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4/13/2019 6:20:21 PM

Hatred for Luna's and NF, but no nerf needed!

All of this coming from my experience on PS4. So here's the deal Luna, dust rock, and NF are the scourge of quickplay. I'm sure everyone will agree on that matter. Now I've played D2 since launch and there is always going to be a meta, I get it, we all know it to be true. What makes a meta loadout though? The lack of any other competition for that specific spot in your arsenal. The quickest easy button shotgun in the game for example, obviously you're gonna pick that over almost any other gun in that slot if it gets you results. So my proposal for a fix for crucible is this, bring other weapons more up to par with everything else. I'm not saying buff the shit out of every primary to make them equal to these pinnacle weapons, but update forgotten primaries for this new sandbox. Example: three burst sidearms. They received a much needed nerf in year 1 and never got back on par in year two. Sidearms should be a great shotgun counter, similar to the last word hand cannon. Every other hand cannon archetype is another good example. For the most part in crucible precision frames reign supreme and there's a reason for that. They have almost no bloom or recoil, and they can consistently hit crits with little effort. Bring the other hand cannons up to that to some extent, whether it be reduce bloom or make the recoil less screen blocking on console. Also precision frame shotguns, that are not slug, in general need to be looked at. I mean seriously think about it. Precision shotgun...makes no sense to me. All that being said, I think we need some alternatives to just outright nerfing something people worked hard to get. I don't even have a luna's howl or not forgotten. Don't get me wrong it's infuriating to get annihilated from scout rifle range by a not forgotten, but I say let's look at other weapons to counter from a skill perspective. Help make skill a part of this game again, instead of just who has the best gun. Iron Banner a few weeks ago was actually pretty fun, because nobody had meta load outs leveled up and it was more skill based. That was just my experience. Dare I say, it was balanced. Thanks to all who actually finish reading this. Let's work together to help this game get back to being fun. Not uncompetitive, but fun Also on a side note: the maps for this sandbox are trash. They were created for dual primary type gameplay, so that is a whole other issue.

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  • I think Crucible needs to provide the weapons in Comp or as a separate mode in Comp. Basically players pick their weapons from a curated list in a lobby before the start of the match. The guns that dominate the current meta could be rotated out for other weapons. If someone really wanted to use NF or Dust Rock they could always go into quickplay just like they do now. Not sure how that would work for specific weapons quests like NF where you are required to get a certain number of Luna kills, but I'm tossing this out there anyway. Hearthstone does something like this where there is a specific mode called Wild where any gun can be used and separate mode for the meta where expansion sets of cards or specific cards can be retired. For Destiny, Quickplay would be the equivalent of Wild.

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  • A short analogy to show you the stupidity of Luna/NF/Recluse: The NASCAR Organisation decides that the top 5% drivers of last year will get new cars that are 30% faster than the ones for everyone else. The other 95% of drivers start to complain and state that the championship is kind of tilted now. NASCAR says, that they should stop complaining, the 5% earned the better cars, they beat the other drivers last year with regular cars anyway and the faster cars are only as good as their drivers. In short, git gud.

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    3 Replies
    • What if Comp picked weapons for you? Each match, everyone gets the same set of random weapons. Wins would be based on skills with a multitude of weapons, and not the meta.

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      3 Replies
      • I just wrote a post for my idea for how to fix them and HCs as a whole here [url][/url]

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      • Weird sidearms are great shotgun counters.

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      • Pinnacle weapons are fine to be overused imo,but shotguns are a different matter Shotguns are too easy to use,have too high of a OHK range and fire too fast to give that follow up shot anyway I can’t even be arsed to have a discussion about shotgunners because all they say is ‘just don’t go close range,easy!noob’ when if you took away their precious god roll DRB or other shotty u would find their aim to be as if they had a cactus up their arse.and in reality,the TTK in this game is too high to just ‘not be close’ becagse they can close gaps so easily especially if they are titans

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        3 Replies
        • Bring on the nerf. Why buff everything else and alter the entire TTK of the game just because of two troublesome guns. They are OP and give the already good player an even bigger advantage. They are not only making gun fights unfair in favor of those who are already decent players, they are also restricting variety from being in the crucible. If lunas and Not forgotten were not as good as they are more people would be using the likes of The last word, Thorn, Malfeasance and soon to be Hawkmoon. Legendary weapons should not be making all other exotics redundant. Yes I know they had to be grinded for however they should not be so much better that they become the only real choice if you have them. BRING ON THE NERF :)

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        • It’s not that they are good it’s the fact that they have been the best weapons for too long... Destiny use to change the meta and balance for that reason, to change crucible. Crucible hasn’t changed in a VERY long time.... I played D1 crucible lately and everything was balanced and Boring. Meta is needed but change that mofo every once and awhile.

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        • I like the ttk of weapons that are not luna/ nf. Thats why Id prefer luna/ nf be nerfed.

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          1 Reply
          • Blame the morons who couldn’t earn those guns and paid for someone to recover their account. That’s why so many people have it. That’s a large part of the problem.

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          • Honestly Ace of Spades can out range luna's easily, and kills extremely quick too

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          • When you compare weapon stats between PC and Console it becomes evidently apparent that LH and NF are not out of balance but rather the recoil and bloom of other weapons on console is the issue. People will throw out stats and tell you that LH is clearly broken because it accounts for 10%-15% of all energy weapons kills in PvP and thats really quite cute when you go to PC stats and see that Ace of Spades accounts for 35% to 40% Of all kinetic weapon kills. Yet, no one considers Ace to be broken, proving yet again that LH and NF aren't broken, just over-used... solely on console, due to the bloom and recoil of other weapons by contrast.

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            10 Replies
            • I learned something after getting lunas, I’m not that good at pvp. I’m not that good with the Luna’s. It’s like giving a C student the best computer money can buy. In the end he’s still a C student with a nice computer.

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            • In some ways Bungie got it right in D1 when they buffed Sidearms to counter shotgun rushers...not sure why they can't do this now.

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              2 Replies
              • Don’t straightline a shotgun rusher there problem solved

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              • Luna’s should be three crits. Not Forgotten needs the same treatment, or it should be two head one body but exotic rarity instead of legendary. Coming from a guy with Luna’s, Recluse, And Mountaintop..

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                2 Replies
                • Facepalm

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                • Nah, luna and NF should require three crits and have more flinch/recoil.... Nothing wrong with shotguns, buff SMG's, fusions and sidearms....

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                • True. Just bring other guns up to the level. The last few months I been running bow/hc load out and I’ve had fairly good success. I just wish other guns could compete at the same level. But then I guess you’d be able to use every single gun...would that be bad? I honestly don’t know..

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                  12 Replies
                  • make them exotics.

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                  • Which is better: -Buff every single weapon in the game which would take a lot of time which could be used to fix other things ( *cough* crucible). -Or... Balance the weapon so it is still effective but it isn't an insta-win.

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                    6 Replies
                    • Edited by Sage: 4/14/2019 12:17:04 AM
                      I have lunas, a god roll bygones, and a god roll go figure, along with the chaperone and a decently cute DRB. I am so ready for meta to change already. It got ssooooo stale.

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                    • It all depends of the usage stats of the weapon(s) in question, doesn't matter if it isn't OP or anything. They're strong weapon, sure but if it becomes "overused" then it will be adjusted so players are incentivized to use other alternatives.

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