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4/2/2020 11:56:49 AM
You’ve been playing Destiny for 6 months, you’ve got 29 total hours logged, and you’ve never played a PvP match. I’m not one who thinks you need thousands of hours logged to form an opinion or criticize the game, but you sure as hell don’t get to come here and question why long time players are upset with the game with that little invested into it. Sorry.

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  • Man chill bro lol, just asking a question not trying to make a statement 🤷‍♂️

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  • Gatekeeper much 😂😂😂

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  • 💪🏼

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  • Edited by Tru-Zrue: 4/2/2020 2:54:13 PM
    I haven't pvped since 🤔..... forsaken? Idk gave up on the game when SK hit.

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  • That's a bit of an overreaction for somebody asking for an explanation of why the negativity is bad. Maybe he's genuinely curious and not simply trying to make a statement. He has every right to ask the question. If he sticks around long enough and plays enough then the answers will come to him.

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  • “Not to understand a man’s purpose does not make him confused.”

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  • Literally this lmao

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  • The game is definitely in a better place than it used to be. I follow a lot of these developers and talk to them from time to time there hard work and dedication is why this game isn’t dead try not to rush through everything so fast. Did you max your artifact? Your bunkers? So much shit to do and a lot more fun than sitting in the forums complaining! Be more positive bro! 😊

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  • No, the game has taken giant steps backwards again. The game was in its best place during Opulence and it’s slowly gotten worse again. My bunkers are maxed. My artifact is maxed. I’m working from home and have destiny up about 8 hours a day as just something to play in the background. I still like the game, and I still play it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t see and admit the massive and glaring issues it has. All anyone has to do is play the game to see the issues. That’s why I called him out. He doesn’t play the game enough to know the issues but wants to come here and ask a bunch of people to explain it to him. Just read the rest of the board. It’s all there. I seriously question the sincerity of it.

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  • I make my reply super simple especially with the examples you gave. Just because there are a ton of things to do doesn't mean they are fun or worthwhile.

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  • Edited by Trafalgar_Lou: 4/2/2020 1:44:21 PM
    Why can’t people understand that maxing out your bunkers consists of doing bounties that require you to do the same content you have been doing for 3 years.... The lost sectors are the same lost sectors you have been doing for 3 years with a new difficulty... It’s the same strikes you have been doing for 3 years with a new difficulty.... It might seem like “stuff to do”. But none of its new. Trials maps, armour and weapons are all taken from D1, literally just pulled straight over and with a glow ahahah Iron banner gear hasn’t been updated in 3 seasons and the weapons are Y1 ahaha. The new bow right? Nope it’s a reskin that’s been in the game files for 2 whole seasons.... Planetary vendors haven’t been refreshed in 3 years. Tower vendors haven’t had a refresh in 1 and a half years. There’s still no factions after years of feedback No SRL after years of feedback No ritual weapons, because even reskins are hard. DMG said if we want ritual weapons back it’s a CHOICE between ritual weapons or trials gear....remember this is trials gear taken form D1 not even new models nothing Hahahah The “new” public event, not even a new game mode, consists of throwing a ball at...well another ball. We currently have the slowest load times on console to date! The most bugs present at one time. There are still no new strike specific times after years of feedback. Not a single reward from Scarlett keep strike. Not to worry though, 5 brand new exotic scarlet keep themed items in the cash shop this season alone. And all this after 7 YEARS of feedback. Bungie are working on a whole new game. How can anyone look at the state of this season with the fact they only have 1 studio left working on some destiny content while the rest work on there new game and think “nice one, bungie are still trying really hard with this game” hahaha they haven’t even responded to any feedback in ages. There on one of there “silent” times were they don’t respond until they have another drip feed piece of content to keep the fanboys happy.

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  • It’s all negative I wouldn’t want to respond either! T I feel like 99.9% of players who complain on here don’t have a consistent clan of players they play with and help new players achieve there goals I enjoy helping people run the last wish teaching it just like old raids in wow! RPGs are loops the bunkers have a lot of new content the public events the grind for bits so much to do your missing out! They drop new content into the game every so often and if your a fan you stick around if your not you leave you don’t sit on a forum like a battered wife complaining about how you think the game ought to be! It’s not feedback it’s criticism that’s why they don’t respond to y’all!

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  • Criticism IS Feedback. It’s even constructive if there is enough criticism to affect change. It’s the ultimate form of feedback from a passionate consumer base. Outside of personal attacks, criticism should be embraced & evaluated. Instead it’s looked at as if it were a pejorative slur. It’s not. It’s healthy. 💯.

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  • Are you more interested in making destiny the best it possible can be or are you more interested in blaming and finger pointing each fault it may have? There are distinctions between the two as i stated. I don't believe you can embrace something and criticize it. What if you worked for someone and everything you did they criticized you and flamed you on there internet forums with other managers. Or what if they saw you make a mistake and offered there feedback. You have to have the intention to make something better to make it better if you just criticize it your wasting your energy. They don't care if you don't like something they want to know how they can make it better. Start there be kind share your vision of how you see this game not judge it offer solutions to issues you see. Improvise before you criticize. They are watching but won't waste there time responding to non effective solutions.

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  • You make a valid point that the emphasis is almost entirely negative. It’s a shame that we as a people, me included, are so apt to criticize, yet immediately fail when it comes to praise. Regardless of the distinction, if it exists at all, criticism is still feedback. When you or I create something, actually anything, and we offer it to millions of people whom we are physically distant from (differentiated from a chef bringing your just prepared meal to your table) to consume, we should expect to receive majority feedback as negative leaning, critical in nature. imho, without the criticism, nothing would ever grow or improve. How we view the criticism, as an albatross and not wanted, needed, or welcome; or as a friend who IS wanting the product to be the best it can be is up to the viewer of that criticism. I want nothing from Bungie, or Destiny other than a product I may purchase. Then after that I’ll make my feelings be known, if they are allowed. It’s that simple. They can act on our criticism, or ignore it. Ball is, has always been, in their court wrt what this game is. Our opinions and views however, are completely separate from that. Just my $0.02. Bottom line, few, Very Few, ppl contact LaZBoy to let them know how much they love their leather furniture when it’s new. But, as it ages and begins to “peel”, we find out the leather wasn’t truly leather at all just “bonded” leather (laminated leather effectively) then the pitchforking comes out, lawsuits ensue, negativity rules the day. No different from this product.

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  • Bro it's simple if you want to change something beating it over the head with your judgment is not gonna change it. But having that intention of change and offering your vision or constructive feedback can be helpful and can push change. Im saying that the pitchforks are unnecessary laZBoy products tell you wether its real leather or not and real leather does not peel lol. You get what you pay for. The distinction is important because intention is everything imo.

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  • No, LaZBoy did not say “bonded leather” on my receipt from five years ago. It stated clearly “leather sofa”. That’s why the lawsuits. It’s why they’ve already offered my money back in full. Even after almost five years in my home. Regardless, I don’t need, nor want Bungie to change a thing, based on my feedback, critical or not. They make a product, I’ll buy it and consume it, or not, and let the chips lie where they fall. I’ll make my opinions known as allowed by their TOS. It’s that simple.

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  • Battered wives get up and leave and take the kids and all their money with them! Care to use another example.

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  • Agreed. Plus, it’s always a bad idea to use any violent, real world analogy just to make a point wrt a form of entertainment. Bad form imho.

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  • Not all of them most stay. Like y’all u haven’t “packed up and left” your still here wishing they would change for you! 👌

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  • I run a clan with a few hundred in our discord if anyone on here who love this game wants tips needs help grinding want to join in on raids pvp etc. we have room for people to join and connect with other people who also enjoy destiny if so Just hit me up. Through a dm

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  • A lot of the players that come here moaning have less hours played than OP.

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  • [quote]You’ve been playing Destiny for 6 months, you’ve got 29 total hours logged, and you’ve never played a PvP match. I’m not one who thinks you need thousands of hours logged to form an opinion or criticize the game, but you sure as hell don’t get to come here and question why long time players are upset with the game with that little invested into it. Sorry.[/quote] Yup /\

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