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Clan Recruitment

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2/18/2019 2:35:50 PM

[PS4] the UnWanted - Adults US Based Clan - PvE, PvP, Endgame - Somewhere between Casual and Hardcore

We are a small US based PS4 clan looking to recruit a few new members. Our clan is made up of a tight knit group of guys who have been playing together since D1. All members are located in the US in the eastern and central time zones. We are all very active and highly experienced, D1 Beta players, in both PvE and PvP. We enjoy doing endgame activities from raiding to competitive PvP. We are all former members of large Dads of Destiny (DoD) clans who broke away to start our own clan. We understand the rigors of family life and the effects it can have on gaming schedules. We are only adding those that fit in with our culture. We like to joke and talk shit to one another, but at the end of the day we get stuff done. If you are interested please read the instructions below. Those who cannot follow directions or are unwilling; we are probably not the clan for you. We are not accepting blind requests to join. Please DM me with your PSN. Our policy is to have you hang out with us in party chat prior to extending a request to join. We want individuals that fit in with the rest of our group. The UnWanted is more than a clan to us, we are a brotherhood, a group of close friends first and foremost. We want those that join us to feel comfortable playing and communicating with all of us. We have all been in large clans (400+) members where you don’t know or play with 80% of the people in the clan. Our goal is not only to play Destiny but to also build lasting friendships. If you are interested in joining and building something far more than a clan send me a message.

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