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originally posted in: Bungie player poll/survey
3/17/2020 5:54:25 AM
Been playing destiny since destiny 1 which was my brother's fault as he got me hooked on the game and been around destiny 2 from the beginning never missed a dlc or season started out on Xbox one back in destiny 1 and for a while on destiny 2 the moved over to PS4 unfortunately when I moved over the cross save was not available 3 years ago so had to start from scratch since then have over ten titles two of which I'm very proud of ravensbane and unbroken only thing that dose disappoint me is how every iron banner lately is reskin after reskin and same this season which is a huge disappointment only new thing in iron banner this season will be pinical bow and for normal PvP reskin and same with vanguard bungie need to be creative and start giving new sets for PvP and vanguard and iron banner as well as weapons give us all something to want to grind for. Fingers crossed bungie listen and sort something out

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