So As I was playing the mission "Sacrilege" on IO (Red War Campaign), I made it to the final part of the mission, where the Taken are taking the Travelers raw energy out of the Cabal's drill base. You have to kill three Taken Wizards. The order I killed them in was Wyr, Erruk, and then Norr (I dont know if this matters) BUT, For a second after all the wizards died, in front of where Norr's position is, Three [b]Friendly[/b] Taken Psions spawned in, and were standing around a ton of other enemy Taken Psions, just looking at me. I walked closer and then they transmatted away before the final boss came out.I could tell they were friendly because they had the same Destiny logo and AI nametag as Spider's Assosicates. Can someone play through this mission again (since theres no replay options at the moment, that I know of), and see if you can get the same occurence? I havent seen anything about this after searching for awhile.
Played through on 2/22/2020
That happens quite a bit. The enemies de-spawn when the objective (or in this case, the wizards) is complete. The psions spawned in after the combat was supposed to be over.