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1/18/2019 6:08:43 PM

Bungie, please don't remove the community/gallery from the forums.

Dear Bungie, As you said (and what those of the community may have read about) in the new This Week At Bungie, the Destiny/Bungie forums are getting a big makeover. As a result of this, many of the sub-forums are being removed to streamline the forums in all. While I am glad for this, I have to ask that you keep some kind of community sub-forum, similar to the already existing one, but one that doesn't need to have the "gallery" subcategory. I know it isn't used as much as the general forums, but us writers, as well as people looking to put other creative works or other community projects into a fitting place in the forums, won't have a place to do so, and I'd argue that as important as streamlining this is, creativity and community in the... community is also extremely important. If you don't listen to this suggestion, that's ok. People can probably just get by putting it in the general Destiny or even Lore forums, but I feel like I and others might catch some flak, either just for writing fanfiction (terrible, I know) or for it not actually being "Lore." Whatever happens, I still want you to know that I think other than this, this new structure for the forums makes sense and is great. I just think this little change would be nice. Or something like it. Sincerely, A Titan with a ridiculous name.

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