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Edited by Veg 317: 3/31/2020 4:48:54 PM

Even streamers are complaining about the trials population lol

Top players complaining about trials population being low already is the funniest thing I've been seeing. Because now you all see that its not as popular as you all think. You wanted a sweet mode now you have you're exclusive club and us average players are not playing it anymore. Now you're crucible playlist made for you is about to die off and you all said if we're not good enough go play something else. Guess what we have and we're no longer your cannon fodder for easy wins. Suck it up and deal with the fact we're not enjoying players stomping on us anymore every dam game. If trials dies it all on you for the way you all rub it in our faces about going flawless 40+ times in one weekend and the 99% of the playerbase wont ever go once its a hope less situation for us. Im ok with never going flawless and im ok with your playlist going away because it's all toxic anyways. No one wants to play the 1% of those god tear players and no one wants your influence on this game anyway. What we want is fair matchmaking and enjoy the games we play not get stomped every time we step into a crucible match. Trials needs to go away away and stay away or make it fare for everyone to play not just the streamers or elitist players. You all have made your bed without ever considering that maybe the casual player base is the reason this game mode was to stay alive. Now you all are crying that there are not enough casual players in the game mode. We'll were not coming back and nothing you do out side of making a flawless only que matchmaking for those that have already gone flawless that weekend will bring us back. Hope you all enjoy trials now because it wont last if us casual player stay gone and the population stays so low its not worth bungies time to invest in that mode any more.

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  • "Bungie please fix Trials, I need my payed carries"

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  • Edited by SpacemanSpff434: 4/1/2020 1:38:32 PM
    People that claim it’s only for the best are fooling themselves. If the competition doesn’t have skill ranks tiering of some sort your victory is meaningless. Professional sports teams don’t get to the championship playing only college and high school level players. They play other pros, outlast them and hold that well earned trophy high. Trials players insisting on it being open to everyone are quite simply punks. Insecure babies who want a walk in the park. Real champions want to play real champions. The Kansas City chiefs aren’t Super Bowl champions because they beat LSU. So if you played trials and think you’re the best you’re wrong. You’re just a person who played a noncompetitive game and you didn’t earn any bragging rights. That’s not how being the best works. And this nonsense that by playing the best you get better is just that. Nonsense. Anyone who has ever played any sport of any type knows being new and going against far superior players doesn’t help you improve your skill set.

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    36 Replies
    • Edited by Gridzzz: 4/2/2020 1:28:09 AM
      Trials need to be skill-based matchmaking.

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      11 Replies
      • Trials is not worth it for an average player like me I play destiny but I'm not the best at pvp I'm probably below average in pvp and that's my level. So unless it paired me with same skill based players witch it dose not there is no point putting my limited gaming time into something I'm not going to enjoy. As for that the loot you get will be rendered useless soon enough anyway. Reskin after reskin nothing is meaningful anymore in destiny 2 unlike when destiny first came out its just gone down hill.

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      • You are really upset for being stomped

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      • Why so many words my fellow gamers. It's a bit sad and pathetic. Here you will never find what you're hoping for. My advice: Kick them where it hurts, speak with your feet. LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK!

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      • Edited by SensoryFern: 4/2/2020 12:55:28 PM
        I play trials because the friend I play with at work likes it but to me i feel like I just don’t belong there. It’s like when you go into a dungeon and everything has a skull above its head. You get quickly killed and you go “Well I guess this isn’t for me” and you quickly back out to orbit lol

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      • Well this is what you happens when devs overmanage a game. My question to you, OC, is: "why are you still playing the game at all?" We ALL know by now that BungLe doesn't change anything until numbers need balanced or boosted. By logging on, you are saying the game is fun to play. Perhaps next season will be better?

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      • Proof that all players matter.

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      • If someone could put together a montage of footage and reactions during these best on best would be gold 😁

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      • Rewards for doing this aren’t worth the problem or hackers in game. A lot of stuff is broken every season all we get is stuff bugged removed because broken. Bunkers and obalisk where all broken for first part of season where’s the support game is really suffering and it’s a shame as this game as so much going for it. ONS good shot gun ruins a event because every one just grind enough to get it over again. Game really needs help come on bungie pinnacle rewards for everything help this boring power grind every season.

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      • Bad part is trials much like comp wouldn’t be so bad if you weren’t punished for even trying. The have said it get rid of the loss counter and get rid of the loss penalty. You want people to play then stop treating them like shit and making them feel like a loser for even trying. I know here’s the no lifer players chiming in. Everyone wants a participant trophy or some other come back that is elementary school level. No it’s called balance it’s called fairness. Something you obviously know nothing about. What happens when a game stops being fair to everyone or stops be balanced. Answer they leave because they are tired of the bullshit. Me I have been modding Skyrim on my brand new pc I bought with the money I saved up from having a job and dealing with real life because I don’t get to sit in front of a video game. But still.

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      • Haha bad players go brrr

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        5 Replies
        • In essence and in short, what the "good" players are saying is, if youre not good enough to go flawless you shouldnt go flawless (which is correct in a sense) but they want you to keep coming back so they can farm you on a low streak card and slap you around a little while there is still a population in the mode because if you leave they might be the ones being slapped around. Am i far off or not?

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        • Bruh if you can’t get flawless just say so 🤦‍♂️ Writing all this non-sense just cause you’re upset about being a casual is ridiculous. Flawless isn’t meant for you guys. And as soon as they add some new shiny loot you guys will be back to posting on here crying hoping Bungie makes it easier...

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          20 Replies
          • I mean your response is quite funny as well. Basically a "-blam!- you" to the pvp community lol.

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            • The population is only low on PC. Its pretty fine on PS4 where everyone plays

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            • If it had matchmaking and light level advantage disabled I would try it a few times a week. At least enough to get the powerful gear or pinacle gear. The fact Bungie loves creating a wedge between the leet sweaty try hards and the casuals by not putting matchmaking in all events has proven to be disastrous and incorrect. Because it has no matchmaking it is an instant and automatic no go for me and Im pretty sure a lot of other players also. Honestly though at this point it's to late. Even if Bungie added matchmaking for higher difficulty end game activities no one would come back. Game is dead and rotting now.

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              • Edited by HellfireEclipse: 4/1/2020 10:46:00 PM
                I just want to redeem tokens for trials armor and weapons. But I can’t redeem my 200 tokens so I quit playing And my tokens expired.

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                2 Replies
                • They were warned 😂 does anybody listen? -blam!- no they don't lmao

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                • It’s almost like the majority of players don’t enjoy pvp in destiny. Shocker.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Edited by VVeenus5060: 4/2/2020 5:46:45 AM
                    U know it's is far worse since in this state than it ever was before.. not to mention these super try hards and streamers resetting their ticket to stay in the low rounds just to farm casuals... To me as a community that's the worse possible outcome and they r doing it on purpose and disgusting to they can't understand the reason there leagues in every sport... Why would trials be any different.. it should skill based mm and if u go flawless in ur skill bracket u automatically move up into the next highest skill bracket so on.. so the average that keeps the game going and forcing people to stop playing it because it's a horrible mode there is nothing fun about it for average players.. if I were bungie I'd b comptely embarrassed of the dumpster fire that is trials current slap n the face.. we r gonna fix it and they made it worse

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                  • 1: )Trials of Osiris would be better for everyone if 3x flawless per account (3 characters) would be instated. 2: )Make Trials of Osiris SBMM with CBMM and then search for card win opponents. 3: )When flawless the glow should stay indefinitely like D1 Trials of Osiris S3. 4: ) Trials of Osiris themed post match rewards (shaders amongst other things)

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                  • Edited by MrMac: 4/1/2020 10:24:05 PM
                    Trials has proven to be just a pissing contest and everyone is comparing dick sizes. Well, let's leave them to their own devices. There is no glory to going flawless when it is apparent that there is rampant cheating. If going flawless is in itself, the reward, then brag away. I hope they sleep good at night. For casual players, there is not much to do, except for the daily grind. It's not only the rampant cheating, that is making Trials unattractive. It's also the lack of rewards. For a very challenging activity (without cheating), you should be given the choice of the reward. They already have that in place, somewhat, with the obelisks. You can go to a specific obelisk and farm for the weapon that it offers. Same thing should be done with Trials. At 3 wins, you get to choose from 2 weapons. At 5 wins, you get to choose from additional 2 weapons. You can choose the same weapon from 3 wins to get a different set of rolls. And at 7 wins, you should be able to choose from another 2 weapons (plus the 4 weapons from win 3 and 5). AND if you go flawless, you get a pinnacle weapon! The important thing here is, YOU get to choose your reward! One other annoying thing is, they do not even have handcannons and pulse rifles on the Trials rewards! SMH! These days, all I'm doing is grinding for warmind bits, in preparation for the Io bunker to open up. Then I'll get my hands on the handcannon. I hope it does not disappoint! To me, there is nothing else worth doing at this point. Not even the masterclass activities. To me, those were put in place because Bungie can't come up with NEW engaging and challenging activities. Where is the fun in making bullet sponges ten times stronger? These are the same activities that we've been doing since the expansion came out. Boring? Yes, it is boring. And you don't have to be a genius to figure that out. I am sure the devs know about this but they're only doing what the head honcho is telling them. [i]Hey, we can't put out any new stuff, so just add another difficulty level on things they've been doing! That'll give us time to come up with new stuff.[/i] Or not. Another thought. Why don't you give a solo option for masterclass activities? Just make adjustments on the sponge bullet bosses, number of ads, and perhaps take out the locked loadout. And make it in a way that we can save our progress, because soloing a masterclass difficulty can take at least an hour! You can't come out with new stuff? Make things interesting. Fix bugs. Make us feel like legends again.

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                  • I saw this post and I laughed! I believe everything you said. It's just my opinion. I am not a casual player and I knew this would happen. Going flawless isn't even worth it because the rewards doesn't justify the time and work.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Yep 👍. I won’t touch it. I would hate to deprive the best their challenge...may the best team win. Enjoy 🙂

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