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Destiny 2

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6/22/2019 7:24:45 AM

Suggested changes for magnificent howl

So,I used the Luna's Howl after in quickplay After the nerf. After playing it for some time I have realized that the change to rate of fire was decent enough to balance it. I felt the change to magnificent howl killed the perk hence have the suggestion to change magnificent howl to make it balanced as well as useful. The change I suggest is to bring back precision damage bonus but make it so that the perk goes away after a kill. What I mean to say is the perk, even after 2 body and 2 head shots, goes away as soon as the gurdian dies. Benifits:- 1) the gun will still not be able to 2 tap. 2) the gun will still have the same time to kill. 3) it will be better at counter supers ( supers are really dominant in pvp with no good counters other than sniper and last word) 4) it will reward presision shots. 5) it will make magnificent howl feel useful. 6) it will make the gun useful in pve and Gambit.

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