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originally posted in: Bungie ViDoc – The Moon and Beyond
9/20/2019 5:53:30 PM
First of all I’ve mentioned this elsewhere but I’ll say it here too I’m not sure you’re aware how far 500 million plus revenue from 2 games, 6 dlcs, micro transactions, merchandise and outside funding goes. Goes pretty far by the way 30 million per month? You have proof this is fact? If you continue to make bad decisions then your business thus profit will suffer There are countless people that are passionate about destiny because they’re gamers that want it to hit its potential, but bungie refuses point blank to listen to the majority Streamers are not these people, they’re concerned with their own revenue Finally, catering to their “hardcore” players is all well and good, however claiming they need to do this thing or that thing is redundant when they refuse to try keep the majority of the 14-15 million players they had at launch Now I’m sure everybody on this forum has enough common sense and basic math skill to know that 14 million sales of a product are better than less than 1 million So again with this knowledge, questions 1 and 2 still stand

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  • The number of players dropped after launch because the game was too simple. Catering more to those who remained and the even more so hardcore players isn't too bad as long as they don't take it too far. In fact, by making the game more complex, they're making it better. Now they need to focus on the actual story, etc which is what they SAY they'll be doing. That remains to be seen.

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  • The numbers won’t increase. Too many bad decisions are driving people away. So yeah while they may bring back some players or gain some new ones, they’ll lose a ton of old ones in the process

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  • How do you know though? How do you know they'll lose so many old players? Those who are left playing are to a degree, dedicated players. Even those who have complaints, if you still play you're pretty dedicated. So what would drive those players away? Eververse growing to the point where the rest of the game has taken a back seat again would probably do it but we don't know how it's going to turn out yet. People are complaining about content be g left behind as time goes on as if that's a bad thing when it's not. You either play or you don't, your choice. If you don't play, why complain that you can't play old content later? It no longer matters and if you wanted to play, you should have kept up. The games world evolving as time moves on is a good thing, it means our actions impact things for a change.

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  • Not trying to poop on you, but I've seen you and hundreds of others conflate registered users with units sold. D2 did not sell 14-15M units. Registered users consist of tons of siblings, roommates, romantic partners and spouses on the same unit sold. They have always made public registered user numbers rather than units sold because it will be higher by a significant margin, and they know most people will make said conflation. Of course, you're correct that even 2 or 3M is better than 1M.

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  • You simply do not know what you’re talking about. Between D1 $ D2 they sold over 50 million units generating over $3 billion in revenue not counting micro transactions, expansions and season passes.

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  • No, that would be you, presenting no source for a number that simply does not add up.

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  • Edited by MONKEYGOTRABIES: 9/22/2019 8:53:59 AM

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  • [url=][/url]

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  • Edited by MONKEYGOTRABIES: 9/22/2019 11:10:44 AM
    Believe it or not, I read that article as well. Unlike you, I understood it. That's INCLUDING THE EXPANSIONS!!! It's literally in the -blam!-ing tagline of the article, right below the title: "The studio says it sold 50 million copies of Destiny and Destiny 2, INCLUDING EXPANSIONS!" That's 50M units of D1, The Taken King, Rise of Iron, D2, and Forsaken. And that's assuming we're going to count all of the rest of the content as "dlc" and not "expansions." That's an average of 10M units sold per title. Boy, there's nothing like THINKING you're smart. So yeah, you're the one who doesn't know what he's talking about, so please, stop talking out of your ass thanks to shit-poor reading comprehension.

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  • Then my point still stands :-D

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  • No, it definitely does, I've just always been baffled how no one gets that registered users and units sold aren't the same thing, and that the latter is definitely much lower, potentially half of the former.

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  • Perhaps but there also those that brought several copies soooo

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  • Edited by MONKEYGOTRABIES: 9/21/2019 2:59:19 AM
    Brought them where? Yeah, some people bought multiple copies for multiple platforms, but they're almost certainly the minority. It wouldn't bring sales up to or even approaching the number of registered users especially with the 1-2M registered users thanks to free giveaways. You know how I know? Not once have they publicized sales figures in the last five years. Not once, but throughout D1 they touted the number of registered users.

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  • If you the anywhere near the majority are here, or if you think anything close to the majority share the opinion of this toxic cesspool of a forum, you’re incredibly misguided. Thank God Bungie doesn’t pay attention to things here, they definitely shouldn’t. 500m would last Bungie a little over a year. We’re in year 5 now.

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  • The dwindling playerbase.... All those players that left are/were the majority And if the forums are that bad why are you here? I mean I think I can guess since you were commenting on this post yesterday but I won’t give you the ammunition you’re after Toodles

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  • The players that left are no longer the majority though. The majority of players don't even come to these forums to voice their opinions so the other guy was right, if you think the majority are here, you are mistaken.

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  • Show me where I said the majority are here. I’ll wait The majority left because of poor design, bad ideas and being lied to. Now the ones left are the new majority and getting the same treatment

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  • D1 sold over 30 million copies not counting dlc. That’s well north of a billion dollars in base revenue. Realistically between D1 launch and present this game has generated several billion dollars in revenue.

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  • Destiny has made a huge ammount of money, but D1 didn't sell 30M units. It amassed 30M registered users over three years, which includes tons of siblings, roommates, romantic partners and spouses playing on the same copy sold. D1's sales were probably somewhere around 20M, give or take. There's a reason they make registered user numbers public and not sales, so that people like you will believe and state that sales were even higher than they were.

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  • In fact between D1 and D2 they sold over 50 million unit generating over 3 billion in revenues not counting micro transactions and expansions. If they’re cash strapped that poor decision making.

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  • Don't think that I'm defending Bungle, but I've never seen any sales figures by unit, at all. 50M is an impossibility, with 30M RU for D1 and under 15M RU for D2, with free giveaways on all platforms. If you're going to present data, please back it up with a source. I cannot, nor have I ever been able to, find ANY sales figures beyond estimates made around launch, or estimates made thanks to the sales figures presented in O'Donnell's lawsuit.

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  • In fact between D1 and D2 they’ve SOLD over 50 million units generating over $3 billion. That doesn’t count expansions or micro transactions. If they’re strapped for cash they need to manage their business better instead of treating it like a piggy bank.

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  • Edited by MONKEYGOTRABIES: 9/22/2019 9:22:24 AM
    The source for your figures literally says it DOES include expansions in literally the first line. Besides, even if I couldn't prove this (with the proof YOU provided), your asserstion would require that 5M people bought D1 or D2 and never made a character (30M RU for D1 and 15M RU for D2 adds up to 45M). That should be the first clue your numbers are BS. The second should be when you look for proof and it says unequivocally that you're wrong.

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  • Okay. Nothing can convince you. Got it. Enjoy your time on the BDF.

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  • Seriously, please attempt to read those big words under the title of the article you presented as proof that you're right, because it actually proves you're wrong. You either can't understand what you read or you're arrogantly insisting on some figure you read six months ago and are completely misremembering. Be a man, and have the balls to look and see if you're actually right. Newsflash: you aren't.

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