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4/19/2019 2:36:12 AM
We're all human, meaning we all have good and bad days but having [b][url=]clanmates[/url][/b] that are mature enough to be accepting and open to talk through misunderstandings, or anything really, has been [u]refreshing[/u]. Maybe your clan is dying or dead, maybe you're just surrounded by toxic and shady people , maybe you feel you don't fit in... Whatever the reason, as long as you're not a jerk you'll most probably find a home with us. I joined Destiny back when Taken King came out and joined a clan soon after. It was my first attempt at being social online but I placed myself in a group that didn't help me grow and open up. Historically it's been difficult for me to gain friendships or just gain enough trust to participate in any type of personal, and even impersonal, conversations. So, I felt I needed to move on and was lucky enough to find [b][url=]Sundowners[/url][/b] towards the end of May 2018. Being around people that just want to have fun and can handle dying over and over and over again without getting pissed off made me feel comfortable enough to start molting my shell. I finally started feeling like I belonged to something that I was truly passionate about ([i]besides my career[/i]). Not having kids nor being married allows me to be one of the unicorn sheep in the clan that's able to partake in no-life gaming once in a while. This in turn lets me share with my [url=]clanmates[/url] so we get the most out of the Destiny experience. All my non-gamers friends always hear about my [b][url=]SDS[/url][/b] family and how tight we are. It's truly turned my life around. It just really boils down to what you are looking for and what you are willing to put in. A clan is only as strong and kind as the players who make it up. From [b]timid[/b] to [b]confident[/b] in less than a year. I'd say I made more progress with my self-improvements than I ever did with counseling. Not that I didn't get counseling once in a while, but you get my drift and if you don't then ask the Drifter - [i]he's got my back[/i]. If you have the desire to belong somewhere -[i][b]community[/b][/i]- and you decent human being, then what are you waiting for? Check out our profile [b][url=]Sundowners[/url][/b] Share [b][url=]Sundowners[/url][/b] with a friend Maybe make a [b][url=]Sundowners[/url][/b] t-shirt... ok maybe not... or not just [b]yet[/b]... haha

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