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originally posted in: So this is the 'Vision' then?
11/21/2019 1:50:21 AM
Bump. If you are wondering why all these things are the way they are let me enlighten you. The idea is to offer a pass up front to get as much money as possible right away, next is to spend as little as absolutely necessary on the “new” content (this helps maximize profits). Then budget a certain amount for hyping the next product (this is to make all of the pissed-off people who bought the last thing forget why they were mad in the first place so they will buy again). Rinse and repeat. Its worked for five years now and will continue to work because we are stupid. All of the nerfing is done so that no money needs to be spent developing challenging content, saves even more cash! In a sense nerfing and re-skinning actually serve the same purpose.

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