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6/25/2019 1:08:43 AM

The Singularity: A Step In The Right Direction (G1P5)

(After the previous choice option has concluded, Group 1 has decided to ditch Ronin and Artemis.) Pyrus: *nods at everyone*. "Alright, that's what we're going with then." Pyre: "Hmph, about time. Been waiting to get away from those two." Orcinus: *holding his hand on to his chin, thinking hard*. "I'm not sure I like this decision but I guess we'll see what happens." Pyrus: *moves a large shelf out of the way*. "When Ronin and Artemis weren't paying attention, I found this secret door behind this shelf. This is our escape route." Ringleader: "Awesome stuff as always Pyrus." (Quietly exiting out the hidden door before Ronin and Artemis take a hint, Group 1 has ventured into a stairway made of concrete with stairs leading up and stairs leading down. Two paths leading to possible different areas.) Orcinus: *looks to Pyrus*. "Which way dude?" Pyrus: "Well, if we're on Level 1 then we want to go up right? We go up." Orcinus: "Hm, makes sense I guess." (After Pyrus's decision, the group takes the stairs leading up, hoping to find level 2 of the singularity and also getting as far away from Ronin and Artemis as possible.) ---------------------------------------------------------- (Meanwhile, back with Ronin and Artemis in the medical facility hallway, during the time group 1 exited the room through the hidden door.) Ronin: *leaning up against the wall next to the door*. "Hm, they think they're so clever ditching us like that, thinking we aren't aware." Artemis: *looking around, standing guard and making sure she doesn't feel an enemies precense*. "Who cares Ronin? We wanted them to leave anyway, they're gone now." Ronin: *chuckles*. "Yeah, you're right. I would have liked to see what happens to them though." Artemis: "I'm sure they'll run into a divine. They have no idea where they are going so chances are that Orion will find them soon. Very soon." Ronin: *smirks menacingly*. "I feel bad for them kinda, Orion will be hell to fight. If they encounter him with no way out, they're all dead for sure." Artemis: "Should we go after them?" Ronin: *shakes his head*. "Nah, we have our own problems to deal with, don't need to add more. Anyway, let's start going up the levels, I know a couple ways to get forward quickly." Artemis: *nods*. "Okay." ----------------------------------------------------------- (Continuing with Group 1 after they've climbed the massive stairway leading up. Tired and exhausted from running up the stairs, Group 1 has finally reached the top of the stairway where they are met with just a single metal door and a sign next to the door that reads "Singularity Level 2") Pyrus: *panting and leaning against the railing as he catches his breath*. "Shit! That was a lot of running..." Orcinus: *glares at Pyrus*. "Language!" Pyre: *questionably stares at Orcinus*. "Uh, what?" Orcinus: "Pyrus isn't supposed to use bad language, he's normally against it." Pyrus: *points at Orcinus*. "That's true." Bucky: *places his hand on the doorknob to the next level and looks back to his team*. "I'd appreciate it if we could hurry up. Why are we wasting time?" Pyre: *rolls her eyes*. "We just climbed like 500 stairs, you can hold on for a minute douchebag." Bucky: *glares at Pyre*. "I'm not even going to waste my breath on someone of your status." Pyre: "Sure? I don't care what you do or don't do." Pyrus: *defusing the situation*. "Okay Bucky, open the door." (Opening the door, a cold frostbite mist leaks out from the other side of the levels. Heading inside, Group 1 is met with a massive throne room made of ice and glass with the feeling of an ice box in the air.) Ringleader: *leaves the door open as he is the last person to enter the 2nd level*. "...." Pyre: *rubbing her shoulders*. "Jeez, my core temperature dropped like crazy upon entering this place." Pyrus: *squints towards the throne at the end of the room*. "There's someone there...." (Standing guard next to the ice throne is a large brute knight wearing a mix of ice and glass armor. The armor emits a constant mist of snowflakes and ice that linger in the air and on the ground for a long period of time. In his right hand is a large sword made of glass and a shield in his left also made of glass.) Kokoron: *standing silently*. "..." Orcinus: "Hm, either this knight doesn't see us or he isn't hostile." Pyrus: "Let's find out." (Ordering his team to hang back a bit, Pyrus approaches the knight standing in front of the throne.) Pyrus: *nervous feeling in his gut*. "Uh, hello I guess?" Kokoron: *moves its glowing blue eyes towards Pyrus, not moving any other muscle*. "...." Orcinus: *yells out to Pyrus from the entrance*. "Dude! Don't worry about this guy, let's just find the next level entrance!" Pyrus: *looks back at Orcinus*. "I'm just talking!" Kokoron: *breathing heavily behind its ice helmet, staring at Pyrus*. "...." Pyrus: *sighs*. "Fine, I guess this guy doesn't talk...." (Walking down the steps, Pyrus regroups with his team back at the entrance to the level.) Pyrus: *shrugs*. "I guess this particular enemy doesn't speak or move." Orcinus: "Are you sure it was even an enemy? Like, it didn't even do anything." Pyre: "Who cares! Let's move on and get out of this cold. I wanna find a place to rest." Ringleader: "I agree with Pyre, I too would like to rest for some time." Pyrus: *looks back near the throne*. "The only exit to this room I saw was behind the throne chair. Just a small door that looked like it was frozen shut." Pyre: *stretches her fingers*. "No problem, I can use my fire abilities and melt the door." Pyrus: *nods*. "Alright, let's go check it out then." (Walking past the throne and Kokoron, Group 1 approaches the small frozen over door and Pyre uses her fire spells to melt the ice away. Opening the door, a small brick room with a pit of fire is all that is noticable at first glance.) Pyrus: *looks back to Kokoron and then into the room*. "I guess we might as well check out this room. It does look warmer." (Heading inside the room and shutting the door behind them to block off the cold mist, Pyre and Ringleader sit down next to the fire while the others check around the room for a hidden entrance.) Ringleader: *looks at Pyre longingly*. "Tell me, why couldn't you use your fire to warm yourself up back there?" Pyre: *glances at Ring*. "Using my spells drains my energy, I'm sure you're aware of energy yeah? We all have it inside our bodies, it's what fuels our abilities." Ringleader: *continues to stare at Pyre as she looks away from him*. "Yeah.......right..." Pyre: "Mhmm." Pyrus: *messing around with the shelves in the room*. "Gah! I can't find anything! My mind, please work!" Orcinus: "Sigh, just take a break Pyrus." Pyrus: *sits down next to the fire*. "I don't know where to go or what to do. I really need to think here...." Ringleader: "Take your time Pyrus, relax and gather your thoughts. We have time to spare." Pyrus: "Right, you're right. I need to relax...." (End of Part 5)

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