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4/3/2020 5:57:59 AM
Just putting people in there own skill brackets like any competitive sport or something will solve that too, not so easy to farm tokens against a team that can give you a run for your money, and its not permanent, everyone starts of the same each week and you just move up a bracket if you hit flawless, or put people in certain skill brackets according to elo, because as i said if the casuals go the sweaties are gonna be in their own bracket anyways so what would be the difference, nothing. Only difference would be if casuals have no hope of getting flawless they will resort to those guaranteed flawless runs (with cheaters) killing the game mode some more anyway, so even the hardcore players will suffer in the end whether they want to admit it or not, like i said, with the casuals dropping the mode the hardcore will play against the hardcore anyway soooo i dont see the problem

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  • Soooooo. You want sbmm so that flawless becomes a participation trophy that anyone can get? That will ruin trials.

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  • So you want a game modes population to die to right.

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  • I want skill to be rewarded

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  • There's skilled players out there and they need to be playing in there own skill bracket. They should not be feed casuals or low skilled players. I love comp but i -blam!-ing hate trials matchmaking it is unfair and very unrewarding. Im above average at time and can hold my own in comp but when you put a player that has a clear advantage in skill and i have no chance at ever beating them im not even gonna waste my time playing that guy. Thats not a defeated attitude its just truth. I just want a fair matchmaking system dont care if a game is tough i just want it to be close on both sides not lop sided beat downs.

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  • Random is fair. If you are consistently being beat by better players, you are not above average

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  • Buut your gonna end up with it anyways as the casuals are gonna leave and the lower skilled gius left will be new plebs and leave and so on, so let it die then if people wana be arrogant, id like to see trials go on but hey....

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  • No uhm you still need 7 wins within your skill base, good players are basically getting the participation trophy because they just wana pubstomb plebs

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  • So they are winning because they are better. That is how competitive modes work. Sbmm is the opposite of competitive.

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  • No sbmm is exactly competitive. Competing in your skill bracket, imagine 15yo johny versus 25yo veteran Destiny player playing each other, mmmm yeah thats competitive right, dont kid yourself, if you prefer challenging games (competitive) youd prefer to play better players right, i guess its a ego thing for some people instead of the longevity of a game mode

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  • People always use the comparison of a little league sports team facing pros. Here is the problem with that. If a little league team enters a pro tournament, they will get killed and it is no ones fault but their own for entering. This is trash players in trials. Trials is for average players and up. If you enter as a trash can, you will lose. All is as it should be. Better players win and get rewards. You obviously don't understand how competitions work. Tournaments are usually considered the pinicle of competition and in a way trials is very similar to a tournament. In a tournament, the worst team is intentionally put up against the best so that the best can advance. The current system is easier on trash cans than an actual competitive system should be.

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  • Lol thats professional sport and thats why dont allow it and have their own league...... You know like sbmm, this is a game and if this carries on youll have a worse version of sbmm on your hands anyway because the ego of some players would rather see the game die than see people get a chance to grow in skill and have a glimmer of hope that they might achieve something vs coming in and getting wrecked, only the top tier players will be left when everyone else leaves, in essence your gonna get sbmm anyway, just worse with cheaters and carries galore😉

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  • Here is a proposition, if you don't want to play good people, go play LITERALLY ANY OTHER PLAYLIST. Get better....elsewhere. If you want to improve, you shouldn't be in trials. Go play comp, control, the rotators, anything but the pinicle pvp mode where only the best are supposed to triumph.

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  • Edited by Art0rias26: 4/7/2020 9:48:19 PM
    Okay by the time that happens trials is gone because of the before mention reason cause everyone left because they had to get gud, because some people believes the playlist belongs to them and can decide who can play, eitherway the population drops game mode dies and viola, believe im not trying to get easy mode im sure i can hold my own in trials if i wanted to, but im not really interested tbh, id just like not 2 see a staple game mode of the franchise die because of peoples egos and stingy mentality thata all, i can see the casuals side of this, even if they did go and get good if it wasnt a fun experience you think they would want to come back anyways.... If the cannon fodder goes away, the cannons will have to shoot each other, the game mode will die at this rate

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  • I don't think it will. Afterall, gambit is still alive somehow. The rewards systems need to change in trials. That is the biggest problem. After that, it will be all g

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  • Neah it will for a whilst, its a short term solution untill they are done with what they need and itll be back to only top tier players, it will basically extend the time it takes to die down, but whats better than loot, the sense of accomplishment, giving people the actual motivation to get better at the game and said game mode instead of getting wrecked and just leaving, growing in and with the game mode, not essential for some but a long term sollution, if there are more people and the skill gap shrinks MM wont be an issue in the future

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  • Sbmm diminishes a sense of accomplishment and removes the need to get better all together. Just look at comp. A few seasons ago, I would never have thought of even trying for legend, I needed to get better and get a better team. Then sbmm came along. Now, it is a joke. I can get legend whenever I want. I've almost stopped playing comp altogether because there is no accomishment to be had anymore.

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  • Accomplishment means different things to some people, if i can beat people that are better than me atleast within reach of my skill level, isnt that an accomplishment within my skill level, isnt skil an important part of competitiveness, or is getting easy matches and telling people they should get gud just better for the ego

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  • It's not like the best players are only matching the worst players. Everyone is facing a true representative population of the community so that they can truly gauge their own skill. If you are constantly getting stomped, it isn't because you are only fighting the 1%, it is because you are below average. Trials is a game mode meant for the best. It is pinicle because only the best will win. Imagine if raid difficulties scaled to the skill of the team so that every team could beat them. They would no long represent any sort of achievement. With card based match making, you fight better people as you get higher wins. Thus only those who are truly the best will go flawless. I agree that low win farmers are a problem, but sbmm is not the solution. The solution is to incentivise playing in the higher brackets.

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  • Im telling you bro its gonna end up being that way in any case if everone leaves so what will it change, maybe the longevity of the mode vs people scared that people less skilled than them will reach the lighthouse in a game, just saying

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  • Because if anyone can reach the lighthouse, then it means nothing and is not worth doing. Imagine if your sports team entered a tournament and won. You beat every other team. Then at the end they announce that every team won and everyone gets the same trophy. Are you going to enter that tournament again? Are you going to train and work hard to get better? No. There is no point. You will just screw around and mess with people because nothing matters.

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  • People are litterally just too scared to match within their skill zone and soo scared someone else in their opinion that are not worthy or doesnt deserve it (who is anyone to tell anybody btw what they are worth or not) may get a lighthouse visit by pure happenchance, obviously it should also not be pure sbmm, they can employ a cbmm with some amount of sbmm, im telling its either that or the mode is gonna be stuck with a small pool of good players over the globe anyway and thats gonna be a mess no doubt

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  • I think that pure card based mm with cbmm as a secondary is the best option. I think that rank based mm is the best method for competitive modes and there is not place for sbmm anywhere as it cannot be sustained long term(think about it, skill is determined by stats. If everyone faces only their own skill level, all stats will eventually be similar and sbmm will break down). Anyhow, you have your opinion, I have mine, and bungie seems to care about neither of them. I guess We'll see what happens. Good luck guardian.

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  • Same to you just hope something happens and the game mode doesnt die, lets see if they pull through after lock down, enjoy

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  • Im litterally telling you not everyone will reach it they still need to win and as they get better they move up in sbmm, ofcourse not everyone should go lighthouse but it should be approachable to be worth it for others too, you want a big, yet limited part if the community to reach or to have hope of reaching it too, instead basically chasing them off just calling them back for some stomps now and then

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