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6/21/2019 2:28:42 AM

The Singularity: Group 2, Part 2

(Returning to Group 2 as they have crossed the snow and frostbite filled bridge leading up to the front gate of the castle.) StoneFlare: *examining the gate with his eyes*. "Hm, doesn't seem like we will be able to enter this way." Worm: *chuckles and brushes his shoulders*. "Man, I've got this. Watch my skills." (Jay and Worm walk up to the frozen over metal gate and activate red rings of magic on their wrists, combining their two skills together to create a hole leading straight through the gate to the other side.) Crate: *holding his hand on his hatchet at his waist, staring at Worm*. "...." Worm: *looks back at the others*. "Y'all head in, Jay and I will follow in after. We've gotta hold this hole open." StoneFlare: *nods*. "Useful abilities you two have, I'm curious what exactly the limit to your power is." Jay: *glances at Stone*. "Worm and I have worked a long time to know what we do, best you try not to get familiar." StoneFlare: *walks up to the entrance leading inside, staring at Jay*. "By all means, keep to yourself. You should know, we're teammates for as long as this operation lasts, I hope you're smart enough to realize that." Jay: *smirks at Stone*. "Oh indeed I am. I know what situation we're in, don't think I'll hesitate to repeat acts of the past, I've done terrible things, some of those things made me feel good..." StoneFlare: *quickly walks away, deciding to himself that he is going to stay away from Jay*. "..." (After the rest of the group heads inside the little portal leading to the great hall of the castle, Jay and Worm follow in, closing the portal behind them as they deactivate their powers.) StoneFlare: *shakes the snow off his body, trying to warm himself back up*. "Phew, chilly." BatPug: *examining the inside of the castle*. "I don't feel an enemies presence anywhere." Acro: "Tsk, guess we won't be seeing any action any time soon." Virus: *thinking to himself as he stares at Acro's back*. "Well, I could always cut your head off. Doing that would surely spice things up." StoneFlare: *looks to Bat*. "So where do we go from here? I guess we should look around for any info on what kind of world we are in." BatPug: "Answered your own question there Stone, feel free to check around." StoneFlare: *nods*. "Alright." (Checking out underneath the large stairs at the end of the great hall, stairs that lead up to other unknown rooms and levels within the castle, Stone messes around with a dusty bookshelf trying to read anything he can inside the books.) StoneFlare: *trying to pull open a large book that came off the shelf*. "The heck? It doesn't writing either..." (Putting the book back on the shelf and signing in annoyance, a trap door on the floor under Stone's footing unlocks and Stone slides down into an unknown area beneath the castle. Since the trap door was unexpected, Stone was unable to react quick enough and save himself from falling.) StoneFlare: *slams into a concrete floor as he reaches the bottom*. "Shoot.....that hurt..." (Getting up from the ground and rubbing the back of his head, Stone looks back up to where he fell from, trap door closed without any notice from his team.) StoneFlare: "Well shit, guess that's what I get for wanting to look around..." ???: *muffled and deep voice from in the same room as Stone*. "Got you too huh? Tsk, despicable divines indeed." (Looking to where he heard the voice, Stone notices a person dressed in jet black, heavy ballistic riot armor, with a black ballistic face mask on. Covering the right side of his body is a red and black cloak and a hood connected to the cloak that goes over his head. Other characteristics include a large scarf around his neck, and large metal gauntlets on his arms that appear to resonant with some form of power.) StoneFlare: *curious tone*. "Who are you?" ???: *sitting on a wooden bench with his head lowered to the ground*. "My name is Konama, I was once apart of the king's guard to Braxus, the ruler of this castle you have ventured into." StoneFlare: "So, what are you doing here?" Konama: *sighs heavily*. "I was discharged from my group for not being strong enough on my power level, it's disgusting the mind set of these higher ups..." StoneFlare: "I see. Well, can you help me find a way out of here and back to my team?" Konama: *stands up from the bench*. "Tell me kid, what is your purpose here?" StoneFlare: "Uh, I'm just trying to gather information on where exactly I am. I'm not a threat or anything if that's what you're thinking." Konama: *loads his arm gauntlets with a loud clanking noise as if they were shotguns*. "Lier...." StoneFlare: *holds his arm up, trying to calm the situation*. "What?! No! I'm not an enemy!" (Ignoring Stone's words, Konama dashes towards Stone with super speed and strikes him in the chin with a high powered uppercut punch. Right after connecting with his fist, Konama activates his gauntlet power and propels Stone midair all the way back up to the great hall, crashing through the trap door and through the staircase.) BatPug: *looks to the explosion near the staircase*. "What the hell?!" (To reach the top floor to continue the fight, Konama shoots the ground below him with his gauntlet shotguns and flies off the ground up to the other players, reloading his guns upon reaching the surface.) Konama: *looks out to the other players as he stands atop the staircase*. "Hmph, bunch of intruders." BatPug: *unlocks his scythe from his back into his hands*. "Alright then, I've been waiting for this." StoneFlare: *recovers and jumps away back to where Bat is standing*. "Dang, I was not expecting this to happen." (Focusing his energy into his gauntlets as they begin to glow with a bright yellow color, Konama looks to Bat and Stone as his first targets to take out of the fight. Boosting off the ground with a shotgun blast from his gauntlets, Konama lands in front of BatPug and begins to strike with a flurry of punches, all followed up by a shotgun blast of energy. Pushing Stone out of the way as the attacks rain upon him, Bat focuses and dodges all of the attacks, switching his scythe to attack mode and attempting to counter.) (Sliding on his knees, dodging another punch, Bat twirls his scythe and swings for Konama's abdomen. As the scythe comes just inches away from connecting, Konama punches the weapon into the ground, countering the attack and aiming for Bat's face with his other arm. Letting go of his scythe, Bat slams into Konama with brute strength, taking the shotgun blast directly to the face upon his attack.) BatPug: *falls on top of Konama, griping his ballistic mask with his metal hands*. "I'm going to crush your head to pieces!" Konama: *aims both his arms at Bat's chest and begins to unload*. "Dumbass..." (Jumping away as his chest becomes increasingly damaged, Bat grabs his scythe from off the ground and recovers himself mentally.) Konama: *stands up*. "You're a fool to attack me physically, my gauntlets are meant for close combat." Virus: *drops down from the above floor next to BatPug*. "You're injured bad, his shotguns deal massive damage at the range you got hit. Allow me to take over." BatPug: "My wounds mean nothing to me, they will not hold me back." Konama: *reloads his gauntlets with more energy*. "You're laughably weak, I'm not even a divine." Virus: *forms his scythe with the nanobots from his body*. "Oh you don't say? Bat is just rusty..." Jay: *watching from the above lookout*. "Perhaps you need my help?" Virus: *ignores Jay*. "..." Konama: *readies to his offensive stance*. "Come, now begins round 2." (End of Part 2)

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