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Edited by Veg 317: 3/31/2020 4:48:54 PM

Even streamers are complaining about the trials population lol

Top players complaining about trials population being low already is the funniest thing I've been seeing. Because now you all see that its not as popular as you all think. You wanted a sweet mode now you have you're exclusive club and us average players are not playing it anymore. Now you're crucible playlist made for you is about to die off and you all said if we're not good enough go play something else. Guess what we have and we're no longer your cannon fodder for easy wins. Suck it up and deal with the fact we're not enjoying players stomping on us anymore every dam game. If trials dies it all on you for the way you all rub it in our faces about going flawless 40+ times in one weekend and the 99% of the playerbase wont ever go once its a hope less situation for us. Im ok with never going flawless and im ok with your playlist going away because it's all toxic anyways. No one wants to play the 1% of those god tear players and no one wants your influence on this game anyway. What we want is fair matchmaking and enjoy the games we play not get stomped every time we step into a crucible match. Trials needs to go away away and stay away or make it fare for everyone to play not just the streamers or elitist players. You all have made your bed without ever considering that maybe the casual player base is the reason this game mode was to stay alive. Now you all are crying that there are not enough casual players in the game mode. We'll were not coming back and nothing you do out side of making a flawless only que matchmaking for those that have already gone flawless that weekend will bring us back. Hope you all enjoy trials now because it wont last if us casual player stay gone and the population stays so low its not worth bungies time to invest in that mode any more.

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  • But then people complain about skilled based match Making. Like, wtf do you guys want???

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    3 Replies
    • I kind of figured this would happen if they brought it back. Trials definitely isn’t for everyone. I just avoid it to keep myself from getting too frustrated with the game.

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    • I never liked trials. Ever. I like playing PvP but trials takes too long and is too full of sweatys that it's sucks all the fun out. Haven't played it since it dropped and have no intention to

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    • livestock

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    • Right now you see trials was a fail, give us FACTION RALLIES!!!!!! 😉😉😉😉😂😘🥰

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      6 Replies
      • Agree.👍👍👍

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      • Edited by B3ar: 4/1/2020 8:08:54 AM
        Im good at PVP particularly good at trials but this mode is so poorly designed it honestly hurts to see. First last 2 weeks half of the days of the "event" you couldnt get powerful rewards so there was no point in doing it, so I didnt. That probably didnt help the population which may have made people feel like it was dropping off sooner than later. Second the fact that artifact power mattered week 1 didnt help either. The damage curve in this game is so steep for the initial 10 levels its incredibly stupid but the content is so severely lacking they made it that way so there is an incentive to grind those levels. If you have a 5 light level advantage you do 5% more damage and take 5% less damage. If you have a 10 light level advantage you do 10% more damage and take 10% less damage. If you have a 40 light level difference you do 15% more damage and take 15% less damage. You can see from this that the initial 10 light level difference is massive and after that is basically meaningless. Its so those pinnacle activities matter for PVP, if they made it like D1's power curve we'd never do pinnacle activities for PVP because it would be meaningless. The problem is this benefits the players that grind the game to an insane degree and in an endgame PVP mode light level should have no bearing on the outcome. It should be strictly who aims better, moves better, strategizes better. Not oh I can get headshot out of my super solely because my opponent played 40+ hours week 1. All that does is frustrate players and turn them away. The token system is so bad it shouldve been removed immediately. First of all you can play an obscene amount of trials games and get like 3 drops from the coins. A group of guys on twitch ran cards so often they achieved flawless 80+ times and they got like 20 drops for the weekend. That may seem like a lot but if you take the average player playing 10-20 matches you maybe get 2-3 drops a weekend and thats it. Theres never drops at the end of a match, you dont get drops from bounties just a minuscule number of coins. I mean if you wanted to take every incentive for playing the mode and make it painstakingly awful then I guess congratulations? It was really clear that Bungie thought this would be huge and yet they didnt think of artifact power being a huge issue. The design of the entire mode where they incentivize resetting cards to get more rolls of loot because again LOOT NEVER DROPS WHEN THE MATCH COMPLETES, is painful to see. Like did anyone at Bungie remember D2 year 1 complaints. Lack of drops from matches and the token system. You literally put in that same exact garbage. No one liked it at all. How could you expect that to be good here? So right now you have a system where its better to farm gear by not going flawless and then casual players can literally go an entire weekend not earning 3 wins and get literally no rewards. There are going to kill this mode in literally less than a season and thats remarkable considering the lack of content in the game right now. I mean all you had to do was literally regurgitate D1 and you did that with the armor/guns. But literally the only things you changed which were minor catastrophically ruined any incentive to play it. Bravo.

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      • Edited by Smallershrub: 4/1/2020 8:54:22 AM
        Moral of the story: Don’t make messages at 4am

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      • It’s simple Weapon tuning separately PvP-PvE If trials is the “raid” endgame content for PvP treat it that way. Like raids, you can only open the chest once a week. Why does everything have to be so hard? These are simple issues to correct. Why aren’t they?

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      • Edited by DTAKthatGuy: 4/1/2020 12:15:28 AM
        303,000+ is low? 🤔 more than last week. Avg was around 250k+

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        5 Replies
        • They need to increase tokens per win and bounty and give a huge amount for going flawless/getting 7 wins etc... (Seriously? 2 tokens like wtf. Not to mention that they also expire on weekly reset). As well as add weapon and armor rewards to the weekly bounties just like D1 did. Makes it so that at least some of the casual players have incentives to play and allows higher end players to play out their card like they should to get their tokens instead of farming the lower skilled players in the bottom latter of the card. I see it as a win-win.

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        • rewards need to be reworked

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        • Streamers aren't complaing you aren't there to farm they are complaing because of the aim bots an teleport glitching that is gonna kill trials on PC unless it's fixed quick, even thou they said they had an anti cheat system in place, I guess that's working from home as well lol. I don't have an issue with trials being back in the game, I just have an issue with how lazy bungie has gotten now, trials of the nine was removed because it didn't work apparently yet 2 years later it's bought back under an old name but in the same state it was removed an it has all the issues the previous version had, I don't know what's going on at bungie but if things don't get a turn around quickly after the flop that is this season, we could be looking at another mass exodus of players just like what happened in CoO.

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        • Imagine a world where folks believed something like ToO would entice big numbers of "mediocre" players to engage... 🤕

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          4 Replies
          • The “ladder” doesn’t work at all.

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          • I learned this lesson in D1. But welcome to the cookout anyways.

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            5 Replies
            • Naa people just realize they are not as good as they think they are in pvp. Most players are trash in pvp and trials shows that being outplayed is just them not being good in pvp. Truth hurts destiny community.

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            • OPs post is toxic, in and of itself. Very good look for you "PVE only matters, forget PVP" players. I hope y'all remember that this seasons PVE content is only Public Events and Lost Sectors. If Trials weren't here, y'all would b*tch about PVE regardless. And so the mid-season cycle continues. ***[i]I'm not excusing Bungies delivery and handling of Trials, [b]by any means[/b].[/i] I have my issues with it too. But y'all need to shut the f*ck up and stop acting all high and mighty like PVE being better would simply solve the issue. It doesn't. Y'all remember Halo, right? Sure, Bungie made amazing PVE campaign experiences. But they only focused on PVP and making that experience [i]good[/i] once the game was out to the public (Halo 3: ODST is the exception since it lacks a PVP mode. However, that was originally planned as Halo 3 DLC so my point still stands). This has been their M.O. for nearly 2 decades. These topics make me lol though. Whatever. Continue on.

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            • ANTI CHEAT

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            • Anyone remember trials of the nine? Much more casual friendly, had new loot, some lore/story stuff tied to it. Pretty much an answer to most of the current complaints we have with current trials. But no, instead of asking for an improved version of that, we begged for D1 trials to return. And here we are.

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              15 Replies
              • I came back to destiny to play trials, I’ve ran over 250 flawless cards and even I can’t be bothered playing anymore. The current meta, lack of special ammo, the crappy mod system ruin pvp. They should have brought it back how it was D1. Oh and why have we still not got Icebreaker and NLB back but we get crap like the 4th horseman?

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                2 Replies
                • Even though I agree I cannot help but wonder, who cares, why is this in “feedback” and WHO CARES. The trials diehards are very aware of everything you said. They can only pray it’s not as accurate as you claim it to be. Not feedback

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                • They are complaining because they have to fight their own and can't hack it. Why would an average player like me bother with something that I have no hope of winning?

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                  2 Replies
                  • The only thing keeping Destiny 2 afloat is Bungie's partnership with Twitch and it's streamers. (AKA PVP goons) Tons of views! Tons of free publicity! Now Trials sucks, watch Bungie bend the knee once again just for streamers to fix it, ignoring numerous other problems.

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                  • Haven’t tried it since d1. Only play pvp when it’s mayhem - the games are shorter and that mode is fun to me. What’s the point of pinnibke fear anyway ? I don’t need to be above 1014 like I am for anything 1000+14. I went from a hardcore pve player in d1 to a solo casual pve players in d2.

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                  • What's that you say? Destiny PvP is a dumpster fire? Well butter my taters and call me Tully, who'd a thunk it?

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