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Edited by Lord Magris: 11/22/2019 7:02:52 AM

A Little CURRANT Problem

Making this post for me and my friends that I was playing with earlier today on Xbox One. I shall reference my three friends in this post as Friend A, Friend B and Friend C. I don't really know why, but error code Currant has started becoming more common lately. Every once in a while, I get Currant when the game tries to launch some activities, usually but not limited to the Crucible. I was playing with my friends Friend A and Friend B in the Survival playlist earlier and we all got error code Currant twice in a row. When this happens, we are returned to Orbit but we are still in the same fireteam. They both got suspended from Survival and lost a bit of Glory due to leaving too many matches, but oddly I was not penalized once. This happened a few weeks ago when I was playing with both Friend A and Friend C as well, but it only happened once. I've asked Friend A if they encounter Currant when they play on their own. They said occasionally. I've asked Friend B if they encounter Currant when they play on their own. They said it was the first time they've ever seen the error. They have a lot of hours played too, but they usually play on PC. Haven't asked Friend C yet. From what I've seen, error code Currant seems to happen independently to other errors. I usually report Cabbage as you've probably already seen, but during the first week of Festival of the Lost and until the next Thursday of that when the patch happened, there were no Cabbage errors, just two random Currant errors that I encountered. Friend A has encountered Currant and Beet. Beet usually happens for them in Gambit, but Currant is random. I haven't even seen Beet happen on my end for quite a few months. I don't really know what's up with it. I was asked to investigate the forums about this but I didn't see any recent posts about it, so I went ahead and made this post. The main concern in this post is error code Currant. It's been happening here and there for a long time. EDIT: Forgot to mention, but when I was playing with Friend A and Friend B earlier, Friend A was the fireteam leader.

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