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Edited by cinqueMento: 4/4/2020 8:06:02 PM
[i]A short, humanoid figure with white wings and scales descends on the church tower. His yellow eyes pierce the fog, and green energy seems to flow from his palms.[/i] Hewwo my fwiends my nyame is ZyOwOth and wewcome back to anyothew epic unboxing video (・`ω´・) In today’s video we’we going to be unboxing the wittwe minds of aww these poow hewoes, and feasting on theiw memowies (・`ω´・) But befowe we get stawted, hewe’s a wowd fwom today’s sponsow: OffTindew (・`ω´・) Awe you a sad and wonyewy adventuwew who onwy fights fow the thwiww? Something to duww the thwobbing pain we caww existence? Weww wook nyo fuwthew (・`ω´・) OffTindew is a nyew fwee dating app that’s wocking the mawket. Find wuv today with OffTindew (・`ω´・) Back to todays episode, we’we gonnya eat this whowe town (・`ω´・) [i]He shouts his taunts, and a dull roar comes from the woods and the two bridges.[/i]

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  • Edited by cinqueMento: 4/4/2020 8:49:46 PM
    [i]As the cryo rounds hit, the vines begin to freeze. The zombie's begin to wither, taking critical damage.[/i]

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  • *changes the ammo of the NS-15M2 to cryo and attempts to finish the target off. The pods land and a light assault and infiltrator emerge. The light assault wielding an NS carbine and the infiltrator wielding a battle rifle.*

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  • [i]The targets freeze and shatter, and the vines don't grow back. [/i]

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  • These thing are weak to the cold, use cryo rounds. *both units change out the magazines to use cryo ammunition and the infiltrator cloaks to find higher ground.*

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  • [i]The only higher ground is on the buildings in the village, or the hills covered in green fog. ZyOwOth is still on his perch, summoning undead against the heroes. He notices you cut down the three, and summons 5 more for you and your allies![/i]

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  • *opens fire at near by targets. The infiltrator decloaks at a place with line of sight of the boss and attempts to fire at it.*

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  • [i]The skeletons take heavy damage like before, trying to reach you. The vines slow and do not grow back. ZyOwOth is light on his feet, and quickly takes cover on the other side of the church roof, still summoning undead.[/i]

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  • *continues firing at the skeleton.* Requesting assistance from light assault, the infiltrator says on the comms. *the light assault uses its jetpack to get to the top of a building to fire at the boss using a rocklet rifle to force it into an open area.*

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  • [i]The skeletons drop before they can reach you, and fall to the ground, lifeless. Zy sees the assault flying closer, and moves around the now destroyed tower to keep out of sight of the infiltrator. Green tendrils fly from his free hand, and begin tangling the assault with vines. [/i]

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  • *it attempts to cut itself free while the infiltrator tries to snipe the vines down. The vessel attempts get to the top of a nearby building for a better position.*

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  • "Nyo nyo nyo owo You'we wuinying aww my fun!" [i]ZyOwOth clenches his fist, and the green fog around begins to spin, slowly at first. The vines resist, but the cryo sniper rounds set him free. You easily find higher ground, and see Zy begin to maliciously chuckle. A faint, transparent green shield begins to form around him.[/i]

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  • *the vessel looks around for any sort of source for the shield.*

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  • [i]No power generators nearby, likely just from him. The green tornado begins to pick up speed, and Zy's shield begins to glow brighter. he takes to the skies, overlooking the battle.[/i]

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  • *the vessel attempts to focus heavily to still the air with void.*

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  • [i]The attempt fails, and the tornado continues to pick up speed. The undead become rooted to the ground, but your allies don't have that luxury. The guards move inside to defend against the hordes Zy summons.[/i]

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  • All units, retreat to indoors now! *all three retreat inside a building.*

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  • [i]ZyOwOth is still above, goading on the storm. His barrier is glowing brightly, and he summons more undead around the town. It seems no one else has ice attacks, so killing all the undead is probably not an option.[/i]

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  • *attempts to fire at the boss using cryo ammunition.*

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  • [i]The shots pepper against the shield, and Zy scowls. With a wave of his hand, two vine ogres crawl out of ground near you.[/i]

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  • *uses a frost blast to try and freeze them in place for a shotgun blast.*

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  • [i]The ogres freeze, and don't regen from the blast.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]sorry for the delay, I had to eat dinner.[/spoiler] *continues firing the enemies using the NS-15M2 to be sure they are dead.*

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  • [i] [spoiler]All good![/spoiler] The ogres lie still. Zy is fighting Titan in mid-air, and the green shield is still up. The winds begin to move faster, making movement difficult.[/i]

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  • Shûb screams at ZyOwOth and shoots an eye beam at him. Shûb has a faint glow now.

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  • [i]Zy outstretches a hand, and a green energy barrier appears to block the beam. His other hand waves, and a large, orgre skeleton begins to crawl from the ground. It's covered in green, glowing vines and thorns. Dead, purple roses rest where the eyes once did.[/i]

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