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4/2/2020 10:42:15 PM

This Week at Bungie - 4/2/2020

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  • I guess none of this was even worth my time to say. None of you at Bungie care about your players anyways. All you care about is extracting more money from us. Lovely. It's so funny how you claim to be the opposite, but you are just another corporation preying on people, trying to take advantage of the public by claiming one thing while lying through your teeth.

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    • Bring back vog and crota weapons and armor types that had their own powers, mods and type specific usage instead of the current dead end path.....

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      • Edited by The 7th fall: 4/6/2020 2:30:05 PM
        Once again ignoring the elephant in the room. ToO is tanking so fast the Titanic would be jealous and PvE is just baren and hollow from the looks of it. A whole new take on half baked, this content is just raw. Also that line "perceived issues" was rather condescending considering there are lots of videos on YouTube that show evidence of cheating, bugs and constant disconnects in ToO.

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      • Final note. I hate being a supremely negative person, so I will say this. The cinematics with Zavala and Ana were cool, but very reminiscent of year one, and kind of had a corny feel to them because of that. The lore addition of Rasputin coming to humanities aid is a bit weird considering the Siva/Iron Lord history. I know, more negative. Not exactly. Other than those couple of things, I have been really impressed with the landscape of PvE activities. There is a lot to do most of the time if you love grinding for loot, which I do. Most of the game is pretty streamlined in terms of difficulty escalation, and reward structure for said difficulty escalation. The public events are challenging as all heck if you are lower light, yet still extremely fun and repeatable if you dont get too frustrated with the challenge. I try to help anyone I see trying to get them done because I know that the loot rewards from the bunkers are worth it. They are fun to use, and the warming cell/seasonal mod mechanics are very fun, and very rewarding. They dont unbalance the game, but they allow for better ad control without the constant use of heavy ammo or supers. It is a nice touch to game balance that fits well with the storyline of the game right now. The weapons for the most part feel good. I am a little wary of the sidearm because the latent range is so low, but it is snappy and fun to use. The PvE, though pretty limited this season, was of good quality. And we haven't even seen all of it yet, from what we know. But seriously guys, the PvP structure of the game needs to be fixed, with much lower stakes. I refuse to be carried by anyone. I hate that idea. That is ludicrous that people should ever have to rely on that to obtain an item from the game. Raids, once you learn them, are doable. Crucible, even if you learn it, can still be impossible to make progress in competitive modes without feeling like you HAVE to have a team. I get that the point of trials is teamwork. Trials is a good activity, and from what I have seen from the trials weapons, I have one so far, the scout, it is meh, but that is good. We shouldn't have God weapons locked behind a barricade like that ever. On that same note, we shouldn't have things happen where we have god weapons! I am speaking directly about the Hardlight. It is really annoying to be automatically outgunned by a cheesey exotic weapon when trying to use what I would argue, while isnt perfect, but is a very solid roll on the new auto rifle from the vaults. I mean, why do you guys allow things like that to happen if it is supposed to be about skill. I like to try to use a variety of weapons, and with iron banner, and other modes of crucible, this is sometimes possible. It does get annoying to run into a 6 stack of Hardlights, they tend to just try to group spam with Hardlight, which just really takes the fun out of the game for everyone. The worse problem is, again, competitive crucible where you end up almost HAVING to use the Hardlight if you want to have a chance of winning consistently. The stats dont lie, the Hardlight is dominant in the same way that has had other weapons nerfed or shut off temporarily. Why make new content with new weapons if they cannot compete with one of the oldest weapons in the game in an equal skill situation? I get that you guys want all content to be relevant, but most right now isnt because of the Hardlight. What if I want to try to use the Distant Starlight, or the Seraph Carbine, or the Origin or Horror Story? Maybe the Braytech Werewolf? Unless the Hardlight is in the hands of a particularly unskilled person, they will win against all these weapons. Even the other exotic autorifles, save the Suros, are seeing no use. The Hardlight is just too powerful to allow a good variety to the meta. The Hardlight is the meta. If you deal with Hardlight, it will make the game play more fun. Now let me suggest you look at something in the matchmaking. First, I am not clear as to what stats matchmaking uses. I think there may be a problem that has always existed inside it. I think that your matchmaking system relies either intentionally, or inadvertently on peoples win loss ratio, which should never be a stat that you matchmake with. It causes unintentional clumping of people that win more games, and lose more games. How successful do you think anyone can be where it clumps teams together like that, when they are supposed to be randomly balanced for things like that? You need to stop using win/loss ratio in the matchmaking because it seems like it is using it for team assignments in an improper way, or change team balancing to no longer use it. It does no good to have the game auto pairing people into teams that have similar win/loss ratios, if they encounter a group that has win/loss ratios different enough from theirs, the team assignment system will segregate rather than balance. Just really seems like that is what happens, and always has, to generate terrible matchmaking streaks. I mean, a game or two is one thing, but myself, and others I know of, end up on 5 plus game losing streaks, trying to carry the team because the team assignments are so unbalanced. You have to pay attention to things like this and fix them quickly, we all know it doesnt take that long to implement a fix to change a weapon, or a single aspect of matchmaking. Otherwise it looks like you want it that way, and it upsets a lot of otherwise very loyal fans. Just please fix it already.

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        • Well at least Sweatcicle and a few other streamers joined in are having fun with that loot exploit.

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        • When cheats can go flawless in under 10mins... nice work bungie.

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        • Hey Idiots at Bungie!! Fix the Trials loot drop ASAP!! Hey Bungie!! Fix the loot drop for 3,5 &7 wins! I went flawless and I only got my helmet!! Give us the drops and let us turn in our tokens! Idiots!!!

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          • Edited by I've forgot the Milk: 4/5/2020 10:52:45 AM
            7 wins no loses, a flawless card and no loot for 3,5,7 wins again, and if that's not bad enough I can't even hand my tokens in because it says 3 wins required, I can send a screen shot to prove it as I've not reset the trials card, until you sort this at least disable the 3 wins then people can use the tokens until you sort the 3,5,7 win bug out

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            • Edited by Prism: 4/6/2020 4:59:17 PM
              You need better Anti Cheat because a YouTuber has been cheating peoples accounts to the Lighthouse for a hour now

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              • Edited by FaMz_kcin: 4/6/2020 5:28:35 PM
                Please nerf Hard Light. I love this game but this weapon is too strong and makes the game unplayable.

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                • [quote][/quote] Grandmaster nightfall, I predict it will be broken on release and need a patch within a week Lol bungle

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                  • Edited by The 5quatch: 4/4/2020 8:38:08 AM
                    Fyi, when you give me really horrible teammates, I don't even try. I kill myself and cost them the game. If I cannot have fun, why should anyone else? I encourage others to do the same. If you get people that expect you to carry them, just kill yourself. They cannot stop you, you dont get banned for it, and maybe if a lot of people start doing this, the nonsense will stop.

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                    • Edited by ToRni27: 4/6/2020 4:53:55 PM
                      Gambit medal trackers are still mission on the list. For example: Invader 4 Men Army medals. (also Sentry Medals, Reaper Medals and Collector Medals)

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                    • About the whole Trials rewards were given too early and token farming and incentive to go flawless problems. It sounds like you are trying to plug a leaky dam with bubblegum. Try and fix a problem with a not thought out solution and create another one. Players are unable to even get to 3 wins now to get gear. So you want to move good gear to the end of the card? That will just put that stuff more out of reach for those players. Give flawless players adept weapons and a new set of armor. You already reused the old trials set so it’s not like you really put any work into an armor set at all. Give everyone the weekly armor/weapon bounty so that people can get that gear at least through RNG.

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                    • So with the overall 1% player participation of Trials of O-Ass-Ire-Us which the Bunghole leadership considers to be a massive success, It is now rumored that next season Bunghilo will be bringing back Trials of the Nine. The way it will work is that once you get a flawless ticket through Trials of O-Ass-Ire-Us you then are then instantly transported to a special instance of Trials of the Nine were u get to buy cool neat shiny little Objects from Tess Everis twin Brother Xur.

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                    • TWAB. Not only did we not fix anything we've probably broken more shit! Why even post this trash anymore? This is why noone at bungie responds to anything anymore [spoiler]because they know this game sucks now,and they've realized they are not talented enough to fix it.[/spoiler] #sellthegamebungie #completejokeofadevelopmentteam

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                    • "AlL uPdAtEs & h0tFiXeS aRe RiGoRoUsLy TeStEd bEfOrE lAuNcH" Since this statement, not a single update or hotfix has done what it claims.

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                      • Edited by CookieNiki: 4/3/2020 10:38:51 PM
                        Emblem stats? Really? With all the feedback gave by players about the problems with this season you decide to spend almost 40% of the TWAB with Emblem stats? This is your TWAB: [u][b]Trials[/b][/u] [quote][i]"Some items below may be addressed in the coming weeks, but other may take a season or more to tackle. We’re having meetings and discussions daily to determine the best course of action."[/i][/quote] [u][b]Hotfixes (PvE related)[/b][/u] [quote][i]"On Tuesday, March 31, we released Hotfix to the world. While maintenance was underway, we incorrectly noted two items in the patch notes: - A fix where bunker upgrades on the Season Pass are only unlocked on one character. - A fix where the first weekly clear of a Legendary Lost Sector won't award a powerful drop. These issues were not fixed in Fixes for these issues will be available with a later update."[/i][/quote] So, basically your TWAB told us that: 1 - Trials will eventually be completely fixed somewhere between 2 weeks to 10 months from now (free hint: it will be dead long before); 2 - Current seasonal PvE content issues will be corrected somewhere in the future (just keep playing for nothing and wait); 3 - Now... lets see some videos. Unbelievable! This game needs either to be rebuilt from the ground up or be left to die. The way it's being handled is something painful to see for someone who's been around since 2014. I've never witnessed so much potential being completely wasted by no one else but the game developer itself. So many people owe an apology to Activision.

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                        • Edited by zJDz: 4/6/2020 2:24:30 PM
                          There is still a bug where no rewards drop. How about you remove the feature that deletes our tokens every week. Cause right now unless you go flawless you get ZERO rewards for playing trials. I thought you guys didn’t want trials to come out half baked. But you did that anyway. In order for trials to succeed: Don’t delete tokens Adept weapons with intrinsic celerity perk Increase the tokens you get from wins further in the card. Have win 7 give you 15 tokens. You need way more weapons in the loot pool. Bring back like 20 weapons. Adept armor that has an extra perk like boots with last man standing that give you extra sprint speed when last man alive.

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                          • That moment where Bungie cant make good content without their papa activisions supervision. Had to be there moment of them slapping you around telling you guys to get good.

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                          • [quote][/quote] New is wish ender crash when I got to tje statue to claim my bow no fair

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                            • Who are these grandmaster nightfalls for? Certainly not the vast majority of the community. Nobody wants to play this annoying, bullet sponge filled crap. Champions are annoying, not challenging. Stop making content that only 1% of the community will play.

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                              • Man, I've been having so much fun playing other games.

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                                • Bungie, since you put out a hot fix stating you fixed trials rewards, why don't you give people the rewards next week when you say it will be "fixed?" The community was lied to and you guys should check the game history of your players and provide them the rewards they deserve. I was unaware of the the issue until after I just went flawless and received only the flawless chest. Terrible. Yeah, I could of read posts on reddit but shouldn't have to.

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                                  • The nightfall specific drop rate is -blam!-ing horrible to get the weapon I've done it countless times and I've barely gotten it to drop with nothing but shit perks for the love of god increase nightfall specific loot drop rate

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                                  • Thank you dmg04 hopefully cloak gets fixed soon would be nice to see it glow and just a note rewards still did not get fixed this Friday went flawless on all three guardians and no drops only loot from chest so was a bit disappointing hopefully fully fixed for next Friday and hope everyone at bungie is fine and well and safe.

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