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originally posted in: Bungie ViDoc – The Moon and Beyond
9/21/2019 1:16:19 PM
[quote]So you think that all the seasons should be free?[/quote] If Bungie wants to go Free to Play, then yes it should be treated like Warframe, Dauntless, Apex Legends, Fortnite and Paladins etc. and be completely free. Especially they are hell bent on keeping Eververse and their new Battle Pass System. Developers can’t and shouldn’t be allowed to have it both ways, they can’t and shouldn’t charge for a Game and it’s Expansions AND have MTX and Battle Passes and monetize like it’s Free to Play when it isn’t. [quote]Is $10 really too much money to pay for some extra content?[/quote] For some people yes, especially if they are financially tight and can’t afford it. [quote]I remember when $15 bought you 4 CoD maps.[/quote] [quote]If you hate MTX so much, you should really go and complain to the company that showed they could be used to make billions. That Dev team is called Rockstar.[/quote] I know you want to jump on the bandwagon of “bUt dEvElOpErs nEeD MtX to mAkE biLliOnS!” No, they don’t. CDPR has fully funded The Witcher Series without MTX of any kind. The Game Sales funded the DLC, the DLC funded more DLC and the Game and DLC funded the Witcher 2 and it’s DLC and it’s DLC and so on. And they are using the revenue from the Witcher Series to fund their next project Cyberpunk2077. There are still Developers who are proving everyday that the old System of DLC works without monetizing to death their communities. The reason why Developers who stick with the old model of DLC make it work is cause they actually create a game that sells by making Lengthy Campaigns with immersive Storytelling, Addicting Gameplay etc. and do just fine. Borderlands 3 has no MTX in it. Yes, they have a Vanity Store via Crazy Earl but you can’t buy his Cosmetics with real money, you can’t buy Iridium with real money etc. you play the game, get the currency and spend it on what you like. Loot isn’t Reskinned and boring etc. [quote]The MTX in the Destiny universe is still not pay to win. Ever since Eververse was introduced, the MTX haters, kept saying, "it will be a slippery slope." 4 years later, still just cosmetics.[/quote] MTX don’t have to be Pay to Win to be scummy and greedy. Eververse is all Cosmetic yes, but it’s still scummy and greedy. When a Game I (and the Majority of the Destiny Community) spent $180+ dollars on already between the Base Game and the Expansions/Annual Passes up to this point, and now Bungie wants to charge me extra for Cosmetic Items so we can look cool and Badass? For that 180+ dollars we all spent on D2 all of Eververse should be free of charge and to be obtainable via Raids, Strikes, Nightfalls etc. Call me Entitled all you want but I’m really not. I came from a era of gaming where when you bought a game, you got not only the game, but you got all the Cosmetics that came with it that unlocked via achievement such as “Beat (insert game here) on Heroic/Legendary Difficulty, beat (insert game here) on the Dark Side Ending etc. Cosmetics were apart of the Game, not an additional thing for a additional price tag. BL3 has been a breath of fresh air cause it takes me bsck to those days. I’m sad to see it, but the new Generation of Gaming is destroying the Industry and Games in general cause you guy’s excuse bad business models that rip more money out of people’s wallets then what Bungie has already made off the Game and its Expansions to this point. One last bit. [quote]You shouldn't say you don't hate Destiny and then list a bunch of the current things that make up D2 that you hate. Or say Destiny is great I love it, but hate Bungie. Without Bungie there is no Destiny.[/quote] You are so wrong here my dude. I’m allowed to hate certain business practices/models an the Direction that a Game is headed in and still like the franchise. I’ve liked that Destiny has been a Shooter Looter up to this point. But now Destiny is going into the direction of WoW and the whole FOMO Model of “had to be there when...” and Time Gating Loot and Activities only to remove them at the end of a Season which is stupid in every way imaginable. Bungie is designing the future of Destiny for the Freeloading No Lifers and Streamers (the Hardcore Player) and steering away from the Casual Players (not the Casuals that destroyed D2Y1 who want everything handed to them and for everything to be easy but the Casuals who have actual lives Families, Jobs/Careers, Kids, Girlfriends/Boyfriends Social Lives etc. who can’t play Destiny like a Full Time Job/Career like the Freeloading No Lifers and Streamers can that Bungie wants. Games are meant to be played as a pass time not a Career/Job that preys on FOMO. (Gotta do ABC before time runs out!! OH MY GOD!!! Go beat the clock or you will never get these bad ass looking cosmetics and loot!! And if you can’t play as much, pay us money to finish out your Battle Pass”) sorry, can’t play games that want me to revolve around IT rather IT revolve around ME and my schedule that I can just pick up and play at anytime at my leisure without pressure from a clock that I have to beat.

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