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Edited by NeonPropose: 8/17/2019 4:01:20 PM

Zavala’s story (as told by the lore)

[b] if you are seeing this through the main destiny 2 forum section, and you’re just going to be toxic, please leave. This is my request. To those who are actually here to read, please enjoy[/b] So. Today we shall focus on the big guy himself. Some love him. Some love to hate him. But hopefully we can avoid conflict here. [b] now. For some of you, I’m aware that Zavala has...tilted the community for what some call cowardice...and what others call traumatic experiences creating thinking patterns. If you think I’m gonna focus on those at all...I’m not. Nor will I pay much attention to his time as a normal Awoken. Thank you[/b] So. Where do we start? Well yet again at the beginning. Zavala was revived from a crashed ship (most likely as a reef refugee like Orin) long after he crash landed on a beach. After multiple run ins with Eliksni, both by a beached tanker in a desert and on a snowy mountain, and a long walk that would make anyone tired to the point of death, he reached the last safe city. Zavala has been in the city since the dark ages. He has seen the darkest and lightest times in our history. I will be going over his involvement in events that follow on from the start of the city age to now: He helped build the walls of the city. With many other guardians alike. Zavala is a student of Lord Saladin Forge. He, along with his mentor, and fellow student, Lord Shaxx participated in the battle of Six fronts. Attacking the fallen and protecting the people. (This is shown in the cinematic linked above, but I’d like to also bring up a point that was said in an earlier post by user NightHawk377 how Cayde says that the battle of Six Fronts is [quote]before my time[/quote] in the lore book entry Fold, so it could be from Twilight Gap which both participated in) But we know for a fact that the Iron Lords we’re performing patrols during Six Fronts to repel the fallen, as shown in the the Iron Banner grimoire card: [quote]The Lords of Iron, ancient warriors from the City's founding, have no time for mollycoddling. The City remembers Felwinter and Jolder, Skorri and Timur, Radegast and Gheleon and the others, for their invincible patrols during Six Fronts and the Wall-building. The Iron Banner asks Guardians to live up to that legend.[/quote] and Saladin being an Iron Lord most likely had taken Zavala on at this time. Zavala rallied alongside many other guardians during the great hunt. Grips of the great hunt lore tab reads: [quote] Venus. A year into the Great Hunt. Eris and Zavala watched as Shaxx sat with the dying Ahamkara, a hand on its snout. "Is he gloating?" she asked. "I think he is too pragmatic to gloat." Zavala said. "Mourning, then." "Perhaps." The Ahamkara twitched, its eyes rolled up into its head. The biochemical glow just beneath its skin grew harsh. Zavala and Eris raised their hands against the increasing glare. Then the corpse exploded. Dirt showered the Guardians like dusty rain on a clear day. Shaxx sat silently in the resulting crater, covered in a sheet of green fire. Zavala and Eris opened their mouths to speak, but Shaxx interrupted them. "Shh," he said, as the flame quietly roared. They could all hear a disembodied whisper. But they were used to that by now.[/quote] Zavala also participated in the battle of Twilight Gap, commanding many guardians alongside the likes of the other vanguard members, Ikora Rey (acting Warlock Vanguard), Andal Brask (Hunter Vanguard) and Saint-14 (Titan Vanguard at the time). As well as notorious guardians, like Ana Bray, Cayde-6 and Sloane. All of these have their presence shown in the [i]Warmind comic part 3[/i] He backed Saladin in a call of retreat during the gap which cause the story from the mountaintop to occur. Transcript from the Shard of the Traveler: sunbreaker mission: [quote]The Fallen were everywhere. Lord Saladin sent a regroup order to all channels. Zavala backed him. They weren't yelling, but it made my ears ring. Their exact words I can't remember. But Saladin and Zavala- their message was clear: all is lost.[/quote] This led to Shaxx’s stand at the gap. The mountaintop lore tab reads: [quote] [Fireteam leaders: Do not advance on the Wall. Fall back to the Ridgeback District.] Shaxx freezes with a Vandal's windpipe in his fist. He waits for Saladin to justify the strategy. [I repeat: All teams rally at the Ridgeback District. Do NOT advance. The City is lost.] Shaxx drops the Vandal, then empties the rest of his clip into a Captain. He and his fireteam are running on fumes. The dead, Fallen and Guardian alike, litter the Twilight Gap. [Shaxx! Do you copy?] He risks a look over his shoulder at their home, the place they call the Last Safe City. Not burning. Not yet. Gritting his teeth, he reloads. [Shaxx, your orders are to retreat.] He sees a gap in the onslaught of invaders and gestures to the others. "Nkechi! Take Abdi and Truce. Liu Feng, with me! Bray! Cover us!" [This battlefield is not your stage, Shaxx! This is not about glory!] His fireteam doesn't hesitate. [Shaxx! For the final time: Fall! Back!] As the six of them crest the Wall, Shaxx cuts the feed. [/quote] This follows onto the disappearance of hunter Ana Bray. Known for looking into her past, much to Zavala’s dislike, she made a Captain pushing her off a cliff (in the Warmind comic part 3) look like her death. Zavala showed loss at this after confronting a member of Owl Sector named Camrin if someone looking into Clovis Bray was Ana, to which she lied. After the events of the gap Zavala would go on to be promoted to Titan Vanguard after Saint-14 goes missing on Mercury. [spoiler] for more info on him go here [/spoiler] And a furthermore promotion to Vanguard Commander as shown in Curse of Foresight lore tab: [quote]Consensus Meeting 2891.98 NM: "I note for the record that we are without a Warlock Vanguard or a Vanguard Commander." Andal Brask: "Two birds, one man." Zavala: "Ikora Rey is interim Warlock Vanguard for this meeting." Speaker: "Which brings us to our first order of business. Ikora Rey, the Consensus formally requests you assume the responsibilities of Warlock Vanguard." Ikora Rey: "Considering I've been performing those responsibilities for a while now, I accept." FWC: "Why did you cover for him for so long?" IR: "Someone had to do it." S: "Ahem. Now that we have Consensus, I may inform you I have decided to banish former Warlock Vanguard Osiris from the Last City." [murmurs] S: "Are there any objections?" DO: "None here. Maybe he'll find a better planet for us." [pause] S: "Very well. Next: I name Titan Vanguard Zavala as the new Vanguard Commander. Congratulations."[/quote] With these titles and wins under his belt, he and the consensus agreed that the next expansion of the city should be up. Zavala helped sanction the battle of Mara Ibrium. The great disaster. The Raze Lighter grimoire card reads: [quote]“Next order of business... the growing City foundries—” [Bang] “What madness is this!” “Lord Shaxx! The Consensus did not—” “We barely eked out victory at Burning Lake. And now you think we're ready to attack the Moon?” “We’re preparing—” “Did you not read my report from Burning Lake? About the Hive's weapons? Those swords, they're like nothing we've ever—” “Lord Shaxx—” “Zavala! You can't think this is wise. We need to examine these swords, train against them—” “That is a matter for the Consensus to decide, old friend.”[/quote] This is when we cut to 2014. The start of the first game. D1 Vanilla. He commanded strikes on targets including Sepiks Prime and Valus Ta’aurc. Zavala then took joint command on the attack of the dreadnaught alongside Cayde-6 and Eris Morn, as well as seeing directly to the Taken presence on Mars and the Black Garden. He took a sideline during the SIVA crisis. But then the Red War. Continued below:

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  • The following is what happened as soon as we disabled the shields to Ghaul’s command ship during the Homecoming mission, taken from the Rekindled Solstice gear for Titans from D2 yr 1: [quote] "Zavala, we did it! The shields are down!" The Titan Vanguard looked to the sky. That Ghost was right: The topaz glow of the Cabal command ship's shields flickered and disintegrated. Zavala wasn't a man who smiled often, but there were a lot of firsts today. "All friendlies, focus fire on that capital ship! The Tower does not fall today!" He launched himself from behind cover, weapon snapping to his shoulder, the not-smile still curling his lip. These Cabal were going to learn— Severed. It was like lava on his chest. Shock, pain, anger, emptiness. The breath rushed from his lungs, and his weapon clattered to the ground. The sounds of war buzzed into quiet. But no matter—he'd been lower than this. And his fists of thunder were more dangerous than any rifle. He drew upon the Light, and... nothing. His eyes widened. He froze for an instant... and a Cabal slug took him in the side. The Light is gone, he thought. Over and over. The Light is gone. Then: You're their leader. They need you. Now more than ever. Get up. Get up! He roared in defiance, lurching back to his feet. He would see them all safe. Even if it meant his life. —————————————— Amanda was quiet, but Zavala could still hear the anger before her voice came back over the comms. "Due respect, Commander, I ain't got time to come be your chauffeur. There are thousands of people like me stranded down there in the City." "The City is lost." He hated saying it, but he knew it in his bones. "And we're all the same now, Holliday. The Light is gone. We have to regroup." "You mean run." Even angrier now. It was infectious. "I mean live to fight another day. We don't have the luxury of rescue flights anymore. The longer we stay here, the tighter the noose." "Then go! What's stopping you? You know how to fly a ship." "Not like you. You're the best pilot in the system, Amanda. And you're the only one who can keep our ships in the air once we're away from Earth." "Dammit, sir, we can't just leave them here." "I've already made my decision. If humanity is to survive..." He'd leave the betting to Cayde, but he knew the odds were slim. "This is the only choice we have." Silence. For a few seconds this time. "All right." Her voice cracked. He understood. —————————————— He made himself look at the numbers. Seventy-three ships lost in the exodus. Seventy-three ships full of people looking to him for guidance. Guardians and civilians alike. All Zavala could give them was a noble death. Almost none of the vessels had been outfitted with weapons. Transports and supply skiffs, barely holding together outside Earth's atmosphere, trying to punch through a fortified Red Legion blockade. Like prey animals limping through a pack of lions. It was a massacre. The only reason the fleet made it past the Moon was because the Red Legion focused so heavily on Earth. In that, they seemed like the Cabal Zavala knew. Single-minded. Incapable of thinking more than a few moves ahead. But he knew this Dominus Ghaul wouldn't give up that easily. So they kept moving. But what next? Zavala had a plan, of course. He always had a plan, Titan Vanguard or no. But what he really needed was information. He needed— "Deputy Commander Sloane, reporting for duty, sir." Zavala closed his eyes. And for a brief moment, he relaxed. —————————————— "Guardians: The City is lost. If there is any Light left in the system... we rally on Titan. Be brave." Zavala released the record button and looked to the two of them again. Sloane's face revealed nothing, as usual. Amanda was faking an encouraging look. He sighed. "You don't like that one either." Amanda looked at Sloane, then back to Zavala, clearly not sure what to say. It was Sloane who spoke. "Sir, you want your message to inspire this new resistance. The language you use is..." She was trapped between her usual loyalty and her usual bluntness. "You make it sound like we've already lost." Amanda said, her hand hovering over the delete button. Zavala raised an eyebrow. She wasn't trapped by anything. "Holliday's right, Commander. We're not burning the bulk of our fuel supply to get to Saturn and turtle up. You said it: We're going there to rally. People need something to rally to." He looked down at the recorder for a long moment. When he spoke, his eyes were still downcast. "They need to know the truth. I owe them that. Activate the beacon." —————————————— "Confirmed, sir. Nearly one hundred percent of the Arcology is infested. And... we lost both teams." Zavala didn't turn to face Sloane. He just stared at the rise and fall of the methane oceans. "But we know our enemy now, Commander. We may not have our Light, but we have the advantage. Give the order, and we'll storm the place. Burn it all down if we have to. The Hive deserve nothing less." "I was a fool to come here. In the shadow of our worst enemy." He looked up to the hole in Saturn's rings, his back still to her. "I thought the strength of our resolve and the treasures of the Golden Age were more powerful than whatever fuels those... demons." Sloane hated hearing him talk like this, but it was the only way he seemed to talk these days. "You weren't wrong, sir. It may be the only place in the system the Cabal won't go. A perfect launching pad for us to strike back. We'll suppress the Hive, and—" "Pull them out. All of them. Get them back to safety, and post guards on our side of the bridge." "Commander—" "Dismissed."[/quote] The Red War continues from here. We arrive on Titan, learn of the Almighty, reassemble the vanguard, disable the almighty, and kill Ghaul. A consensus meeting occurs soon after. Peace by consensus lore tab reads: [quote]Consensus Meeting 3230.01 Zavala: "I call this meeting of the Consensus to order." New Monarchy: "Only the Speaker can call us to order." Cayde-6: "Oh, really? Well, guess we can't have meetings anymore. If you'll excuse me—" Ikora Rey: "Sit down, Cayde. We're having this discussion, bylaws be damned." FWC: "What do the bylaws say about choosing a new Speaker?" Z: "Nothing." IR: "Then we'll write new ones." DO: "Knowing us, that's going to take time. A lot of time." Z: "In the meanwhile, we will have to move forward without a Speaker." NM: "Who will take his place? You?" Z: "None of us will take the Speaker's place. And all of us will. We must find our own consensus now."[/quote] A declaration of this was just the start of what some may call, the fall of the vanguard. After the events on Mercury, Zavala helps aid us in the mission to destroy Xol and re-establish communications with Rasputin. Then came the event that shook the system. The death of Cayde-6. With a rift torn between the vanguard reps remaining, a broken consensus, and a war breaking out in the Awoken’s territory, an Awoken paladin named Kamala Rior goes to the tower with a demand, and Zavala meets it. Abide the return lore tab reads: [quote]Kamala Rior climbs onto a railing at the top of the Tower in the Last City. "Guardians of the Tower!" she calls out. A few look her way. One begins dancing at her feet. Others fool around with a purple ball. Kamala can feel Zavala watching. Tess and Rahool, too, though both pretend otherwise. She goes on, "The Awoken are Humanity's shield. We entered the Reef Wars to prevent a Fallen coup here on Earth. We met Oryx head-on and endured immeasurable sacrifice, all in the name of a shared future." The dancing Guardian falls still. The purple ball is forgotten. "We ask you now for your aid. One of our sacred cities is at risk. There are so few of us left; we cannot defend it alone. We do not ask this for free: We will open our armories; we will share our wisdom; we will teach you what we can. Please. Come to the Dreaming City. Fight with us." "The Vanguard stands with the Reef," Zavala calls, strong and true. Kamala turns to look at him, shocked, and he smiles: apologetic, genuine, honorable.[/quote] And with that we come to today. After establishing Drifter in the Annex, and dealing with the rise of Calus’ guardians we come to Shadowkeep. What role Zavala will play is unclear O reader Mine. But we shall see.

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