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Edited by cinqueMento: 4/4/2020 8:06:02 PM
[i]A short, humanoid figure with white wings and scales descends on the church tower. His yellow eyes pierce the fog, and green energy seems to flow from his palms.[/i] Hewwo my fwiends my nyame is ZyOwOth and wewcome back to anyothew epic unboxing video (・`ω´・) In today’s video we’we going to be unboxing the wittwe minds of aww these poow hewoes, and feasting on theiw memowies (・`ω´・) But befowe we get stawted, hewe’s a wowd fwom today’s sponsow: OffTindew (・`ω´・) Awe you a sad and wonyewy adventuwew who onwy fights fow the thwiww? Something to duww the thwobbing pain we caww existence? Weww wook nyo fuwthew (・`ω´・) OffTindew is a nyew fwee dating app that’s wocking the mawket. Find wuv today with OffTindew (・`ω´・) Back to todays episode, we’we gonnya eat this whowe town (・`ω´・) [i]He shouts his taunts, and a dull roar comes from the woods and the two bridges.[/i]

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  • [i]He catches it, and throws you off. Enraged, he leaps up, spinning, blade in hand. [/i]

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  • I pull out my hammer and swing to try and counter his sword

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  • [i]You counter his blade, and he spins and flaps his scaled wing at you. [/i]

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  • I activate my bracer blade to try and cut his wing

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  • [i]You cut his wing, and he roars. [/i] [i]In a flash of green light, ZyOwOth turns into a grey, man sized frog thing with long, black nails and vicious teeth. Shub blast him with his beam, and Zy can’t dodge it. [/i]

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  • "Oh gosh" I swing my hammer to try and smash his head

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  • Dain cry’s a battle cry as he jumps off of the elves horse and swings his axe wildly at the boss.

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  • (It's a 35 foot tall building, I should have clarified. My bad.)

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  • Then I shall jump at the nearest zombie if there is any.

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  • [i]You jump on top of the zombie, and notice it is covered in green vines. A tornado has sprung up around the village, and ZyOwOth has taken to the skies to overlook the battle.[/i]

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  • I practically will try to ride on top of it, swinging the axe at any zombies nearby.

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  • [i]The zombie is confused, and the vines begin to entangle your legs. You do manage to hit the zombie's fellow, chopping off the vine from its hand.[/i]

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  • “Well looks like I’m hanging around for a bit longer then, haha!” The dwarf continues to swing at the beasts companions.

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  • [i]The vines grow thorns, cutting at your legs as the tighten. The zombie is still frightfully confused, and you manage to cleave the fellow zombie's head in two. However, the vines begin to pull the head back together![/i]

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  • “That ain’t fair!” The dwarf reaches into his pack then draws a torch, which he lights and throws at the zombie.

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  • [spoiler]Watson and I have a strategy just for fun. You shall see.[/spoiler] Calimafindë and Dain ride towards the monster. The elf is leaning towards the side of his horse and toward. His sword is like that of a lance getting ready to strike. The dwarf is also on the horse and he had his axe out ready to jump.

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  • [i]Zy chuckles as you approach, and waves his free glowing hand.(The other is projecting a shield to block a blast from Shub) 5 skeletons covered in glowing green vines rise from the ground outside the stockade to stop you.[/i]

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  • Calimafindë is going to continue his running steed right towards the skeletons. His hope is maybe to try to trample one with his horse while swinging his blade at another.

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  • [i]The skeletons' vines extend from their arms, and they lash at you and the horse as you approach! One hits your mount, clawing at his side. The other two swing at you, their thorns barely raking your arms as you swing. Your horse misses the zombie, but manages not to get tripped up in their vines. Your swing knocks down a zombie, but the vines begin to pull it back up![/i]

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  • The elf will swing his sword at another undead. He begins looking around for a route he can take his steed safely out of the battle.

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  • [i]Your swing cuts into the zombie's shoulder, but the vines begin to regrow. You could probably give your horse to the guards for safekeeping.[/i]

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  • The elf decides he needs to be on ground for the battle. His horse is not one of war and while a good steed it will not fair well after a couple more attacks. “Guards. Protect my steed!” The elf calls as he steers the mount to safety and sets it to run. Then he try’s to jump off the horse heroically you return to battle but ends up tumbling to the ground and getting a few bruises. He stands up and holds his longsword in both hands preparing for the next assault.

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  • [i]The undead from before move against Calimafindë and Dain, their vines twirling and coiling around.[/i]

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  • Calimafindë will hold his sword up near his face. While the blade is just a normal longsword but it is decorated in elvish runes. He closes his eyes and begins chanting a song of a old elvish warrior and protector from his world far away. His words seem to reflect off of the steel sword he crafted himself and across his body. A aura of protection surrounds himself. [spoiler]Basically a long way of saying I cast sanctuary. My spell DC is 13[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Copy that![/spoiler] [i]Two undead charge each of you! The undead on you miss their swings, going too short.[/i]

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