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10/31/2019 11:20:58 PM

The Deep Below

Welcome to Reme on Halloween! Jack O' lanterns light the path to the catacombs through an older section of town. Some teens and college kids are fooling around here. Some are engaging in illicit activities, others are taking pictures. A small hill rises on the outskirts, crowned by an even smaller building. Ruins covered in graffiti, no one remembers what was once here. The children will tell you that doesn't matter because of what is here now. 4 pathways to choose from here. Each has an entry on a side of the ruins in the ground. Barrel vaults descend slowly then grow steeper. A single spider is carved at the arch of each entrance. Welcome, to the Deep Below! [spoiler]RP begins here. Have fun![/spoiler] [spoiler]note: it is very dark here naturally. Add Deep infused darkness spells, and at most you'll be able to see 10 feet in front of you unless otherwise stated. Also, spiders tend to spin webs. And these ones are no exception! The spiders have been living here for a while, and as such there are a LOT of webs, slowing movement a small amount unless otherwise stated. To make it worse, the stench of decaying flesh is really, really bad. And the air isn't the healthiest either, so masks are advised. Ooh one more thing: the screams! The souls of people here are alive with the energies of the night, and they tend to scream a lot. So that's smell, sound, sight, some touch... anything else? Oh right! It's cold here. Like, below freezing at a certain point. Bundle up, buckaroo! [/spoiler] [spoiler]Lolth is cold, calculating. This place is reminiscent of her home plane, so don't think this is unfair. It makes sense character-wise, and is meant to be difficult. Thanks![/spoiler]

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  • *Tiger opens the door, and exits the trance. Wielding the dark blade, he leads the way through the spooky palace. Down, down stairs, no spiders or webs are seen. Braziers light as you pass by them, and you finally reach a long corridor. A Deep black sea above the reinforced glass roof and walls decorates the room. The floor slowly lights up, and the other guests arrive. Skeletons, zombie, vampires, wights, hags, and all sorts of undead arrive and proceed to party to the spooky tunes. Confused, the heroes see a tall black figure glide towards them. Lolth, Queen of Spiders. "Happy Halloween! There's refreshments and candy that won't kill you here. You're welcome to stay until dawn, and then Az will warp you all out. Thanks for coming! And as for you, Tiger, come with me." [spoiler]Thanks for playing guys, I hope you had a happy Halloween. You can party with the undead(who aren't hostile) or leave. Thanks again![/spoiler]

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    63 Replies
    • I yell at everyone to stop, Halloween is over.

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      10 Replies
      • Edited by cinqueMento: 11/1/2019 10:29:37 PM
        (FINAL BOSS?) *The Death Knight perishes by Tiger's hand. His sword glows with blue fire at the doors. The massive stone double doors are 40 feet high and intricately carved. Motifs of spiders, webs and death cover the surface.* (the voice of Lolth echoes throughout the cavern) "Teehee. Now who will open it? How about some 'Only he who is worthy can open it?' That sounds excellent! Mwahahah!" *The sword is stabbed in a key hole like slot in the floor in front of the doors. Who will open them to finish this spooky event?*

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        • *pulls out the lumafly lantern and proceeds.* [spoiler]Unless the air gets highly corrosive, toxic fumes aren't much of a concern for my character since it's just an empty shell.[/spoiler]

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          163 Replies
          • *I walk up dressed in all black, a mask covers the top half of my face and a rapier rests at my hip* “This is Halloween this is Halloween!”

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            61 Replies
            • Alright, this'll be my first shot at this rp stuff. Unless I need to establish a character of some type, then I may need some direction

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              1 Reply
              • This seems fun. I wave my hand and a massive box of Velveeta appears but then it shrinks into a brick sized object that I put in my pocket* I pull my bladestaff out of the Duat*

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                19 Replies
                • I summon my Axe and ignite it. “Alright, another monster to slay.”

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                  17 Replies
                  • *A drop pod(Titanfall) falls form the sky, and opens, to reveal one BRD-01 Spectre, Cobalt, and a small armory. He grabs a R-101 Rifle, multiple firestar grenades, a P2016 pistol, and finally, a long wrist mounted blade. He starts to walk towards the village, illuminating using head mounted lights.*

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                    20 Replies
                    • *a pentagram appears at the head of the crossroads, it bursts into Bellaire and disappears, leaving an intricately designed golden chest*

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                      38 Replies
                      • *I arrive at the area and begin my journey West*

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                        3 Replies
                        • Edited by Resriel: 11/1/2019 8:46:31 PM
                          *rezyl starts walkin west*

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                          3 Replies
                          • I walk out of a rend in space time, my armor forming and the wind following me. And the wind, it smells like rain

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                            78 Replies
                            • BUnp

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                              • “Ahh time for a lovely vacation! Nobody needing saving, nobody trying to kill me. I think I’ll like this”

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                                84 Replies
                                • *a figure walks towards the south entrance wearing a trench helmet, gasmask, and trench coat. He holds up his customized M1917 WEX* Aww man. Here we go again. *sigh* Somebody call for an exterminator? [spoiler]so many spiders. ah, memories. I tried copying my entrance from the other spooder RP[/spoiler]

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                                  34 Replies
                                  • [i]Reality flickers for only a moment, and suddenly there He stands. Today his cloak is eerier than usual; the fabric is stained black and the material hangs raggedly. Dark mists hemorrhage from the hood. Flitting forward, he enters the second entrance to the left.[/i]

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                                    10 Replies
                                    • “Oh, hey! A dark alley, an ominous spider emblem, little chance of survival! Sounds fun!” I draw my sword, ready to fight

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                                      87 Replies
                                      • *I draw Excalibur and make it glow with brilliant light, before proceeding west.* [spoiler]Sorry I’m late, I was busy doing spooky stuff.[/spoiler]

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