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2/28/2019 5:08:48 PM

Season of the Drifter

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  • So am I just supposed to go fk myself with this allegiance quest? I never got the little trinket from Drifter so I can't do anything!

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    • PVE is too OP. Nerf NPC's into the ground where they belong. Buff Guardians to the level of warriors of light that can slay hordes with ease. If players want more of a "challenge" then let it be a setting for individuals to where they take more damage and deal less. Don't make the entire community deal with this crap. I've never been so frustrated with a game than I am with Gambit/Prime/Reckoning. It is a nightmare to try and stay alive. Worse, I stack Resilience/Recovery and use a subclass that boosts survivability. Retardedly, if you impress the Nine within the Reckoning you're reward is gear that has a lower power level than both what you have equipped and what the recommended power level is for the content. I'm perplexed that it's a thing.

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      • [quote][/quote] Allegiance quest not showing up for me when speaking to the drifter. am I doing something wrong?

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      • Thorn is OP in crucible, please give this a PVE nerf immediately lol

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        2 Replies
        • This just proves that there main focus is on D3 and we just paid left overs that where done way before season pass

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        • Edited by I JJ 59 I: 3/13/2019 1:04:31 AM
          After choosing to stay allied to the vanguard I did the mission "siren song" after the mission it still said I had not completed it but did not allow me to do the mission again. I THOUGHT if I abandoned the quest I could pick it up again & start over. Wrong now I no longer have the quest a little help would be appreciated. Thanks

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        • Please NO MORE NERF...! All weapons feel off unbalance and more ammo of special , heavy cause in Gambit it feel more hard to find ammo. In PVP fix issue of special ammo need more and heavy need more. Competitive mode need option to play what game mode we want PVP need more game mode

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        • I'm sorry but spectral blades is slightly unbalanced in pvp. It took 3-4 hammers to kill one, with embers btw and it takes one slash to kill hammers. Hoping for a fix on that.

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        • And there needs to be a new way of getting people into Raids because this is completely bullcrap that if we aren't .meeting peoples criteria for doing these Raids that we can't participate in them. There needs to be either a matchmaking for Raids or another way of getting Raid exotics.

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          • I'm still tripping off the Drifter just calling me a "punk and a snitch" for choosing to side with the Vanguard!! Well played with that dialogue!! And Ikora's big- ass shotgun!!!!!

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            • accidentaly had a full pursuit tab when drifter told me to go get some jerky.... then it disapeared.... no quest, no jerky at the spider..... did I expertly find a bug? plz tell me Im not perma screwed...

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            • Congratulations to the losers chasing the 700 power cap in a game that gives you so very little to chase :)

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              • Edited by HellfireEclipse: 3/12/2019 11:19:32 PM
                edit fixed

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              • Anyone else kind of letdown not because of season of the drifter and the gambit focus .. but the lack of everything else .. Bungie I have stuck with d2 since day 1 during the whole controversy and the xp throttles .. during the days where there was nothing to do but run strikes for no rewards.. all the way untill now I recently decided to give anthem a try but I always said it's never gonna take destiny's place.. it has and it hasn't.. it has because it's a new game really enjoying it despite the problems it's having.. but it hasn't taken the place because I truly love destiny .. I just logged on for season of the drifter and I realized not to my surprise that eververse got a full new update all new things and new models of cosmetics .. but shax and zavala are the exact same other than 1 weapon brought from year 1 to year 2 and the pinnacle quests .. no new armor no new loot pool of weapons ... Then it hit me we're still running the same content we have been running since forsaken to level up but there is no new raid ... Running the same strikes with no loot .. same Nightfalls with the same specific Loot nothing new to grind ... The dreaming city stuff is still the same .. no new gear to grind ... There is literally nothing to do but this gambit focused stuff .. which would be fine if you actually put effort into other unused assets of your game ... So anyway I logged on went to tower looked at everything .. then went straight to dreaming city to start leveling and I just had no desire to keep playing the same stuff with nothing new to chase .. it's soooooo boring bungie .. I've done everything in the game I have blacksmith and rivensbane .. I have the top gear with the best rolls on everything .. I have lunas howl.. there is nothing to keep me wanting to play other than the gambit stuff .. but I seriously don't wanna keep running the same stuff to level up to play reckoning or keep getting the same weapon and armor drops we have gotten since forsaken ... It's a severe shame that you felt it is more important to update eververse with new stuff which are not reskinned items than to update the stuff in the game that actually matters and effects the way we play ... I understand completely that you need microtransactions now more than ever without Activision backing you but if you keep this up not evolving the game at all for a full year till the next comet dlc or whatever its gonna be.. nobody will be here to purchase your microtransactions much less play your game ... Just a few tips from a hardcore player that loves this game I wanna see more than the same things for an entire year .. the NPCs should be updated every season and new strikes and nightfall loot .. dreaming city gear included .. I don't mind running the same content if there are new rewards to grind .. but the getting the same stuff over and over for the year is just sad and unacceptable ...

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                14 Replies
                • Stop it, we know you're not really engaged.

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                • too little too late. I run a great clan, over the past 3 months virtually all of my admins have moved on to other games. All have tried to come back but the content just isn't desirable. Personally I'm sick of the grind. I'm sick of doing the same strikes over and over again. Sick of the same bounties over and over again. Sick of the same worlds and the same enemies. Honestly the thought of having to grind to 700 literally makes me queasy. Sorry bungie, you've lost me. Maybe I'll see you in D3.

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                  7 Replies
                  • Is it possible that you could quit trying to force people that don't like The Crucible into it by including Crucible kills in the Exotic quest lines. The first three parts of the thorn have ways to not have to go into The Crucible but then at the end you force us to get Crucible kills why? Why not instead of just the Crucible have something for the non Crucible people. You're never going to get players like me to enjoy The Crucible I love every other part of this game please maybe try to cater to both types of players. There's enough room for both types of players here and you could give us all what we want if you really tried

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                    • Edited by cycofreak3: 3/12/2019 2:35:36 PM
                      So I'm doing the triumph for the vanguard pinnacle weapon and I've done 30 strikes and somewhere between 4-6 nightfalls, I'm at 80% for the strike/nightfall completion and I notice that strikes are only giving me 1%. So what's the deal here? Throttling progression now huh? Cause I noted that heroic strikes give 2% and nightfalls give 5%. Now when I hit around 70%, strikes only give 1%. Am I just stupid and misread the progression I was getting earlier or has it been 1% the entire time, cause it doesn't make any sense. 31 strikes at 2% is 62%, plus 4-6 nightfalls at 5% would make 82-92% (if my math is correct) but for the last several strikes I've gotten 1%. Did you try to slip something past me again? After all this time? If I'm right and I sincerely hope I'm not, I'm disappointed. Edit: I am stupid, I thought there was a possibility of getting 1% per strike the entire time, that doesn't work since nightfalls give 5%. Conclusion, Bungie pulled a fast one... Again.

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                    • Bounites would have more of an incentive to complete if they were structured like an Ada-1 bounty. Has the team considered this as an option? I would like to know what piece of gear I receive instead of relying on RNG that doesn't gurantee a good reward to level up. For example, if I need boots or a helmet to increase my level and I get a gun it feels disappointing. Keep up the good work guys.

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                    • I'd like for Eververse to play Duran Duran's Notorious each time I cash in a new engram

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                      • Can you fix the drifter? He seems depressed instead of his normal entusiastic self when I kill everything. :(

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                      • Edited by Seraph: 3/11/2019 12:12:24 PM
                        The problem with the Annual Pass content ( Black Armory and Season of the Drifter ), is that they both put all their eggs into 1 Basket. Black Armory was all about the Forges, and nothing else. And if you weren't at a high enough Power lv. to do the Forges, there was nothing else in the DLC to do. And Season of Drifter is more or less centred around Gambit, and if you hate Gambit, you are -blam!-ed. Granted, this DLC seems to be more well rounded than the last ( Xur Bounties and the Vanguard vs Drifter quest for PVE players ), but overall, its heavily Gambit centric. A lot of people hated Curse of Osiris ( which I always defended by saying it offered more content than The Dark Below ), but at least it offered something for everyone. If Bungie insists on keeping this distribution model for content in the future, than the future DLC's needs to be more diverse in its offerings when it comes to activities. The player base needs variety and diversity, and the overall health of the game would improve drastically when players arn't getting burnt out from doing the same thing, over and over again. Forcing players to binge on a single activity for 3+ months straight just creates fatique and contempt amongst the playerbase for that activity.

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                      • So what your saying is we get another update? Sleeper ammo reduced to -3. It is now not possible to fire this gun. Whisper ammo reduced to 2. This is now perfectly balanced. We see some of you actually liked the new modes, this is not working as intended so we removed rewards from them entirely. Boosted the power drop rewards for blind well to 750, however the only item that is capable of dropping is a Ghost shell. Re added Prismatic Facets, you now have a weekly Prismatic Facet you can use to obtain 1 legendary silver shard, this allows a special free download of Destiny 1 in which there are no servers active. Found a bagel in the car park that was mouldy and half eaten. Inspired us to add a half eaten mouldy bagel to the eververse as a bounty reward, upon completion of the bounty an unlock will allow purchase from the Bungie Store. For just $59.99 you can all own a unique individually crafted half eaten mouldy bagel.

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                        5 Replies
                        • I -blam!-ing hate gambit and the drifter

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                        • 10
                          Crucible is just shotguns and Luna’s. Gambit is just long range invasions. The game has become really boring. Levelling is just tedious.

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                          • How many glory points do you get on reset if you played at least 3 matches and did not leave any of them? I believe you got 80 points during season of the forge. Season of the drifter do you get 160, cause the points have doubled from wins n losses?

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