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9/23/2019 12:36:33 AM
I have a lot of positive things to say about this clan. I think my current feeling is that it's really great to have a large number of people who are teaming up to do questlines, earn pinnacle weapons, achieve Triumphs, grind for rare weapons, and seals. I'm definitely the "collector" type that needs to check off all of the triumphs, seals, armor, weapons, etc. It's great that I can either schedule events on the Discord channel for my clan mates to help me, or casually sign on and do a quick LFG and assemble a fireteam. With help from my JDD fam, I've been able to get [b]Redrix, Recluse, Revoker, Mountaintop, Loaded Question, 21% delirium, Breakneck, and Oxygen SR3[/b]. Others have been able to get Luna's). I've also been able to achieve a number of Seals: Dredgen, Cursebreaker, MMXIX, and I'm close to completing some more - all because of help from my clan mates. There are already clan mates talking about getting Luna's, and grinding for new pinnacle weapons - together as a clan. Lastly, I have been very impressed with kindness, generosity and compassion that the Founder (SNAKE SCORPIO) and the Admin have shown the clan. They truly care about you, your family and your life. We've had clan mates affected by natural disasters, or the unexpected events that life throws at us. In every instance, the Admin and the JDD family have rallied around those folks with kind words and generosity. When you join JDD, you're not just joining a group of strangers - disparate Destiny diehards. When you join JDD you are joining a family. Come on and check us out for a couple of weeks! I guarantee you'll have fun!

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