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Edited by cinqueMento: 4/4/2020 8:06:02 PM
[i]A short, humanoid figure with white wings and scales descends on the church tower. His yellow eyes pierce the fog, and green energy seems to flow from his palms.[/i] Hewwo my fwiends my nyame is ZyOwOth and wewcome back to anyothew epic unboxing video (・`ω´・) In today’s video we’we going to be unboxing the wittwe minds of aww these poow hewoes, and feasting on theiw memowies (・`ω´・) But befowe we get stawted, hewe’s a wowd fwom today’s sponsow: OffTindew (・`ω´・) Awe you a sad and wonyewy adventuwew who onwy fights fow the thwiww? Something to duww the thwobbing pain we caww existence? Weww wook nyo fuwthew (・`ω´・) OffTindew is a nyew fwee dating app that’s wocking the mawket. Find wuv today with OffTindew (・`ω´・) Back to todays episode, we’we gonnya eat this whowe town (・`ω´・) [i]He shouts his taunts, and a dull roar comes from the woods and the two bridges.[/i]

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  • The elf opens his eyes and assesses his enemy’s. He prepares to strike Incase his shield drops. “People of offtopic. We shall slay many a enemy’s tonight. Weather it is for glory or for good our fights shall be great. Charge now warriors for we shall take the night!” He cry’s out to the crowd. While his inspiring words are not magical like those of a bard it comforts him to know that maybe he might me boosting some persons moral somewhere.

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  • [i]The zombies are rather meaty now with their plant enhancement, and can move as a normal human would, but with undying fortitude. The two slash again, one grazing your forearm and the other a blow on your side.[/i]

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  • The elf swings his sword down at one of the attacking zombies. Since he has no shield his sword is wielded in two hands for extra power. His swings are not as powerful as would be with the momentum of his charging mount.

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  • [i]The swing cuts deep into the vines, breaking bones. However, they begin to rapidly heal! The thought occurs to you that these undead regenerate very quickly, and you'll have to stop that.[/i]

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  • The elf doesn’t know much on how to stop regeneration. His lands do not contain many monsters with them. Maybe continuing damage may help. He lights a torch and holds it in one hand. He swings his torch at a zombie in a attempt to light it on fire.

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  • [spoiler]And this is the part where I regret what I did. I wanted to use cheap undead, but everyone and their mother had fire. [/spoiler] [i]The zombie is engulfed, but the flames burn away the impurities, effectively healing him.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]the only real fire I have is a torch. I don’t have much since the character is a low level adventure.[/spoiler] He then decides to attach the zombie while it is distracted.

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  • [spoiler]I built this for low level characters, but gave them fire immunity so people don't burn this village to the ground. Rip[/spoiler] [i]Your blade cuts at the shoulder, and the vines begin to regen.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]oh. I didn’t think of that. What would people burn the village down? What is there to gain.[/spoiler] “Why doth thou not lay thyself down and die!” The elf yells while continuing the battle. He pulls out a simple hammer from his blacksmith tools and begins hitting it against his sword. Arcane energy rebounds and he cast a spell of grease in a attempt to trip his foes.

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  • [i] [spoiler]Collateral damage, really. Just toss napalm or something is the plan I was scared of.[/spoiler] A green tornado has begun to encircle the village, and the guards take cover indoors. ZyOwOth has taken to the skies, summoning undead from within a green sphere surrounding him. The zombies have rooted themselves to the ground to resist the winds, slowing them down.[/i]

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  • The elf cannot so much more to the battle for he isn’t as strong as most people in these lands. It he does what he can to help. He will try to make his way towards the boss keeping his swords for defense.

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  • [i]ZyOwOth has taken to the skies, and a green sphere protects him. Several heroes are peppering him with gunfire, and Titan is engagin in aerial melee combat, albeith with not much success.[/i]

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  • “Hey you big bad guy! Yah I am talking to thee. What is it that thou doth come to these lands for!” The elf hells to the boss hoping to help by distracting him.

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  • [i]Zy doesn't seem to notice, but assembled a group of skelly bois to attack the church where people are hiding.[/i]

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  • The elf will rush towards the skeletons and attack one with his longsword

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  • [i]The strike cleaves off an arm, and the skeleton turns to face you, swinging his other vine covered arm![/i]

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  • *deploys a spawn beacon for a pair of NS operatives to drop in via pods. Reloads NS-15M2.*

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  • [i]Zy waves, and a trio of green, glowing vine covered skeletons rise from the ground around you.[/i]

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  • Edited by Guardian4225: 4/4/2020 8:33:17 PM
    *switches to incendiary rounds and opens fire at them. Two drop pods descend from above.* [spoiler]NS operatives are robots BTW.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Gotcha[/spoiler] "Owo! You shouwdn't have done that!" [i]Zyloth taunts from above. As the incendiary rounds hit the vines, it burns away the impurities. The zombies become slightly stronger, and can actually run now towards you![/i]

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  • *switches to a corrosive shotgun and fires.*

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  • [i]The bullets do less damage than you hoped, but eat at the vines some. The zombies charge, and lash at you with their vines, but only two manage to hit you with glancing blows.[/i]

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  • *casts a shade soul at them.*

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  • [i]The zombies are knocked down and damaged, but you can see the vines twist and curl to repair the bones. More vines spring from their back to get them back up.[/i]

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  • *switches to cryo rounds and fires. The pods are close to landing.*

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