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originally posted in: Bungie ViDoc – The Moon and Beyond
9/20/2019 6:07:21 AM
If they wanted a good example of "play your way" then they should look up City of Heroes and go play on the Homecoming private Servers. That game was Play your way to a T. The way you could build your heroes was great. You pick an archetype and then you picked their power set and then you picked abilities from those pools, that is on top of patron powers/ancillary powers, and the incarnate system and then it had the best character creator in MMO history. No hero ever looked alike unless you got into supergroups like the Legion of Steves. Anyway, that game had everything, even an in-game mission builder, players could make their own missions and story arcs and make them available for other players play. Normal missions had difficulty sliders that allowed anyone to play at their skill level, lower difficulty lower XP and easier mobs to beat, while high difficulty means higher level mobs and more of them. Another reason for the difficulty slide was due to Tanks. Tanks were all designed around the idea that someone could make Superman, meaning the game was designed on the idea that healing was nice but not needed for a tank and more of a nice thing to have for everyone else. I mean aa fully leveled tank would ramp their difficulty to 8+ hardness (meaning the mission thinks its an 8 man supergroup doing the mission) and would walk through a mission like a God. Despite hitting hard tank DPS was low so a 15-minute mission could be like 35 minutes for a soloing tank. Now, the tanks did have hard counters, an Invul tank might be amazing in all content until something with Psionics hit him to which he had Zero defense and resistance against. That game had it all. You want to talk about memories. I remember being Level 30, amping of the difficulty of a mission where the end fight is the group fighting a mirror group of themselves. The mission glitched and spawned 4 mirror groups, each of them Elite bosses, against our 4 man group. An Elite boss is meant to a small challenge for a group... We have 16 elite bosses. Four of them a mastermind that had the powers of our groups mastermind, meaning Robots and Forcefields. So we fight and all of us are defeated except our Robot mastermind who had sent his Robot army into the fight while he ran out of the building. We couldn't really complain because we were villains and that was exactly what a mastermind would do.

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