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6/27/2019 1:35:06 AM

The Singularity: Judgement And Moonlight (G2P6)

(Continuing from Part 5 with Group 2 as they fight against Braxus, the King of the 11th floor castle. So far in the battle, Acro, Bat, Stone, Worm, and Crate have been taken out of the fight one way or another. Not dead, but needing medical treatment. As for Braxus, he has not suffered a single lasting wound on his body.) Jay: *draws a charred greatsword off his back to use in his other hand as his Soul Eater blade is used in his left*. "C'mon then!" (Charging towards the boss, Jay swings both his swords rapidly so Braxus cannot parry. Slamming his charred greatsword on the ground in front of the boss, a wave of fire shoots out from the blades shockwave, hitting Braxus but not dealing any damage to his armor. Attempting to counter Jay as his attacks slow down, Braxus swings his sword just inches away from Jay's neck as Jay dodges back with a quick step to avoid the swords edge.) (Coming in from behind, Rex uses his mind to lift the ground up from around Braxus, cornering him into a wall as he swings with his sword. Igniting his sword up in flames, Rex aims right for Braxus's chest with the tip of his blade, seeking to impale his blade right through the thick armor. Lifting his shield to block the attack, Rex's blade pierces straight through the shield of Braxus and stabs him in the shoulder of his left arm.) (Enraged by his broken shield, Braxus let's go of both of his weapons and grabs ahold of Rex with insane speed, smashing his body and face against the surrounding barrier of concrete rock. Due to his armor on his body, Rex is mostly protected from fatal wounds but the shockwave of the slams resonating through his gear is enough to give him a migraine of a headache. Trying to pull away from Braxus's strong grip, Rex ultimately fails and resorts to using his telekinesis powers to manipulate the barrier surrounding the two, pulling the walls in and colliding them together against both entities.) Rex: *quickly jumps away after the collision has ended, sword still in hand*. "Damn, close combat will be bad here." Braxus: *grabs his sword off the ground*. "...." Jay: "Your time is up Braxus, you've got nothing left. We know what you can do already." Braxus: *glances over his shoulder back at Jay*. "You really think it's that simple? I am a divine, a god, one of the strongest of my kind, created by Caius during the early times of creation. It is not over until I say it is!" (Sticking his sword into the ground, Braxus enters a different kind of devour mode without even hitting someone with a visceral attack. Armor glowing blue like a distant star, sword extending in length and size to that of a great sword, also beginning to glow with a purple cosmic light from the blade of the sword.) Braxus: *lifts his sword out of the ground and into the air*. "I give you, the sword of judgement. Twin sword to the moonlight blade, both I seek to one day have in my possession." Jay: *grips his swords tightly, preparing for anything*. "Seems to me like that day won't come..." Braxus: *chuckles*. "Oh, but that is where you are wrong. The time is approaching, I can feel it within my soul. This battle is coming to an end, all of you will suffer judgement." (Swinging his sword of judgement in the direction of Rex, a massive purple sword slash of energy appears out of nowhere and cuts the earth in half, knocking Rex off his feet by the power of the sword slashes blast. Crippling Rex's legs and taking him out of the fight, Braxus sets his eyes for Jay. Dashing towards Jay with light speed, Braxus shatters Jay's coiled sword into pieces with just one swing of the sword of judgement. Crippling Jay's hand and right arm in the process of the shatter, Braxus slices Jay right across his body and hits him with yet another sword slash of cosmic energy.) Jay: *flies into the air from the shockwave and smashes into the concrete ground*. "...." Braxus: *lifts his sword into the air*. "I pass judgement upon thee!" (Looking closely to the detail on Braxus's sword, a rolling number like a slot machine begins to spin with Jay's name next to it. Affects of the numbers unknown but clearly, it cannot be anything good.) Jay: *lifts his head and looks to Worm's body*. "Worm...... I'm sorry, he's too strong...." (Before the rolling number stops, a soft, feminine like voice speaks out from out of nowhere, stopping Braxus from passing judgement on to Jay.) Ruby: *approaches the battlefield and Braxus*. "I said, stop." Braxus: *looks to Ruby*. "What the hell are you doing here?" Ruby: "Running, trying to avoid a certain someone. You?" Braxus: *glares at Ruby*. "Passing judgement upon vermin, doing what Caius ordered...." Ruby: "Indeed you are. Well, I'm here to tell you not to kill these people." Braxus: "Hah! You think you can tell me, a male what to do? You're a girl, know your place!" Ruby: *smirks*. "We'll see about that." (Drawing her dagger from behind her back, Ruby sticks the dagger into the ground and creates a massive enchanted circle on the ground, healing all the wounds of the players and getting them back to 100%.) Braxus: *points his sword at Ruby as he notices the healing on the players*. "You're going to pay for this when Caius finds out." Ruby: "Oh I assure you, he knows. Of course, you're an idiot and don't keep up with the times." Braxus: "Silence you annoying bïtch! Fine, heal all your little friends, it won't make a difference in the outcome." Worm: *opens his eyes and stands back up, stretching*. "Back to square one huh?" Jay: *stands up, grabbing his regular sword off the ground*. "Guess so. But now we're ready this time." BatPug: *jumps up from under the rubble, crashing through multiple piles of concrete*. "I'm back babyyyy!" Braxus: *looks around as all 8 players in group 2 are ready to fight again*. "You cannot escape judgement, it will always find you." Virus: *manifests his scythe*. "I think I want some action now." Worm: *stares down Braxus*. "You know what I say to judgement? Not today...." Braxus: *growls at Worm*. "Just because you have Ruby on your side now means nothing, she is a weak divine. This will be over as quick as it started." Ruby: *puts away her dagger and crosses her arms, closing her eyes and speaking to Mudoon in her thoughts*. "Should you deal with this guy?" Mudoon: "Hm, it's a tough choice. If you use my power and I am summoned, Caius and Death will be here within seconds. I wouldn't risk having that happen just yet but, it's your choice." Ruby: *opens her eyes*. "My choice..." (End of Part 6) ----------------------------------------------------------- Choice option for Ruby (just Ruby) Choice A: Use Mudoon's power to instantly defeat Braxus. This will cause Caius and Death to appear, possibly worsening the situation as they may have a plan to seal Mudoon. Choice B: Don't use Mudoon's power and hang back as Group 2 tries once more to defeat Braxus on their own. --------------------------------------------------------- Spoiler for the options below. [spoiler]Choosing Choice A will cause Ruby and Mudoon to perish but all of Group 2 will survive and escape floor 11. Choice B has an almost guaranteed chance of players within Group 2 dying. An unspecified amount. [/spoiler]

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