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2/28/2019 5:08:48 PM

Season of the Drifter

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  • Hello dmg04, You'd be better posting on reddit which is full of rabid fanboys that are happy with any subpar product from Bungie. The majority of audience here is fed up with your bullshit. Where's new worlds ? Where's new story ? Where's new enemies ? Where's new PvP maps ? Where's new PvP modes ? Gambit Prime is even more annoying than original Gambit. Reckoning is just another countless rehashed horde mode. 0% creativity, 0% of thinking outside of the box, 100% of milking old and tired formula. How mighty have fallen.

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    21 Replies
    • Edited by Argentus: 3/6/2019 3:42:22 PM
      What the hell is going on in Reckoning ??? Why I do not get the helmet for the reaper set ??? I have 4 arms, 2 chests, 4 legs, 4 bonds but why not the helmet ??? This thing starts to be boring !!!!!!!

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      26 Replies
      • Gambit prime is horrible. There is zero chance to catch a team once they have the primeval up. Invading at that does nothing because they gather slayer buffs and go for a melt. Banking everything in this season on a bad gambit gamemode was one the worst decision that you’ve made bungie. Anyone who doesn’t like it has nothing to do for months on end in destiny. On top of that and the unnecessary nerfs that you said you wouldn’t be doing, you’re going to hemorrhaging players faster than you can put up TWABs.

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      • Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 3/8/2019 3:58:49 PM

        Started a new topic: Jontron is OP if you can't dodge it(5 Replies))

      • Edited by jefedemuchanina: 3/8/2019 9:00:47 PM
        Clicked and scrolled for a laugh and wow the dumpster fire seems to be raging even more than launch day you really pissed people off this time bungo i really cant wait to see where this goes now that the big bad boogey man isnt there to blame😂

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      • Hi, Dmg! Say thTHE ENEMY IS INVADINGanks to the deveYOU'RE BEING INVADEDloper team for such a grTHE ENEMY IS INVADINGeat dlc, with neYOU'RE BEING INVADED AGAINat armor, cool weapTHE ENEMY IS INVADINGons and awesYOU'RE BEING INVADED ONCE MORE LULZome Gambit PTHE ENEMY IS INVADINGrime. Can't wYOU'RE BEING INVADEDait for Thorn! [spoiler]I know, you're just the messenger. Luv ya ❤️[/spoiler]

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      • Anyone else have a confectious heart bounty available for shaxx after jokers wild dropped?

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        1 Reply
        • I do not want to play PVP or anything with PVP elements. PVP is not fun or rewarding to play.

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          6 Replies
          • Reckoning is the only mildly remotely entertaining thing that you have added in months. Not that it's saying much

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          • Gambit Prime IS NOT FUN, plain and simple. The Nerf to Whisper of the Worm makes me want to VOMIT! Playing Gambit to leave and get rewards to THEN go back to Gambit, is moronic and a asinine decision. The nerfs, Gambit Prime not being fun, snipers STILL not feeling like D1, “death by architect” notification, getting blasted all around the map from Cabal or Prime Evil, lack of reworked rewards, reskinned IB armor AGAIN!, and maaaany other issues...... make this release unenjoyable and not worth my time. I’ll grind for Thorn and leave till some MAJOR changes are made. Whoever is leading the ship over at Bungie doesn’t seem to understand the playerbases needs, put Chris Barrett back in charge and maybe I’ll come back. 👎🏻Bungie.

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            2 Replies
            • I want to throw up...this crap is not enjoyable at all...gambit sucks it always has(I played alot of gambit so i know) I just sat here and realized i am sad when i play Destiny 2: Season of the Drifter. Destiny 2: Forsaken I was happy. I love the Destiny universe, the lore, and the thought of all the possibilities Bungie could do with this world of Destiny. But instead we have Season of the Drifter and this little scam he calls Gambit Prime. If there were some story missions with the Reckoning and Prime it wouldn't be so bad. But the thought of Playing Prime to then do the Reckoning(which I like) over and over playing with people who just dont have a clue is just not appealing. Why? Just tells us that Bungie. Why have you put aside the great lore you have created for a loop of crap content. The people in your vidoc can not really be that excited. If so then that's too bad...shattered throne was something to get excited about, last wish was something to get excited about. Not this Shit. Shame on you.

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            • 1
              Bungie, please stop pushing Gambit for this game. It is a TERRIBLE gametype in both normal and prime. This expansion would've been so much better if we could've seen a larger LL increase and the addition of a new raid, or possibly prestige modes for the other SotP and LW (Last Wish desperately needs some kind of difficulty boost, as it is currently the cheesiest raid in the game, and I'm bored of LFGing into groups that just skip 90% of the mechanics)

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            • Edited by AlphaHydrae8: 3/8/2019 5:02:07 PM

              Alfie ~ Anomaly ~ Progidy ~ Oddity - old

              Hey Bungie. Can't post a TWAB on the forums of your OWN APP, but you can post one on Reddit? What a joke. Highly unprofessional. You sell/release a BROKEN product, and only communicate with SOME of your customers, and ignore the rest? Can I get a valid response as to why you guys conduct yourselves so unproessionally on a customer service standpoint? Lets see how long it takes to fix ALL the "known issues". The list is a mile long. Most of the game is unplayable. You can't even play Prime without risk of the Prime Evil despawning. Most players won't be back until everything is fixed if they're not already gone for good. I understand that things break and need time fixing, but the level of unprofessionalism is unreal. You guys should look at how other gaming studios around the world operate and follow their business model. CD Projekt is a good start. A business that releases a broken product would communicate with ALL their customers and offer some kind of compensation.

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              7 Replies
              • Edited by sammy-00193: 3/8/2019 5:42:51 PM
                You guys -blam!-ed up progression again. Your pacing is actually non-existant. Why did you unlock Reckoning T2 if you were going to make it 670. It -blam!-s the entire pacing of the game. I was in the groove and now I ran straight into a wall of pointless grind. You should have released T2 next Tuesday or Friday and T3 the next one cause nobody who is casual will be ready for T3 and you releasing it is you saying that they should be ok to do it. You dont release content unles you are sure the majority can do it. Wanna know why? Cause the people who can do it will now have an advantage in gambit prime while those who get bad rng will be stuck with T1 armor and be at a serious disadvantage. You are placing people at a disadvantage in a comp mode. Oh but i forgot this is bungie we are talking about so who cares right? Certainly not you guys. Thanks for putting myself and my team at a disadvantage

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                • So... you spoke to one guy about how to put Gambit Prime together??

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                • Sucks lmao

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                • The drifter grinned as he gave his thorn to the guardian. I will grind him to death he thought. I will. The guardian took the thorn for a second time. He was speechless as usual. It was the same one that was taken; but now returned. The drifter grabbed the guardian firmly by the shoulders and whispered “just wait ‘til next time”. The guardian walked away while the drifter stood behind. He’d got his thorn.

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                • Thoughts so far. 1- infusion cores still need to go. 2- matrix need brought back though the silver package content are completely optional so not as bad as it read at first but matrix still needs brought back. 3 - gambit prime is really fun. Like much more fun than basic gambit it feel. Bigger maps and the bigger horde and variety of enemy spawning. Plus the new primeval and mechanics. 4 - the reckoning. I enjoy it and feel like ep should of been. Though the clock starting before you have 4 players is annoying. Understand if you have 4 then a drop out. Cause i have never had a 4 man spawn in. Always 1 or 2 and then last one join mid way.. 5 - the lack of any other content for pve/world or pvp. I can see how off putting it would be if you dislike gambit. There needs to be more general loot and exotic added. Not just tied to the theme. 6- lore heavy exotic that aren't kinetic hand cannons. The fact it the yor vs shin lore. Yor went into the pit with two weapons  Phoenix and rose. And based on d1 lore card. Phoenix became necrochasm. In theory. So why can't we get these as well.

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                  2 Replies
                  • No quest from xur or anything

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                    4 Replies
                    • Wow, sounds like this studio gave up trying. Must be busy pleasing Netease now.

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                    • Deej, this is the most fun I've had since forsaken please let the devs know they are doing great. I'm waiting for the salt F I G H T M E

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                      7 Replies
                      • 14
                        Lol I see yall didn't have the balls to put up a post notifying that TWAB was up. Damn, kids. Worst received content drop in the history of the game and yall be like "this is fine...." "If only we could make the game harder core, then, surely, people will come back to us".... You know. They say the textbook definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Technically that's not the definition of insanity, it's the definition of stupidity. Though insanity does have a lesser definition besides mental illness, which is "extreme foolishness or irrationality"... So I suppose insanity fits too.

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                        7 Replies
                        • @ dmg why no ada reset? Is there a bug or are they gonna rework how we obtain forge weapons. I’d still like to grind for god rolls.

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                          3 Replies
                          • Edited by CookieNiki: 3/7/2019 11:16:31 PM
                            My very first (and only) play of Gambit Prime was against a full stack team. Played it 'til the end and logged out of the game. [b]Poor content + Shitty matchmaking = lost of interest in this game.[/b] After thousands of hours playing this franchise since 2014, all I can say is: good luck trying to maintain this game alive financially, only with the hardcore players. Because it really looks that's what you guys at Bungie are trying to do, cater to the hardcore, no lifer players while blatantly ignoring the feedback of the rest of the community.

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                            • If you guys hate this game , go play Anthem make sure you dont crash on the way

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