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originally posted in: Bungie ViDoc – The Moon and Beyond
Edited by Necrogen: 9/18/2019 10:19:11 PM
Please show me where I defend bungie at [i]any given time?[/i] Just because I clarify implications, show hypocritical rhetoric and shut down opinions worth a gnats fecal matter does not mean I [i][b]defend[/b][/i] bungie. It means when you talk/write, you [b][i][u]make no sense[/u][/i][/b]. You think you're coming from a good place but you're spouting rhetoric you've heard from someone, mixed in with subjective nonsense and call it an argument. Me telling people to alter their verbiage to get better results [b][i][u]helps them.[/u][/i][/b] if people can't see that then that's their problem. I don't "defend" Bungie. I explain what they are doing, whether it makes sense and that's it. Usually I explain things and provide videos because [b][i][u]people can't read.[/u][/i][/b] do I share if I'm interested? Yes. Do I need you to be interested? No. I do need you to [b][i]make sense when you communicate.[/i][/b] that's all. I do tell people to stop playing if they hate the game though. Again, that [b][i]helps the player[/i][/b]. If one can't see that then that's their problem. Bungie as a business is gonna do what they are gonna do. I have no control or influence over that. I tell bungie things that [i][b]I too do [u]not like[/u][/b][/i], I just don't sound like a triggered psychiatric patient.

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  • [spoiler]my heart[/spoiler] ❤

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  • The amount of people thats muted you because you're a toxic little die hard fan boy that literally worships this game despite how hard it's burning. You need to rethink your life and possibly get one at that.

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  • [spoiler]wow[/spoiler]

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  • [quote]The amount of people thats muted you because you're a toxic little die hard fan boy that literally worships this game despite how hard it's burning. You need to rethink your life and possibly get one at that.[/quote]

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  • If someone wants to mute me, that's unfortunate but also [i][b]their prorogative. [/b][/i] As to toxicity? [b][i]Give it[/i][/b] and I [b][i][u]return it[/u][/i][/b]. I won't say I'm perfect but my verbiage is aggressive towards people who need to check themselves. Again [i][b]don't care.[/b][/i] be respectful and it'll return back to you. Labelling me as a fanboy? Clearly you don't read anything I write. Again, another opinion worth very little. That's okay though. Do you my guy. As to "defending"? I don't think you know what it means. If you [i][b]truly[/b][/i] read what I write then you'd see I'm not as much of a fanboy as you claim I am. The ironic thing here is being called one when you clearly have the game [b][i]and are on the forums. [/i][/b] again, okay, you're just spouting tired rhetoric trying to win points. Do you my guy. As for a life? Get one? [b][i]weak[/i][/b]. Try again.

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  • [spoiler]thankyouforbeingyou[/spoiler]

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  • Yeah I get a lot of shit around here for "defending Bungie". It's a trolls paradise here and they can't figure out why Bungie barely visits these forums.

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  • [quote] they can't figure out why Bungie barely visits these forums.[/quote] It's because they are unprofessional. Theres no excuse to ignore you're own companies official forums, and if you say it's because of the negativity that's even worse, that they can not control their own forums does not bode well for the game.

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  • The game is fine, these forums are a sewer for trolls. When they do "control" the forums there's this big cry over censorship. But you're right stronger moderation is needed but customers should be acting like adults not toddlers. Bungie just released a vidoc and there are people here arguing that they didn't say the things they said. I swear if Bungie said the sky was blue people here would call them liars and argue that it's purple.

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  • Edited by Springer: 9/20/2019 11:45:17 AM
    A couple of things: [quote]stronger moderation is needed[/quote] Disagree, a forum built specifically around not being critical is what the Destiny /r’s are for. Heavy moderation there. Very heavy. Ironically, those /r’s were started by Bungie employees. They deliberately propagate Bungie’s ideas and if someone isn’t onboard with one, there is little room for disputes, or open-mindedness. [quote]customers should be acting like adults not toddlers.[/quote] I wish it were that simple, but the lowest common denominator to post here on this forum is to be age 13, and have made it to the farm. I wish it were otherwise, but it’s not, and it’s exactly how Bungie has chosen to handle this forum. For better or worse. [quote]Bungie just released a vidoc and there are people here arguing that they didn't say the things they said. I swear if Bungie said the sky was blue people here would call them liars and argue that it's purple.[/quote] This logic is backwards though. What Bungie is doing is telling us the sky is purple while we are all looking at a beautiful blue sky. It’s absolutely true that Bungie calls this game an “awesome action mmo”. But..., some of us play real mmo’s. Games that have in-game trading of crafted items. Games that have multiple classes and subclasses and a smorgasbord of ways to set them up, heck, in ffxiv my Blacksmith has more content associated with it than both of the Destiny’s combined, and it’s not even a main character, nothing more than a crafter, to go along with the more than dozen other crafters and harvester’s, and I haven’t even discussed the main characters! Games that have infrastructure built to accept more than two tether’s in the witches ritual heroic public event. Etc..., you get the point. Bungie can call what is obviously a chicken a pig, all day long. But, until that pig grows wings, starts clucking, and lays eggs, it will never be a chicken. Clearly, Bungie wants this game to be an mmo, and I truly hope they are successful, that concept excites me wrt a long future for this game. But, simply saying it’s an mmo does not an mmo make. Bungie has a lot to do! A lot! Yes, ShadowKeep is/was a first step. But, now, they have 5,279 more feet to go to complete this mile long journey. A tiny first step, albeit a first step. [b][i][u]Actions, not words[/b][/i][/u] Edit: Grammar

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  • My point is that the endgame loot chase is mmo based not loot/shooter based. There are some places other than Bungie calling it an mmo. It obviously will never get to where WoW is or Neverwinter is in terms of builds and crafting.

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  • Whether you like it or not, this community is what Bungie has made it into. Do you think it was like this in the beginning? It wasn't. This Bungie's doing alone. Better developers have better forums.

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  • It has been like this since early D1. Bungie is praises on other media outlets. Bioware got destroyed on their forums and Reddit when that game dropped but that game was actually broken. The trolls migrate here because it's not moderated, games with stronger moderation have better forums.

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  • Actually used to be heavily involved in forums in d1 and alot of them involved exploration and discovery. Help posts and the like. Sure there were some posts that had some hate but nothing like this forum today. The way d2 started and the erosion of the player base has left us with this.

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  • It has been like this since early D1. Bungie is praises on other media outlets. Bioware got destroyed on their forums and Reddit when that game dropped but that game was actually broken. The trolls migrate here because it's not moderated, games with stronger moderation have better forums.

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  • It's the bungie community [spoiler]of course they're going to act like toddlers[/spoiler]

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  • And if Bungie said the sky was purple people would be on here defending Bungie, works both ways

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  • That's a terrible comparison

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  • So is what the dude said about people arguing against Bungie, I was providing him with the same terrible argument. See how that works?

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  • Yea I agree

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  • [quote]The game is fine, these forums are a sewer for trolls. When they do "control" the forums there's this big cry over censorship. But you're right stronger moderation is needed but customers should be acting like adults not toddlers. Bungie just released a vidoc and there are people here arguing that they didn't say the things they said. I swear if Bungie said the sky was blue people here would call them liars and argue that it's purple.[/quote] The game clearly isnt fine, yes there are trolls on here. I couldn't give a fig what outcry there is you're either capable of moderating your own forum or you aren't. Not all feedback is trolling, its mostly constructive, but again even when they do respond its nonsense. Example, the request for a character editor, the reply was "oh really you would like that would you, I will pass that on" It was pointed out that this had been a request for 5 years, no further comment. Theres no official comment on the account recovery people theres no official account on cheesing. Bungie did indeed release a vid doc which is pretty much the same as all the rest and we have just had Like Smith admit Bungie have been lying about the state and direction of the game and you're surprised people are upset?

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  • How is the game not fine? Is it because these trash post say so or is it your opinion? Are you going to bring up daily player counts during the longest content drought of year 2 which happens to occur when BL3 released? They just said they have a plan for the next 5 years. There isn't a single post on here that doesn't have a troll attached to it. When they do respond they get bashed with hate replies. It happened back in year 1 D1 to this isn't a new thing and they ate a lot more active and transparent now and more than ever. Should they respond to every post? The community managers have to be vague with replies, the sky would fall if they passed along the wrong info. What important issues has Bungie not addressed?

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  • [quote]How is the game not fine? Is it because these trash post say so or is it your opinion? Are you going to bring up daily player counts during the longest content drought of year 2 which happens to occur when BL3 released? They just said they have a plan for the next 5 years. There isn't a single post on here that doesn't have a troll attached to it. When they do respond they get bashed with hate replies. It happened back in year 1 D1 to this isn't a new thing and they ate a lot more active and transparent now and more than ever. Should they respond to every post? The community managers have to be vague with replies, the sky would fall if they passed along the wrong info. What important issues has Bungie not addressed?[/quote] Wow. Just wow. So you havent been following anything that's been going on at all? The nerfs the rebalancing the heavily but sadly now necessary focus on eververs, the f2p model the statement from Bungie that they keep hitting crunches and they cant cope. As for the 5 year plan it was supposed to be 10 years and was as far as we were told still on track until that poorly conceived blub letter from Smith, where they admit they LIED. You either missed all of that or you forgot or you just have no clue what so ever. Because the game fine..../facepalm There are trolls on every forum, I dont see the Brave Sir Robin approach Bungie takes anywhere else, because what a joke the company would be that couldn't control their own channels. We are not asking for them to reap d to every post, jesus what is wrong with you? Do you have no perspective? Prime example that I've already mentioned was the paid account recoveries thread very recently, lots of replies up votes and not one response from Bungie. A thread about buffing a fusion rifle was responded to with a joke. You honestly think that is an acceptable was for a service corporation to behave?

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  • Oh and the games been out 5 years already, last time I checked 5 plus 5 is still 10 right?

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  • [quote]Oh and the games been out 5 years already, last time I checked 5 plus 5 is still 10 right?[/quote] The 10 year plan was supposed to be continuous, it clearly wasnt. So they lied. And that's all you could come back with?

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