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2/28/2019 5:08:48 PM

Season of the Drifter

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  • Can’t wait to gear up only to run into 3 or 4 stacks farming us

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  • ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! BUNGIE STOP TELLING ME HOW TO PLAY!!! oh my God I just reloaded Destiny 2 on my xbox and purchased Annual Pass so I could play some new content... First quest for Black Armory is "multi kills on Hive" or some other pointless, stupid, mind-numbing activity. OH COME ON!!! Man this has gotten so old. DESTINY PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS!!! I am a LONG time player and purchaser of your content. I bought HALO 1 and everything since. I have been here the whole time. I HATE being forced to do things. The whole point of open world game is FREEDOM. Making me kill specific enemies, in certain ways, which are frankly just hard for the sake of being obscure, is just plain dumb. This has been an overall, game-encompassing trend for a long time now in Destiny, and honestly it has just worn me out. For example: * RAID - even old raids like Crota - Bungie doesn't like people solo the raid so they build an invisible wall across the chasm... WTF ? Why do you CARE Bungie? Let me play how I want! * Strikes - modified so that you can't hide and shoot boss with sniper from ledge. Why do you care? Let me play how I want! * Missions and quests - random and obscure missions, shoot this kind of enemy this way with this weapon... blah blah blah. This makes absolutely no sense to the Story first of all (why does Ada 1 want me to multi-kill Hive with heavy weapons??? It's just stupid) I'm so sick and tired of Bungie telling me how to play. It's not fun. I was looking forward to the new content on 3.5.19 but now I think it's just going to me more of the same... Very sad and disappointing. Instead of making players do exactly what you say, Bungie, how about more open ended parameters for missions? Have an objective, like gather resources, or find and kill a certain boss who is surrounded by minions or hard to get to, etc.. But for God's sake give me the freedom to do it however I want, with whatever weapons and methods I want. SET US FREE!!! ** IF YOU GIVE YOUR PLAYERS FREEDOM TO PLAY HOW THEY WANT, THEY WILL STAY AROUND LONGER AND PAY $$ FOR EVERVERSE STUFF!!! Now I'm just angry and frustrated. I don't want to play your game, it is too restrictive and bossy. No thanks :(

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    8 Replies
    • Yawn. I play because I bought the season pass. This still does no excite me as much a D1 did. When I read of the changes coming, and most, if not all, aren’t things anyone asked for. And all are thing nobody asked for. I cannot see a reason to buy the next season pass or d3

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    • Competitive gambit= filled with sweats 4 stacks lag switchers ddossers paid recoveries. This will be tolerated due to being new but people will soon stay away as they don’t like getting used as target practice for the sweats.

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    • “Yo dawg, I heard you hate timers so we added more timers...”

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    • How’d that timer thing work out on last year’s NF’s Oh wait you removed it, didn’t work then so you try it again. Hmmmmmmmmm.... something is wrong with your thought process there bungle

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    • Man I could have swore there was a gun quest when Gambit first came out that had many of us living in Gambit looking for a meatball. Once again they come up with the idea to have everything linked to Gambit. It's the season of the drifter you say? Gambit was expected ? How about maybe something actually new ? Not a reskins of a already bland game mode forced upon us. Bungie doesn't understand that pretending the new gear is worth playing the same task over and over isn't fun. It's Forced and pathetic . A grind in a game needs to feel rewarding. Nothing in this game feels rewarding. Only the very few that can convince themselfs they have to play til they have every worthless version of everything in their banks can keep playing this game. They don't respect our gaming time. No matter how long you play this game. The gear you spent so much time on will be worthless as soon as they decide it's time for another worthless item.

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      11 Replies
      • "It's not going to just be Gambit. But hey, by the way, Gambit, Competitive Gambit, Gambit Gambit, gambino gambitter gambattle. New pve activity, to prepare you for gamblooey. Gambit fashion, shifty shiny gambocity. Pinnacle pvp smg, and pve scout. Returning D1 content. Gilded redacted. But until then PLAY SOME MOTHALUVIN GAMBIT YA'LL, ALRIGHTALRIGHTALRUGHURG" Just... Great. 😒

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        20 Replies
        • So basically instead of giving you more freedom and room for making yourself unique and different, they've now making the least liked part of d2 even forcing people into set Roles... Look get it, you want people to do exactly what you want at all time whole logged on and you want people to either play destiny or live a real life, but come on We didnt want LESS freedom of build...

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          22 Replies
          • Edited by GenXer: 2/28/2019 6:37:16 PM
            "...what our core community wants." This statement is everything about Bungie, right now. It absolutely encapsulates in a nebulous shell everything that is wrong with Bungie to the wider community and all the things that are right with Bungie to their core communities. At once, the detractors are left to wonder who are Bungie's core community while allowing individual core communities who embrace Bungie to identify with them. It's a masterful turn of phrase that does nothing to advance the game while increasing Bungie's esteem in the eyes of the fervently faithful.

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            31 Replies
            • Excited for new content. NOT excited about any kind of timed content. The community has been very vocally against timed content since year 1 nightfall timer. Would have hoped you learned something from that. We haven't tried it yet so I'm going to refrain from too much complaining here, but get ready for the flood of complaints.

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            • You folks at bungle notice how few are still playing?

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              7 Replies
              • Hey (knock,knock) Blackbandit here. All these new updates are great and all but what about those enhancement core being removed from infusion? What about updating the stale year 1 planetary vendors? What about making year 1 weapons and armor viable and open for mods? What about additional exotic catalyst? What about additional weapon balancing and making some of these weaker weapons stronger?

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                31 Replies
                • Shit Bungie went all in with this dlc did you guy's see the armor set perks shits crazy man about to be hella builds. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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                • How big is the download tomorrow.

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                • Started a new topic: Season of the Drifter looks like more pve boring crap(23 Replies))

                • Question? By any chance are these new weapons going to actually create a change in the stale hand cannon/shotgun pvp meta. Or is it just trying to make an appearance of change. I don't really see a good advantage to any by details posted. Scout rifles dps rates are terrible as is. I don't think one stacking perk is gonna help. The dragon fly will be more effective. Sadly it relies on getting a kill with a weapon that's base damage rates in PvP and pve have been obsolete since shortly after warmind release. The only use I've seen for an smg is risk runner in second forge or Gambit on a fallen round (once every 10 games). As the requirements to spur it off don't really help as any hand cannon or shotgun can do you in before you can weapon swap. Lastly that mg sounds like it going to just be what the breakneck failed to be. A fast firing damage stacking tool. Just like breakneck except the mg has the mag capacity to actually do it. What happened to the player base you ask. Well millions of people need as many options to match play styles that very wildly. I don't think the base is ever going to come back up because base weapons aren't balanced and most are useless because of it. The shotgun meta is old and stale has been since D1. Remember to ammo Regen nerf on the invective to bring it under control. In the early days of D2 Crucible was in a good place. All weapons we're viable team size was lower movement speeds we're lower leaving open room to safely spawn. You could use any weapon and be just as successful as any other. There are always going to be issues but the basics of balance are off. How can you stack the scale evenly of the fulcrum sits to one side not centered. Just saying

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                • All these people complaining about stacked teams 💀 sounds like y’all need to get some friends

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                • Edited by Necrogen: 3/4/2019 6:54:52 PM
                  Keep cranking out that lore and show us how grand this story can really be.

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                • Hi ya Bungie doods, Hopefully Drifter season will be less frustrating than forges are. I still haven't completed 3rd or 4th forges. I really like Hammerhead and Ringing Nail weapons so my $11 wasn't wasted IMO but the rest of content was too aggravating for my old set of thumbs. The Last Word quest is still uncompleted as the final boss/bosses just kinda made me lose interest, after failing to shoot doods a few times I just failed to care anymore.... 😳 Anywhoo I'm looking forward to seeing what goodies are in store for Drifter season✌duece out.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Remove ‘no points’ during Legend in Gambit. It’s boring enough playing three resets for Dredgen. I don’t need another level of progression slow down from the game to drag it out.

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                  • 0

                    Is playing Shadow of the Erdtree - old

                    Lmao people are genuinely upset by a timer? It's a pretty standard way of adding intensity to an encounter. Almost all raid encounters are timed in some way yet I never hear complaints about that.

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                  • Please up the available handicap on nightfall, it will keep me entertained

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                  • Vault space increase coming in Jokers Wild?

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                  • When is this released?

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