I just want to say that even tho i'm a top 0.1% player there is a couple leagues of players that are still significantly better.
I know everyone says that Destiny 2 cant be played competitively, but I think that's wrong. If Bungie would take the format the sweat players have already created for destiny, this game could be very close to true competitive game.
We need something to chase
It would be great to have a competitive ladder that resets with seasons, and an in game leader board based on Glory to check your ranking among hundreds of thousands of players
Make another playlist called ranked, or ladder. Don't give it a point Cap like competitive, and make it SBMM. Add a small chance for exclusive emblems, weapon ornaments, armor ornaments, and shader's for every tier. At the seasons end the top 1% of teams get a really cool emblem, and a title that last through the following season.
The leader board could be team-based where you would create a team at the beginning of the season and climb with those players, or the leader board could be based on solo performance. Follow all the rules in place for the tournaments the top 50 players participate in every weekend.
A lot of people already have a blast playing crucible and it hasn't had significant updates since forsaken, We could Que with buddies and watch our progression on the in game leader boards, while earning exclusive gear, ornaments, and shaders.
TLDR: Add a uncapped ranked seasonal ladder in game with exclusive emblems, ornaments, and shaders.
Edit: since people are already accusing me of lying about my stats here's my destiny tracker profile
So ladder ranking system and weekend tournaments based off rankings. Ok what’s the big deal? Sounds like a good idea. Even sounds like something that might be some good streamed content. I would check it out.