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Edited by cinqueMento: 4/4/2020 8:06:02 PM
[i]A short, humanoid figure with white wings and scales descends on the church tower. His yellow eyes pierce the fog, and green energy seems to flow from his palms.[/i] Hewwo my fwiends my nyame is ZyOwOth and wewcome back to anyothew epic unboxing video (・`ω´・) In today’s video we’we going to be unboxing the wittwe minds of aww these poow hewoes, and feasting on theiw memowies (・`ω´・) But befowe we get stawted, hewe’s a wowd fwom today’s sponsow: OffTindew (・`ω´・) Awe you a sad and wonyewy adventuwew who onwy fights fow the thwiww? Something to duww the thwobbing pain we caww existence? Weww wook nyo fuwthew (・`ω´・) OffTindew is a nyew fwee dating app that’s wocking the mawket. Find wuv today with OffTindew (・`ω´・) Back to todays episode, we’we gonnya eat this whowe town (・`ω´・) [i]He shouts his taunts, and a dull roar comes from the woods and the two bridges.[/i]

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