[quote]I would strongly disagree.
Quote you: [quote]Remove pve kids. If you can’t even crucible do you deserve to be guardian?[/quote][/quote]
I think this was directed at Kinderguardians, not he-man types like U :D
In all seriousness, there is nothing wrong with having zero glory.
there is if you want to complete your collections - last season 3,500 Glory. No access to Luna's No access to M.T. No access to Recluse. Why - because Fabled is (or maybe was) unobtainable to legit players. Cheat your way to Fabled to get guns or Pay for a carry/recover. SORRY (not sorry) I paid for the software and it is claimed to be a looter shooter - I shot, a lot, 3,500 Glory worth of shooting but because I wasn't able to cheat or willing to pay a third party (or possibly Bungie employees - there are conspiracy theories but it would make sense) to get pasts the barrier the developer put in place to get them. I see no reason to pay anymore to this company or for this game until #removecrucible is a thing. Claim - players got there legit,....... OH REALLY - why then did Bungie change up the entire Comp system putting in place Floors that GUARANTEE Fabled rank to all players that participate in that activity????