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originally posted in: Solo players Can’t progress
3/16/2020 3:12:37 PM
So I have to deal or search for a clan that doesn’t have elitist in there that bully you for not wasting every second in the game, or demand you to download another app to play a game I purchased and shouldn’t have to run around everywhere else in the world to get through an activity. New light players have the leviathan raid they need to complete and guess how many “must know what your doing” or even personally I made an alt account to help a friend and when I joined a raid (only one available after searching and posting for hours) I was belittled and talked to like I’ve never seen the inside of the underbelly and anytime we did something there was always 2-3 people talking down to us like they were hired by Bungie to clean up after us. This game is toxic to the core and it’s due to people that enjoy kicking down others that are struggling and coming to these forums to voice our discouraged gameplay and to ask for help from Bungie or Admins of Bungie to make this world less Elitest and maybe more friendlier to the newer players. What sucks is that there’s no enjoyment in this game unless you’re shit stomping the poor person that just installed this game and doesn’t know how to throw Grenades with their overpowered Hard Light/Pinnacle Weapons

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