all 5 years old....and I guess there are hackers and PvP is filled with lag and cheese builds..... YOU CANT DENY THE NEW PUBLIC EVENT! what am I talking about the new public event consists of throwing a ball.....and there isn’t even a new mode this season, literally just throwing this ball...damn you will take back your statement after I remind you about old armour being brought forward! No wait you can’t use seasonal mods with those there garbage sorry. At least ritual weapons take up some time. What? There gone this season? Classic. THERE IS NO DENYING THIS ONE! new bounties! HA! But....actually...I just remembered those bounties require us to do content we have been doing for 3 years making this game a seasonal bounty simulator! Let me guess, you forgot about all the cosmetics this season didn’t you? Wait what? There all behind a paywall? Well forget than then Christ I guess your right, the only thing we have going for this game is the fast load times.....LMFAOOO

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    15 Replies
    • Suddenly the Osiris dlc doesn’t seem that bad ... at least it had a new strike, raid, and new guns and armour plus a story line

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    • Should just do away the with seasons aspect all together. Just do a couple bigger updates a year. Just because bungie adds more stuff in seasons doesn't make it fun or worthwhile. Sometimes less is more

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    • Oh I can debate it... I haven’t had the opportunity to play because I’m stuck on a navy vessel, but through ignorance I can form the greatest boldness.

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    • This is a great season everything this season is so dull n sucky im using my time catching up alot on catalysts n old quests

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    • It’s really close to that osirus dlc way back when

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    • I still personally think Season 2 will always be the worst but this season is seriously starting to be a really close runner up, even for me. If I had to rank the seasons personally it'd go Season 7 Season 8 Season 4 Season 5 Season 9 Season 3 Season 6 Season 1 Season 10 Season 2 For me the only reason Season 10 is better than Season 2 is the fact that well, we actually have other content in the game. As well as the fact its not slow and double primary and being boring and yada yada. Plus we actually have gotten something cool from this season, the warmind cells. Remember, Season 2 was the XP scam. I highly doubt much issues we've gotten since then can top that.

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      6 Replies
      • Edited by Amazinite: 4/8/2020 1:47:01 AM
        [i]Laughs in Season of Armory and Drifter, and Season of Undying content after you realize it was being carried by Shadowkeep[/i]

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        7 Replies
        • Trials is designed to be rewarding for everyone this season. Boo hoo about no incentive to go flawless. Take your emblem and go slay in quick play

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          2 Replies
          • "COULDNT CARE LESS" "Could care less" doesnt even make sense in the context youre using in.

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            • Edited by RobotNinja: 4/7/2020 10:06:06 PM
              Well, I think the main seasonal pve event is terrible...mainly because it's a public event. 3 hrs after this latest 'content' drop I spent maybe half an hour reloading into Io trying to get on an instance where it was running. Found one, but it wasn't completed. So far this season I've managed to complete 1 weekly bounty across all three characters for the event thing. One! So, after that, I maxed the Io bunker to rank 7, cleared out the lost sector...sort of...ignored the face-melting barrier colossus half way through, spawned a heavy frame in the last room, shot half a dozen psions and claimed the two chests. Reached 100 on the pass and logged out. Now, I don't know if that was Bungie's intent with the content they've provided for the season in terms of engaging the player base...but, I've had enough of it. I like the warmind cells, but it's a gimmick at the end of the day AND the whole armour/progression system isn't really conducive to experimentation whilst you're still levelling up power...and even then resources are too scarce (for me anyway) to mess about too much trying stuff out. Same with last season's mods...nice ideas, implemented poorly and largely ignored. Development time wasted really, I think. Trials - literally could not care less. PVP could be removed from the game for all I care and I wouldn't even notice. I only do the absolute bare minimum when I absolutely have to for a quest...and sometimes not even. So yea, last two seasons I've racked up over 1000 hours in total...this season I've played maybe a couple of hours or so a day average, and now I've seen enough to know that it'll likely be less than that for the next few weeks. Definitely the worst season for me. Hands down.

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              2 Replies
              • “ Not Even Debatable “ community

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                4 Replies
                • At least it was over quick. All I need is a few more levels for the battlepass, a decent roll on the hand cannon, and then I get 70 days of no destiny.

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                • Season of the Worst!

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                • And we have 70 -blam!-ing days to go smfh.

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                • You are crazy how can you say this is the worste season it has been the greatest, ok im joking you are 100 percent right.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Edited by blade329: 4/7/2020 10:35:01 PM
                    I'm forced to agree. Even though some players call every season the "worst", this one actually is. On Day 1 I was thinking, "That's it?". There isn't really much here. Seraph Towers, bunker clears and rehashed Lost Sectors with barrier champions. If it wasn't for the Warmind Cells, I would totally skip this season. The Stag Bow was nice, but I got that on the first day of IB.

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                  • Yeah this season feels the most boring and useless ever. Towers and bunker suck so bad that i dont do them at all. Im solo so trials isnt for me anyways, but what i read is that it sucks. Why bring sucky trials if we have comp anyways? Just make comp the competitive mode as it should be and bring back pinnacles damnit. Also stop nerfing pinnacles.

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                    1 Reply
                    • I literally can't even be bothered to upgrade the edz bunker. I don't even pick up bounties anymore. It's all become tedious and pointless, I'm even starting to a strongly dislike the pvp side of things.

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                    • I still think CoO was worse, but i at least powered through that. This season I think franchise fatigue on top of being a the 2nd worst season (even with all the content that's been added since CoO) just makes it boring and unenjoyable.

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                      3 Replies
                      • People say the season is bad, That is there opinion and i respect that, for me the season feels better than last season in my opinion.

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                        11 Replies
                        • Edited by FataLVisioN_Oo: 4/7/2020 8:32:55 PM
                          Yeah they missed the mark with trials... like everything in this game it was almost great. PvE? Where lol I haven't seen any new PvE content really since gos launched.

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                        • The season is amazing!!! ...for new players... There isn’t much content for us veteran players

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                        • Yep, seems a pity. Great core game but seems to have run its course and now it's being spread thin. I took a break for work commitments but came back as current affairs mean time to play again (sadly-ish). Can't comment about previous seasons, but this feels rushed with a lack of quality control and if its going to be temporary why bother with testing. Can't comment about PvP as don't play much as more of a PvE player. I like the casual element of grabbing bounties (even if i have to go here and there to get them) and just doing some random stuff with music playing in the background. BUT, the Warmind seems a good idea which has been wasted. My epiphany came running against an Overload Champ who seemed immune to overload rounds. I was already miffed with my 'heavy frame' i tested 10 times: 5 times it stopped after a few steps and just blew up, 3 times it recognised an enemy was present so started firing (pity it didn't recognise the two walls it was unable to shoot through) and 2 times when it got to the Champ it did zero damage, the second time i tried to tee-up the champ (staggered, de-buffed), but it still did no damage. I'll keep playing for the casual fun of it, but just can't feel that Destiny has much of a long-term future as it feels bungie has become creativily empty with it and is marking time for what (if anything) comes after.

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                        • Has there ever been a good season? I don’t think believe there has been. Forsaken DLC was good but Shadowkeep and all seasons have been pretty bad.

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                        • Well since it's not debatable, I'll end this here.

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