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4/16/2019 8:37:59 PM
So, I joined Sundowners in, shoot.. 2016 (I think, it's been awhile :P), kinda by accident really. But it was the best darn accident in the Destiny Community that could have happened to me. I was that solo player who had bounced between groups but never really was nailed down. I was definitely into the game and everything but just hadn't made the jump into a clan. Anyway, thru a great series of connections via Twitter LFG-ing, I stumbled upon some very supportive, extremely knowledgeable players. After raiding with them and getting what I wanted done, I ended coming into their fold and much like other members have said, they are nothing but the best of the community. Unfortunately, with my real life and some issues with being able to use a controller, I haven't been active at all in playing, which you might think would mean that I would be gone from the community, but no! They get that life is important; in fact a lot of them are fathers, mothers, wives etc.. and a big part of what I think is awesome is that everyone gets it if you need to stop in a raid and go put a kid to bed, make a bottle, make dinner, whatever, it's a non-issue. Worry not though, as I am not a father, not married or what-have-you; they are welcoming and enjoyable nonetheless. As Ragriz said, the Discord is definitely something that really defines Sundowners! There are countless channels for all sorts of different player types, lore, spoilers (if you're into that), there's a spot for Veterans (Thanks for your service), all sorts of bots for you to make your own events, get paired etc.., There are also multiple weekly raid teams, which is a great time. I could go on for a while, but the best way to find out is to join up! We would love to have you!

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