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originally posted in: Revelry: PVP Analysis & Feedback
5/7/2019 7:01:04 AM
Some people had fun with it. Some people abused it to boost their ego. Some blueberries got trapped in the middle. If you're still caring about numbers that won't get you a job, and you avoided crucible for that reason, you have priority issues. If you did the Titans proud and built miles worth if barricades, good on you. If you threw pocket sand everywhere or embodied your inner Genji, good on you. If you and your blueberries were armed to the teeth with arc buddies or embodied your inner Mercy, good on you. The Revelry was fun. Period.

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  • Thanks a ton for your comment. It's awesome that you and a lot of Guardians had fun during the event (really), but your arguments fall short on two ends: [b]1. Fun is subjective[/b] - The only way something will be objectively fun is if everyone who experienced the "fun" thing, had fun with it. There are a lot of guardians who did not have fun with the event, which means that the Revelry was fun for some guardians and wasn't for others, making it totally subjective. For your assessment to be correct, it would've to be more like this: "The Revelry was fun, for me and other guardians. Period." [b]2. My priorities are excellent[/b] - I played PVP in the revelry during the first week. Didn't have fun so I bounced and went to play other games. My priorities were on the right place: fun above everything else. If I wasn't having fun and was actually just having a boring time, why keep playing? I never said anything about KD in the video nor anywhere else. I left because crucible in the revelry was boring. Most of the arguments I see being tossed around about how good the revelry was (stuff like [i]fun[/i], and saying [i]it's different[/i]) lack any type of valid points about how this change to crucible was in fact making it a better experience or everyone and how exactly people complaining about those changes had invalid points. When you defend this change for the Revelry while disregarding very valid complaints from other members of the community, you’re not doing anyone a favor and are in fact help making the game a worst overall experience. The Guardians who are/were complaining about the Revelry, aren’t/weren't saying that the tonic shouldn’t have been added to the game during those three weeks, they just wanted to have a place to play normal PVP and where they could enjoy themselves - and this is something Bungie could've done from the get go by making the rotator playlist the only place where the tonic could be used. But they didn't which made the Revelry a totally unwelcoming and badly designed event. When you have an event that kicks people out of the game because of how it was designed, people who would otherwise be playing the game, you screwed up. Aren't you contradicting yourself? If the revelry was an absolute success when it comes to fun factor, how come only some people had fun with it? :)

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  • Ah, and why did you not have fun? Now this is where your point falls flat. What about needing a separate playlist was so important? And comp was not so bad, if anything it helped make people use different classes and gear. Some of it, quite meta to be sure. Such things are inevitable. But to say I expected a Titan to literally wall off the bomb in countdown? I laughed. To see people using subclasses that hardly get time in the sun? Wonderful after months of stagnant playstyles. 1. What did people want for "fun"? You say it is subjective, yet any reasonable human being would assure you that fun is something to be enjoyed with friends and to play around with? Pun intended, I reveled in the boost to certain abilities by playing around with things I've never tried before. Sure, grenade spam is fun in it's own right, but there are many melee abilities and even simple class abilities to be toyed with. Many Youtubers had quite the laugh with such things in PvP and PvE (many foes of the light felt the horror of being bullied by once relatively harmless or infrequent abilites). So to say you did not have fun because fun is subjective, what do you even find fun? What would you have preferred? 2. A separate playlist is hardly needed. Why exactly is such a thing needed mind you? To complete bounties for Shaxx? Most of which requiring ability kills? And to say that the PvP was ruined and not fun is just shameful. Clearly, you didn't see it as a challenge to skill during the Iron Banner. So many things will destroy you. Yet, me and many others pushed our way through, coming out on top, and achieving the triumph "Now you're just showing off". It wasn't ruined for me. I take the challange as a chance to have fun as well. Sure, I could be a scumbag any other day of the week and run a meta loadout. But farming blueberries isn't fun, it's boring and demonstrates a lack of imagination. Of course, since meta got sort of stabbed in the chest during the revelry, and replaced with a different kind, you may have not liked it purely because you couldn't farm blueberries anymore. Is that the issue? And at the end of the day, it is a game, meant to have fun in, regardless of events or not. You're not forced to play crucible. Or strikes, or raids, or anything for that matter. Sure, if you want to make progress towards getting better gear, you have to play something. But that is a choice. C'mon, what are your real gripes with the revelry? There's more to the game than crucible. And I'm willing to show you the many videos made that took advantage of and made the best of the revelry. Be it in crucible or strikes and nightfalls or raids and gambit. But 1 person won't be missed, as many say.

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  • Thanks for keeping the discussion going. I love shooting the sh** with Guardians about the game even when I don't agree with them :). I think there's always something to be gained from it. Now, on to your questions and comments. [b]0. Why didn't I have fun?[/b] - The Revelry pushed the use of abilities to a level similar to that of supers in Mayhem. I don't play Mayhem because it's boring and pointless to me. Whenever I go to Mayhem it's supers everywhere and it just does not do anything for me. I love shooting guns - my favorite part of the game. So when I'm playing something in crucible and I can't shoot a gun to save my life, I don't feel like playing because it simply is not fun to me. With the Revelry, I could use guns, but for the most part, I just camped on a long range area and burned through people who were spamming grenades. Again, boring because I wasn't doing anything interesting. I was winning, I was getting kills, but was barely moving so I could shoot guns, and not have to move around the map resenting every 1v1 because I just got swarmed with three grenades. [b]1. Separate Playlist:[/b] separate playlist guaranties that everyone inside the PVP realm has something to play. With a separate playlist, you could still play crucible like in the Revelry, while I could play normal crucible. Everyone wins - and I mean everyone. With how the Revelry was set up, only people who liked the revelry could play crucible, and I had to stop playing the game for two weeks. So, a badly designed and very uninviting event. [b]2. About Comp:[/b]. The way comp is set up right now, losing a match is a huge deal. If you lose a match, you lose double the amount of points you’d lose in the previous seasons. So the stakes are a lot higher. By totally breaking crucible with the tonic, Bungie created a whole new collection of issues players had to deal with and adapt to in comp – and depending on your class of choice, some weren't even able to deal with the changes, no matter how much you tried and no matter how everyone had access to the same speed of charge rates with the tonics and armor sets. Classes work differently, have different melees, grenade types, and class abilities, and buffing the speeds at which some of these regen, made it even more apparent how much more dominant some can be over the others, creating an unsustainable and unbalanced mess. Like you said, you were caught by surprise by a titan blocking a bomb with endless walls. There’s a reason why this type of change is said to break the game, and unless the game is a bad one, it’s not usually something that makes a game better. And PVP in Destiny 2, regardless of some of the issues it has, is still an awesome experience. So the risks were even greater than ever before because the variables were even harder to control and the reward the same. If the reward was bigger given how risky it was to go into comp during the Revelry’s duration, an argument could be made in favor of these changes. However, with nothing to be gained from these changes in terms of incentives to accept them, it’s was a very hard sell. Those of us who play competitive and take their glory points seriously were left with two options: risk losing points with a broken game mode or wait it out, not risk losing valuable points and keep going with the grind after this event is over. For a lot of us, the decision was an easy but very frustrating one: wait for the event to end even though we really wanted to play comp. This means that because of this change, Bungie effectively cut three weeks out of a lot of players grind and making it so reaching higher ranks and getting pinnacle guns became a lot harder due to even shorter times to grind for them properly. [b]3. Subjective[/b] - Sorry, but fun isn't objective. Much like being reasonable isn't something objective. What's reasonable to you, might not be for me. And if fun is objective, who decides what is fun? You? Me? Fun is totally subjective. What is fun for me? When it comes to PVP, the current PVP model. I love D2's crucible. I have a lot of fun in it and play it a lot - it's my favorite part of the game. Sure, it has its issues, but overall is an incredible experience. [b]4. Separate playlists and challenge[/b] Like I mentioned before, having a separate playlist would make it so everyone could play the crucible they wanted to play. What's wrong with that? You could play Revelry like you did, you could play Iron Banner like you did, and I could play crucible I like to play it. Everybody wins. As far as challenges goes, again, it's subjective. You liked the challenge to get the IB fusion rifle and got it. Awesome! However, I couldn't be bothered, because I like to play normal crucible - and I main fusion rifles. That's why I always max my power before the first IB of each season so power differences are irrelevant to me. I experienced playing IB underpowered by over 100 in the first one of season 4 just to see how it would be. Had no fun, so decided to not do it again - I challenged myself and didn't even have an incentive to do it. Just did to see how it would be. As far as challenges go, I like the challenge of playing comp. Love it. Have been winning various 3v4 lately. Now that's a challenge that gets my blood running. I don't farm players. In fact, my team has various times not killed players in QP that were clearly new to the game and didn't know what they were doing. We like to welcome people to the game and not ust farm them to boost our egos. I go to QP to have fun, try different things and work on my core skills, and I go to comp to compete. I also never run a meta loadout in and out of comp. I use what I love to use, and that's usually not the meta. Meta = boring, and I don't do boring. :) I watched videos from a lot of YouTubers. Glad they had fun. Watch the video I posted and read all the answers I gave you. Those are my real issue with the Revelry. I couldn't have been clearer about the issues I had with the Revelry.

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  • Going to be honest here, comp wasn't hard. Sure, it rotated around a new meta, namely hunter dodge spam with Jesters, skip grenade spam, and a number of warlocks using handheld super nova. I'm actually quite surprised not many sentinels, or Titans in general, were around and taking advantage of suppression grenades. I got on a pretty good win streak playing solo against, very often, stacked teams of skips or other things that could be considered cheese. Of course, counters exist, like Riskrunner. Or you have blueberries who, bless their random souls, do the dumbest at first sight, yet strangely effective tactics. For example, the Titan buddy that planted a bomb, and starts to wall it off. Another Titan buddy made very effective use of Dunemarchers on code of the missle and frequently landed double or triple kills with ballistic slam. Again, creativity prevailed, and creativity is a sign of having fun. Even an AoG warlock putting to use the healing functionality of the grenades. At this point, the weapon sandbox is heavily geared towards a few weapons, all of which I can name on my 10 fingers. It is rather stale. Crucible is only enjoyable when you aren't trying. That, or if you set yourself against all odds and use a challenging set of gear or put yourself at a disadvantage. I don't even play with teams in quick play, I relish in destroying stacked teams, or at least denying them a farm and easy win. Even in comp, I seldom play in teams, as often comes to be true, these people tend to depend on you to get a win. It becomes quite obvious, I tell them it's not working out, and I go back to solo que with much more success. But the revelry isn't exactly a problem, and I won far more than I lost in comp. I also don't think the double loss points is all that bad. So long as you don't lose more than 2 matches for every 3 you win, you are in the green. Because you also get double points for winning, and the win streak bonus is very high at 5 wins. With a good team or good blueberries, you can get a good streak going. The revelry sure changed how winning had to be done to be sure, but it didn't make it harder. And about the iron banner fusion. It is a disappointment. Very badly made in my opinion. I'm glad we can get random roles next time around, and will be spending a couple thousand tokens to get a good one. On to friendly things about vooping that can't be disagreed with, have you tried the Loaded Question? It is inferior to Erentil in the range game. But if you get reservoir burst active? It's game over. It hits a solid 64 or so per bolt, and I've gotten a number of triple kills, and once a 5 man feed as a result of the explosions, which are surprisingly high in damage. Also to be looked out for is the other gunsmith omolon fusion, the proelium. Yes, I know, it's rapid fire fusion. But it can hit the lowest charge time of 500 without a charge masterwork with A.coils (though I don't recommend A.coils since it usually averages around 550 anyways). And I've fallen in love with it. It's an excellent shotgun counter. Mostly because you can have it out early and not have to worry about backup plan. Getting firmly planted and rangefinder on it with a particular repeater makes it actually better in range battles than I expected. To say the least, it's worth looking into. To sum it all up, I had fun with the revelry inside and outside of the crucible. Fun is what you make of a situation, and I am sad to hear you didn't have quite the experience. Though why you didn't do private matches with really dumb rules ( like throwing knives only, ball lighting only, the dumb stuff that would normally never be able to be done) is also sad news.

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